Nobody playing Super Meat Boy?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
I'm surprised there was no official thread tbh, this is GOTY for me, such an amazing game, I've already sunk 40 hours into it :o

Anyone else completed it yet on here?

I'm up to the last boss on the light levels, haven't really been collecting many plasters or doing many of the dark levels yet, I want to get the main campaign out of the way first and then start picking away at the extra levels and collecting all the characters.

If your a great fan of plat-formers, old school Mario in particular then you'll love this, there is no denying that the game can be brutally hard at times but it leads into a kind of positive frustration where you keep wanting to come back for more, when you die you re-spawn back almost instantaneously so retrying those problematic levels is very easy.

The controls are also very tight, whenever you die you know it's your fault, after completing over 140 levels thus far and dying literally thousands of times I've never thought to myself that the game robbed me at any point at all.

Also the game is full of great retro midi styled music plus it pays homage to many great classic games.

You can listen to and purchase the soundtrack here - , No 6 is my favourite.

Reviews supplied by Metacritic - (91)
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It looks brilliant aye but I spent my last points on Sonic which isn't amazing tbh. 40 hours? That's a long time for an arcade game.
Played the demo and really enjoyed it. Think I'll grab this as I've had 800 points sat on my account for god knows how long now.
This is the only arcade game I'm looking forward to, but unfortunately I don't want to get it when I've got exams coming up, already addicted to new vegas.
Its awesome and frustrating at the same time. Need to get back to playing it, but PinballFX 2 has me grabbed at the moment.
I done the first world (light) last night after purchasing it. The game just oozes awesome, from the controls to the soundtrack.

I loved the Street Fighter 2 World Warrior parody at the start of the first world. :D
I liked it for a couple hours, but the very fact you know it's going to get progressively more difficult and take a lot longer to complete every level does bring out the chore factor.

And it seems like there's something very unhealthy about repeating the same movements over and over, left me feeling dizzy after one level because you have to focus so closely on the screen.
I picked this up when it first came out, absolutely beast of an arcade game. Only three or four Worlds in, but it's very fun :D
I played the demo and got annoyed after the first 3 or 4 levels. I simply don't have the patience for this game:o
Im terrible but i love it

Great game with one of the best sound tracks ive heard in an arcade game in a long time.

It is very difficult though and im rubbish. :(
I really want to purchase it but dont have the gaming time atm, with Fallout and Vanquish taking up all my spare time.
Played the demo and loved it. :)
Yep, I've been playing it on and off since release. I've got up to Rapture.
The music is awesome and it is very frustrating, but so addictive. Watching a replay after spending ages trying to finish a level is pretty rewarding :D
Haven't bothered with any of the warp zones or dark world yet, I'll leave those for a rainy day! But there's plenty of stuff to gnaw away at when you finally finish the game. Looking forward to seeing all the characters you can unlock.

All in all easily worth the price tag.
I got it and loved it. The best value Arcade game I've ever purchased. Got A+ on all Light and Dark World levels and completed it. All I have left to do is the warp hole for The Kid but I got Rock Band 3 so that's taken me away from it. I'll start playing again though when the title update is out.
I bought this this morning after reading this thread and watching a couple of reviews. Must've played about 15 levels before I had to leave for work, but I think I love it.

I loved Limbo too. I just hope this lasts a lot longer. I realise it's not all one level like Limbo was, but still... May have to wrap the controller in foam.
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