Non LLU? Plusnet Pro or ADSL24?

10 Jun 2005
Hi all,

I am moving away from Sky Connect due to their horrible throttling and terrible speeds. My exchange is pretty poor and the only LLU enabled ISP is talktalk but I don’t fancy going with them after hearing some horror stories!

I have been googling around and found the Plusnet Pro package and the ADSL24 ‘Home 30’ package for a similar price. Anyone had any experience with these guys? ADSL24 seems better value for money but I am not sure how they priorities traffic or how they manage/shape it. I know the Plusnet Pro package gives high priorities to everything but the 15gb pm usage puts me off a tad.

Is there any other ISP’s I have missed out that are good for non LLU exchanges? I just want consistent speeds throughout the day and decent pings and ideally not spend more than £20pm.

Many thanks
The priority will be the speed/pings and then the actual amount i download. If i need to download large files it is unlimited between 12:00am-8:00am.
Sorry forgot to add, the unlimited usage between 12:00am-8:00am applies to the Plusnet Pro package.

That is why i would like to know with someone from experience of using them if their speeds/pings with this package are dependable as any big downloads can be done over night.
currently for adsl24 its 12am - 8am and weekend (friday night through to monday morning).


i came across the following doing a search when i was looking to swtch to adsl24, check out which looks to be closest to you for an idea of how highly used they are (relates to entanet/adsl24 as i understand it) :

I am sort of in between the Milton Keynes and Stepney Green ones (distance to each almost identical).

edit: They both seem highly used.
all set to be switched to adsl24 on monday if all goes well, will let you know how it goes.

Thanks :)

At the moment i am swaying to Plusnet as they seem to manage their traffic better but i do like ADSL24's 1 month rolling contract and larger download cap for the same price.
Thanks for the updates :)

I am giving Sky a ring tonight and see what position i am in.

Looks likely i will try ADSL24 for a month and see how they are.
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