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Let me prefix this by saying I sympathise, I really do, but spitting out your dummy with petulant demands will get you nowhere. As others told me when I felt equally frustrated, vote with your wallet. Cancel your order and get it form elsewhere otherwise, just like myself, you need to resign yourself to the simple fact that demanding a card will get you nowhere. You either wait it out, as I have chosen to do (minus the anger) or you cancel, those are your two choices right now.

I was asking a question, which i am entitled to do. I do not have no wait it out minus the anger. What i asked is very valid and fair due to stock being available in continental Europe.

I made great efforts to battle the scalpers on launch night. I would have had my card already if OCUK didn't allow queue swapping/jumping initially.

If you want to quietly wait, that is on you. But i will use my right to ask the ASUS representative where my card is.

I would like you to point out my "petulant demand"
in your vague beermat estimate, what sort of timeframe would you guess before ASUS can supply OCUK with 200-odd Non-OC TUFs?
I'll try to get more feedback on this specific card as orders are high, we are talking weeks but I'll try and get a better update.

Since I purchased the card on release date I've been on 10th position (until your non-apology tweet the other day that got me bumped to 8th) for a non-OC TUF 3080, so it's quite clear to me that the number of cards of this specific model that you have supplied to OCUK is ZERO.

Two months, zero cards.

So when you ask for feedback, ask when are they going to START supplying the cards, not just for numbers.

Hey I understand that a business has to make money, and OC versions give a better margin to Asus, fair enough, but we cannot be talking weeks, we are talking months already, to the point that AMD is going to release the 6800 series in hours, not months, not weeks. So I hope that you get that feedback soon because if the AMD reviews are good and Asus doesn't provide concise information I'm cancelling my order.

And be sure that if I purchase a Radeon, is not going to be Asus.
Does anyone know how far the TUF OC queue has moved in the last few weeks? What was your queue position on the 1st email and on the most recent update?

At least four cards shipped a week ago today. We think the exact number is 4 (I was 3rd and got mine, and some guy at #339 got a card for reasons unknown) but no one else in the top 10 really posts.

EDIT: whoops, I'm talking about non-OC sorry
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Since I purchased the card on release date I've been on 10th position (until your non-apology tweet the other day that got me bumped to 8th) for a non-OC TUF 3080, so it's quite clear to me that the number of cards of this specific model that you have supplied to OCUK is ZERO.

Two months, zero cards.

So when you ask for feedback, ask when are they going to START supplying the cards, not just for numbers.

Hey I understand that a business has to make money, and OC versions give a better margin to Asus, fair enough, but we cannot be talking weeks, we are talking months already, to the point that AMD is going to release the 6800 series in hours, not months, not weeks. So I hope that you get that feedback soon because if the AMD reviews are good and Asus doesn't provide concise information I'm cancelling my order.

And be sure that if I purchase a Radeon, is not going to be Asus.
Since I purchased the card on release date I've been on 10th position (until your non-apology tweet the other day that got me bumped to 8th) for a non-OC TUF 3080, so it's quite clear to me that the number of cards of this specific model that you have supplied to OCUK is ZERO.

Two months, zero cards.

So when you ask for feedback, ask when are they going to START supplying the cards, not just for numbers.

Hey I understand that a business has to make money, and OC versions give a better margin to Asus, fair enough, but we cannot be talking weeks, we are talking months already, to the point that AMD is going to release the 6800 series in hours, not months, not weeks. So I hope that you get that feedback soon because if the AMD reviews are good and Asus doesn't provide concise information I'm cancelling my order.

And be sure that if I purchase a Radeon, is not going to be Asus.

Please don't take this the wrong way but whilst I think everyone is angry do you really AMD supply will be much better? Because I don't..
Please don't take this the wrong way but whilst I think everyone is angry do you really AMD supply will be much better? Because I don't..
I think you may have to eat your own hat on that one.

I'm not saying there will be a card for everyone on the 18th for team red, but the situation will be nowhere near the shambles of Nvidias launch.
Hi all, thanks for understand and your kind words! I'll try to cover everything below as I've had loads of questions come through at once. Sorry if this is not good formatting but just means I didn't miss anything hopefully.

Hi, how many gpu's for each model can we reasonably expect to see in say the next two weeks? I'm at position 139 for a TUF OC currently.
I would like to say yes, but we provide the cards and forecasts to OCUK and they would need to confirm.

second any ideas on rough numbers and dates? / are you able to provide any numbers of specific cards heading here?
We are bringing in hundreds in every GPU segment every week, but backorders are large so its tough to confirm dates. We are giving dealers notice on incoming shipments to let them plan ahead and be aware before stock lands.

I think one of the questions we would like answered is what exactly is the cause of the low production quantities?
As Nvidia has stated the demand has been much higher than anticipated. Nvidia and ASUS want to fulfill orders as soon as possible so are working hard to resolve.

I think the answers most people are looking for are timescales, as in what are they? Some more on the way could be a vague as they're leaving the manufacturing plant and still be weeks/months away from the reseller.
We're bringing in hundreds of cards and working to give notice, and stock is landing every week now on almost every GPU.

Polite request but could you please check @Gibbo definition on sizes of deliveries in his thread and work to those by any chance. It appears that you stated that a "very large" delivery was received into OC last week yet they only shipped 35 cards to customers in that queue and that is causing more questions/frustrations than answers...As always your help is appreciated!!! Very large is 100+ by his estimation 35 is "ok" by his estimation.
Thank you and agreed, sorry still catching up.

If possible to get dates and figures for these incoming cards you'll likely save a lot of posts being generated and headache for those waiting as well as yourself!
Because I'm unable to comment on backorders and fulfillment through the supply chain, I could actually get this wrong. And my biggest concern would be setting your expectations and getting it wrong. So I'd rather OCUK provide the information, but I'll check with Gibbo around this.

I am only around 58th in the queue. I assume the next shipment (which will be the first one since launch) will be big enough so I get my card? Is there any indication when the shipment will be, in November?
Finally please clarify the current RMA arrangement ASUS has with OcUK in as much detail as you can. Thank you.

I'd be optimistic this will be fulfilled soon, but at the moment OCUK will confirm with you.

Around the warranty we offer 3 years, and the procedure and terms are set by OCUK, so I'd refer to them for guidance.

in your vague beermat estimate, what sort of timeframe would you guess before ASUS can supply OCUK with 200-odd Non-OC TUFs?
I'll try to get more feedback on this specific card as orders are high, we are talking weeks but I'll try and get a better update.
Thanks for the info buddy
£100 more RRP? For a Palit? :confused::rolleyes:
Yup i hate waiting and like the design better to be honest lol id prob not see the eagle till feb march at the current rate if lucky and at the min iam currently working reduced hrs till start of march then back full time and wont get time to use the pc so £100 for me is a bargin i take you dont like palit lol

ive been waiting from 17th sep.
The whole post is essentially just that, and everyone praises them like they're saints.
Like trying to get a straight answer out of a politician! be surprised if anything changes, its not funny anymore! get the bloody cards in and delivered! bloody excuses and drivel, knock it on the head and deliver nvidia,asus and OCUK! :eek:
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