Not new to Overclockers but new to forums

18 Jun 2021
Howdy all, first post on the forums, have been using OC for my pc parts for years now, just never got round to joining the forums etc.

Little about me, im phil, 36 from south uk, love my tech, currently studying for a career changing move into software development.
Thank you no_idea_what, has been a long time since i have properly used a forum. Use to have set up some good old phpbb system many moons ago for a gaming community i was helping run. Honestly didnt think these things still existed these days
Forums are definitely dying off, it's mostly the big well established forums that keep going, the smaller more niche ones were killed off by Facebook groups.

Ps my username is @no idea what :p Capodencia is a user title automatically given by post count.
Ps my username is @no idea what :p Capodencia is a user title automatically given by post count.

I noticed directly after posting and hit edit right away, shows how long it has been since using the forum format lol, it is a shame as forums where epic back in the day and i have to agree it is forums like this which will carry on. If not a facebook ground then a community discord takes over from the forums as such
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