No evidence for extraterrestrials, says White House

4 Apr 2003
No evidence for extraterrestrials, says White House

"The US government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race," wrote space policy expert Phil Larson of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

"In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."


I couldn't see a thread on this yet but are they telling the truth? I guess this won't change the views of anyone anyway and will probably just fuel the conspiracy theorists fire that the people at the top are withholding info.

Of course this obviously overlooks the hundreds of aliens who have already travelled millions of light years here just to probe a few citizens up the ~@##.
I keep getting into discussions with my 5 year old about aliens. She is adamant that they don't exist, whereas I am, as a scientist, agnostic on the matter.

My wife, on the other hand, perceives difficulties in Christianity if aliens exist, so she is adamant that they don't. I do not perceive this difficulty.
This will not change the minds of anyone and is pointless really. Change "aliens" for "God" and it'd have the same effect. People believe what they want to believe.
I keep getting into discussions with my 5 year old about aliens. She is adamant that they don't exist, whereas I am, as a scientist, agnostic on the matter.

My wife, on the other hand, perceives difficulties in Christianity if aliens exist, so she is adamant that they don't. I do not perceive this difficulty.

This isn't about the posibility of their existance though as the WH response acknowledges this.

A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.

Seems logical.
Pfft its all lies, how do they explain Paul then.... he's even been seen in Cinema's.
Apart from the odd dodgy video, discussions within the CT circles, and numerous hoaxes (which do nothing but discredit everything), has there ever been any substantiated evidence that ETs have visited earth?
The way i look at it is, we are sending 'objects' to other planets, so why can't the opposite be true? I don't believe for a second, that in this vast universe, we are the only occupants. That said, i'm no UFO nut either, can't claim to have ever seen one or anything like that!
Apart from the odd dodgy video, discussions within the CT circles, and numerous hoaxes (which do nothing but discredit everything), has there ever been any substantiated evidence that ETs have visited earth?

Crop Circles!!
There are thousands of pages of official documents on UFO and strange ariel phenomena.

However non of it points to the existence of aliens.

Time travellers or interdimentional beings is far more likely :)
In other news, sky described as "blue", fish rumoured to swim in the sea, and X-Factor results not disproportionately influenced by teenage girls with a desire to see their names tattooed on Frankie Corcoza's backside.

I was lucky. Erich von Daniken stole my innocence when I was very young. He led me down a long, wonderful path to the bottom of the garden, whipped out his massive postulates, made me open my mouth wide in awe, and then...

I grew up.

Even with FTL capability the universe is fairly large (compared to Guildford) and the chances of intelligent life finding us is slimmer than Posh Spice on a day trip to an event horizon. Still, everyone's entitled to dream a little and the idea of alien visitation is very attractive, no matter how statistically unlikely.
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