Not overly impressed with Sigma 10-20mm

20 Oct 2002
London Town
First impressions after taking a gig of pics along the south bank last night are that yes it's w i d e but looking through them, the lens is not especially sharp. Am also very concerned about the quality of images at 100%, there is very little detail.

It was later afternoon and so most of the images were takes at 1/200 and below, and they I think all were at F7 and below however, so I need to do some more testing at a higher app and with faster shutter to rule out camera shake - this is the first no IS lens have used in a year :eek:

at 10mm what is the minimum F stop needed for infitity focus?
yep will do later this evening or tomorrow more likely. Has anyone got any tips on how to get the best of of this lens?

I knew I would be slightly disappointed since I have a 24-105 L, which is the one the sharpest and details lens around, but...

Anyway am willing to give it a couple more goes. What's annoying is that am going to NYC next week for business and I know I will probably end up getting a 10-22 just to see if it's better :rolleyes:
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ok I have posted a couple of samples - TBH i can't make my mind up! Some of them look fine, and one thing is for certain, close up, this lens is possibly even sharper than my L lens - took a self portrait the the level of detail is scary (won't post here lol :eek: )

Please give me your comments on the below - do they look ok to you all in terms on PQ?

NOTE These direct RAW conversions with NO POST SHARPENING



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