North Korea

Not if it's on a suicide mission. Russian subs are always in sneaking into UK waters. It would be quite easy for one of them to attack us if it wanted to. Whats stopping a NK submarine doing the same?

Russian subs have a far higher level of stealth capability - NK subs have pretty much none - even switched to electric power they have very limited range/performance and are very very detectable.

EDIT: NK developing SLBM platforms is a very real danger but its quite a lot longer down the road than their other advances.
Not if it's on a suicide mission. Russian subs are always in sneaking into UK waters. It would be quite easy for one of them to attack us if it wanted to. Whats stopping a NK submarine doing the same?

When I was researching North Korean submarines, they are seen as "coastal" types. So are not suited for deep water or far out to sea. They have limited travel range on top of that.

They had some decent Russian submarines from the Soviet Union but they got retired.

That said, it's possible they could try to stack more fuel on one or try a resupply mission.

But still, their submarines are pretty bad and should be easy trackable by our technology, that said, anything is possible.
US Defence Secretary warns of potential "Massive" response.

"Any threat to the United States or its territories - including Guam - or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming."

I'm not sure where I stand on this - Clearly sanctions and press statements condemning NKs actions aren't hitting the spot... but I can't help but think that pre-emptive measures (strategic or otherwise) will end in a much more serious conflict.
I'm not sure it isn't just words to try and reassure allies - its past the point of talking if they are going to take direct military action and we've long established now that NK won't be intimidated by tough talk and isn't interested in negotiations any more as the US largely has nothing to offer it is interested in.
I think North Korea is key in destabilizing that entire region, and will be the catalyst for a war over the South China seas. Hence why China aren't taking much of a stance at the moment. They want the US to be seen as the aggressors in all this.
I've never understood why the US don't just drop a MOAB when they're doing a military parade, wipe out the dictatorship and military all in one go.
the threats north korea have been getting from america, it would be silly of them not to develop the most destructive weapons they could. look at past countries who didnt have weapons

Exactly. Pretty much the only reason NK has not been invaded yet is because of "MAD", upgraded now by their potential ability to defend themselves with nuclear weapons, rather than just artillery at SK cities.

EDIT: And a bit of chinese protection too.

US Defence Secretary warns of potential "Massive" response.

"Any threat to the United States or its territories - including Guam - or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming."

I'm not sure where I stand on this - Clearly sanctions and press statements condemning NKs actions aren't hitting the spot... but I can't help but think that pre-emptive measures (strategic or otherwise) will end in a much more serious conflict.

And those threats will just make the NK leadership decide even more strongly that they need more defensive capability. Which will mean more development of nukes etc, and more threats from the US ad infinitum.

I've never understood why the US don't just drop a MOAB when they're doing a military parade, wipe out the dictatorship and military all in one go.

Because thankfully they aren't stupid - even if they have the technology to do it with enough stealth in the first place.
I think North Korea is key in destabilizing that entire region, and will be the catalyst for a war over the South China seas. Hence why China aren't taking much of a stance at the moment. They want the US to be seen as the aggressors in all this.
But, the US are the aggressors.
NK are only a threat because they can fight back.
I've never understood why the US don't just drop a MOAB when they're doing a military parade, wipe out the dictatorship and military all in one go.

Lots and lots of civilians plus press from around the world especially China invited. Also more recently he has been using body doubles apparently which makes it harder to make sure they get him.

There are probably something like 20,000 civilians inside the potential kill radius of a MOAB at these events - probably wouldn't go down very well.

Pyongyang has fairly decent air defence as well - potentially capable of downing even stealth aircraft by sheer volume of fire - especially now they have something roughly equivalent to the s-300 platform with improved data links to long wavelength radar.
Because thankfully they aren't stupid - even if they have the technology to do it with enough stealth in the first place.

I think in the case of North Korea appeasement is quite stupid. It's more a matter of what they'll do to the regional non communist/US allied countries like South Korea and Japan rather than the US though.
Whelp so SK responds with a simulated attack on the NK nuclear testing site - all that does is show their impotence and embolden the north :s
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