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No Post GTX 480 on Abit IP35



11 May 2003
London, UK
Well I spent most of today draining my old loop, removing and cleaning hardware and getting everything in the new 800D I purchased - finally I thought I'd have my 480 running after spending a week on the shelf...

Installed - Motherboard reports no problems but I get no video, no beeps and the machine continues to boot into Windows (with no display).

I changed around the PCI-E power cables within my limitations (the HX620 as only two dedicated plugs for this and I have no 2xmolex to PCI-E adapters) to no avail.

Any thoughts on anything else I can try? Or is this likely just to be a turkey?

I think the GTX480 could possibly be a PCI-E 2.0+ only graphics card, and I'm sure an IP35 doesn't have PCI-E 2 slots.
I think the GTX480 could possibly be a PCI-E 2.0+ only graphics card, and I'm sure an IP35 doesn't have PCI-E 2 slots.

It is a PCI-E 2 card but I had been informed that the card would work fine (but with obvious bandwidth restrictions)
So the machine boots into Windows, you just can't get any display?

Have you got another monitor or graphics card you can try?

It really sounds like a cable/monitor problem to me, if the card was broke it wouldn't boot?
So the machine boots into Windows, you just can't get any display?

Have you got another monitor or graphics card you can try?

It really sounds like a cable/monitor problem to me, if the card was broke it wouldn't boot?

Using the same cable/monitor now with my 8800GT plugged in, it kind of sounds like a power supply issue but I have all cabling connected, I also tried re-seating the card.
I would have thought a 620w PSU would be at the very least capable of booting a GTX480 in to windows and letting it run idly. Have you had any display what so ever with it? Does your PC post visually only for the screen to go blank towards the booting of Windows?
Sadly the PC only boots audibly (no visuals at all), if I had any sign of activity I'd be still tinkering :)
I'll try the other PCI slot now (its only 8x but its worth a shot) - it makes noises the lovely Windows 7 boot noises...
Tried the other slot - no joy. I've seen a few others with problems running 4xx cards on P35 boards yet others (including at least one on the exact same mobo as me) are running fine. Sadly an upgrade is going to cost me 400 even though I have a perfectly good CPU
Sounds like the card might be a turkey, you spoke to the retailer you bought it from yet?

Got it off a mate who is now in the states for a few weeks, I'll have to get someone else to try it to rule out my motherboard but I am assured it was working when I received it.
Best thing to do would be to try it in another system, that way you can completely rule it out.
Unfortunately I personally don't have many spare rigs any more, certainly none with enough juice for this card so failing any eureka moments from anyone on here I'll have to wait to rule that out or try and get my money back. Most annoyingly I've already purchased a 480 after market cooler that will arrive on Monday/Tuesday lol
Well I'd guess that you could try it in another PC with a low specced PSU because a low quality low power PSU should still at least be able to power a GTX 480 for posting and booting in to windows. It's just placing it under any sort of load that'd cause problems.
Could also try temporarily disconnecting anything not necessary to boot, just in case, IP35 is pretty good at whining about stuff missing though.
I may have accidentally ordered a P55/760/8gb solution to my problem :P I'll have to get rid of the old hardware though
Hey D if ya can get to me I would be more than happy to test yo GPU in my pc I have a 750W Corsair.

All so reset bios? or/and look on web site of the M/B and see if there is a bios update that enables yo GPU to work in yo M/B.

Let me know any ways I am here all week end.
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