NTL 10mb

19 May 2003
Basically, my brother wants to get NTL's 10mb service in his new house, and I just had a few questions to ask on his behalf.

1. How long does it take to install? As in, how long after the engineer comes will the internet be up and running? Is there any sort of 10 day trial period like ADSL max?

2. How close to 10mb speeds will you actually get? Im assuming it's affected by where you live and what time of day it is, but are speeds generally decent, and do they actually ever approach 10mb?

3. Whats a decent wireless cable router?

Cheers :)
ok ntl staffer here :) with 10meg

how long to install. How longs a piece of string sometimes its within 48 hours sometimes it can take 2 weeks depends on the area.

how long till its working, should be on the button no more than 2 hours after install and everything should be up and running

3 how fast. well i get mine to hit 1300KB on torrents :) and it will sit at that most of the day maybe ocassionaly dipping down to 1100 during peak times (
greenlizard0 said:
What's their fair use policy like? We don't ever use illegal crap in our house yet we're under the 20kbs download rule (which is 24/7 and not even peak hours..).

dont have one anymore as far as i am aware... they got rid of it when they did the last speed upgrade.
Cheers for the reply mate. Could a few other people chip in if possible with the sort of speeds they are seeing?
When I first upgraded to 10Mb from NTL's news server (a few days after it was available) I was getting constant download speeds of 10Mb/s. Only lasted for about a month and since then I struggle to get above 6-7Mb/s from the newserver.

Don't download much from elsewhere, IRC usually tops out at around 5Mb/s no matter how many downloads I have going. But the odd patch or download off the web will reach 10Mb/s
I have NTL 10mbit and

during peak times it drops down to about 500 700

off peak its 1200 non stop from the right places.

I live in NE london so its expected. It will depend a lot on your location, but I know many users that get full whack 24/7

Overall im very happy with it

pings are slightly higher than ADSL for gaming i never get below 30ms anymore but i can live with it.
I get 1150 to 1200KB/sec almost all the time, even in peak hours which is rather nice. I also get 10 to 15ms pings on average, to UK servers so I'm more than happy with mine.
I want NTL cos i can only get 1mb max ASDL in this area.

My dad had NTL but he ows £140 so he got cut off.

Would i be able to order NTL ok under my own name/debitcard if its the same address? Or does it work off the address, and not the name
i have ntl 4 mb, when i am downlaoding from my server in the data centre, i get on average about 600kbs transfer

i also heard that with ntl / telewest, it doesnt make any difference how far away you are from an excahnge, its not like bt, and works diferently??
im sure if i am wrong there the experts can correct me,
Camalot said:
Would i be able to order NTL ok under my own name/debitcard if its the same address? Or does it work off the address, and not the name

NTL have begun syncing credit policy with TW and as such you are likely to be linked to the debt based on occupancy at the same property at the same time. It's still probably worth calling and making a request for service as the worst they are likely to ask for is a deposit of £100.

BTW Sormicoft, last night you were an ex NTL employee, did they fire you and re-hire you in the space of 24hours ?
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