No Filler Albums

Royality said:
The Figurines - Skeleton
The Thermals - The Body, The Blood, The Machine
Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over The Sea
Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree
Tokyo Police Club - A Lesson In Crime (EP)
The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
Now, you're just making those up! :p
riddlermarc said:
Queen's A Night At The Opera, I can have that on repeat at work all day :)

Good man. :D

Great album. I can do it with that one as well as A Day at the Races and Innuendo.

Crowded House - Recurring Dream Limited Edition Live Album
Jools Holland Live
Eric Clapton: Unplugged

Deep Purple - In Rock
Sparks - Kimono My House
Montrose - 1st
Sex Pistols - Never Mind
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Queen - 1
Queen - 2

Those are just off the top of my head.
Children of Bodom - Follow The reaper
Nirvana - Nevermind
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral

I really want to say Appetite for Destruction but Anything Goes is terrible.
Stokesy said:
I really want to say Appetite for Destruction but Anything Goes is terrible.
How can you say that..?

Panties 'round your knees
With your ass in debris
Doin' dat grind
with a push and squeeze
Tied up, tied down,
up against the wall
Be my rubbermade baby
An' we can do it all

.. quality lyrics :p
riddlermarc said:
How can you say that..?

Panties 'round your knees
With your ass in debris
Doin' dat grind
with a push and squeeze
Tied up, tied down,
up against the wall
Be my rubbermade baby
An' we can do it all

.. quality lyrics :p

My way your way anything goes to ni-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght.

Great song!
divaboy said:
Oasis defiantly maybe

Not so much at the choice, but 'defiantly'. Brilliant! :D


No Trigger - Canyoneer
Rise Against - Revolutions Per Minute
Crime in Stereo - The Troubled Stateside
With Honor - The Journey/This Is Our Revenge (both oustanding)
Milloy - More than a machine
Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin (going to see these in Manchester on Friday!)
jakeke said:
Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights



The Cure - Disintegration
Paradise Lost - Host
The Lemonheads - It's a Shame About Ray

Also, i'm sure this will be deemed passe but

Radiohead - The Bends
Guybrush said:
The Cure - Disintegration

Hehe. I am a big The Cure fan but that album is one big filler around Pictures of You. With novelty addition of merrygoround tune "Lullaby". And so is every Cure album ever since.

For me each and every Marillion studio album with Fish had no filler.
Sisters of Mercy Floodland. Love every minute of it.
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