No 4.2 today? (Friday)

4.2GM for the iPad is pretty much borked with the wifi issue being the most widespread of 'bugs' reported. Apple have had a ton of time to resolve this I am led to believe so why they haven't I don't know.

4.2GM was perfect on my iPad until 4 days ago when all of a sudden I couldn't connect to my router. I had completely forgotten about this issue despite hearing reports about it. A mate last night told me to to a 'network reset' on the pad, which sorted it out.
4.2 will most importantly bring airplay as above, and the game centre (Xbox Live clone) to the iPhone. Sadly there are a small handful of games at present that utilise it. Obviously that'll change quick though.
Didn't know they'd be new text alert sounds, YES!!

...oh wait, he says they're cack. :(

Didn't realise Airplay worked with YouTube or did audio for every app (albeit with delay), that's wild. I can leave Bloom/Air/Trope playing in the background...there's some possibilities there!
it fixes the repeating alarm bug which is driving me nuts. I am about to install GM to my diepad and diephone 4 to get around it but its just pain....
it fixes the repeating alarm bug which is driving me nuts. I am about to install GM to my diepad and diephone 4 to get around it but its just pain....

eh? you only have the set the alarm an hour early? admittedly, you would have thought apple could have got something as simple as an alarm clock right from the get go, but it's hardly the end of the world to have to set your alarm an hour early?! kinda blows the 'it just works' theory that i've been enjoying so much out the window though!
eh? you only have the set the alarm an hour early? admittedly, you would have thought apple could have got something as simple as an alarm clock right from the get go, but it's hardly the end of the world to have to set your alarm an hour early?! kinda blows the 'it just works' theory that i've been enjoying so much out the window though!

The alarm issue seems to have resolved itself now following the clocks going back in the US. My repeating alarm certainly works at the correct time on mine again, although I did have to delete it and re-add it on Monday to get it working correctly. I think you might be able to just amend the time and save it instead.
Be nice to have it next week, will only use the folders though tbh. And my jailbreak gives me folders so not a massive update for me.

Will be disabling multi tasking, printing I might use though very rarely.
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