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My latest queue position is 899 after waiting 22 weeks (155 days). A 155 day gestation duration puts me in the range of a baby goat (Wikipedia) ;-)

Asus GeForce RTX 3080 TUF Gaming 10GB GDDR6X PCI-Express Graphics Card

Oct 23 - 2196
Oct 30 - 1958
Nov 6 - 1826
Nov 13 - 1674
Nov 20 - 1583
Nov 27 - 1477
Dec 4 - 1438
Dec 11 - 1385
Dec 19 - 1329
Dec 24 - 1285
Jan 8 - 1147
Jan 15 - 1130
Jan 22 - 1104
Jan 29 - 1084
Feb 5 - 1009
Feb 12 - 977
Feb 19 - 968
Feb 26 - 961
Mar 5 - 953
Mar 12 - 943
Mar 19 - 919
Mar 26 - 899
Nah mate, went long enough waiting, not gonna cancel and then have to stalk a website for ages to spend another like 300 ontop of the MSRP to get one now.
If I’m honest I think cancelling is a stupid idea. It’s understandable if you get another card or need the money for something but you’ve waited so long already, that money has been gone for months so what’s a few more? Stay strong I hope people get their cards
If I’m honest I think cancelling is a stupid idea. It’s understandable if you get another card or need the money for something but you’ve waited so long already, that money has been gone for months so what’s a few more? Stay strong I hope people get their cards
Ya at this stage that money is long gone, and isn't needed. Im fine waiting since my 1070 is still working and it will eventually come.
Ya at this stage that money is long gone, and isn't needed. Im fine waiting since my 1070 is still working and it will eventually come.
I bought the rtx3080 for a build I started in September, I ended up getting a brand new rx580 8gb for £150 as a stand in. It’s a great card for the price and has since gone up in value! I’m new to custom PCs but I already have a case swap ready and some extra accessories for when my rtx finally comes CANT WAIT
Any Irish customers who switched their returned dpd order to DHL have their card 're shipped yet? I reordered just 2 weeks ago now and was told it would be sent as soon as they unpack it and repack it from the original order. Not really giving out no idea how many orders they have to repack just haven't heard anything aside from 2 new que emails I was told to ignore that I'm at the end of again now.
Any Irish customers who switched their returned dpd order to DHL have their card 're shipped yet? I reordered just 2 weeks ago now and was told it would be sent as soon as they unpack it and repack it from the original order. Not really giving out no idea how many orders they have to repack just haven't heard anything aside from 2 new que emails I was told to ignore that I'm at the end of again now.
I remember seeing something about the amount of orders. It's a lot....
Obviously for ROI We also need to sort out the VAT situation and that seems to suggest that we are going to have to unpack, refund VAT, reprint the documents and repack hundreds of parcels. I'm not sure exactly how many orders are affected but I have seen at at least seven full pallet loads that are quarantined in the warehouse waiting on the solution.
Its a mess! :(

As I just put in another thread we are investigating and going to trial a voucher system, shall probably start in a hidden part of forum though where only those with high post count can see, if it works OK we shall then open it up here.
Forum members, old and new plus those browsing need to realise, if you go and post stuff on other sites, chat rooms etc then we can no longer try to help you guys out, unfortunately the few spoil it for everyone.

Glad you going ahead with one of my ideas, is way to go in my opinion.

I suspect 3080 products are being scaled back for Ti variant, why sell a product @£800 + when you can potentially use that same chip or components needs for the cheaper card in a £1,000 product.

No doubt this is happening, I expect only chips that dont meet 3080ti standard are going into 3080s now. Personally I cannot defend this, Nvidia morals are totally wrong to work on a ti whilst is outstanding 3080 orders.

These tech companies have a mindset entrenched that they must keep pushing out new products to give the appearance of progression.

This is what Linus thinks about supply issues.

Apparently we are the problem. Demand is driving the market.

Problem is these youtubers are been fed by their review partners which is mostly the aib partners, personally I think the partners are not been entirely honest.

When a manufacturer is claiming demand is the problem, it translates to "we didnt have enough manufacturing capacity in place and misread the market."

I still don't get it. Scalpers are operating at the point of retail purchase.
Everyone keeps saying it's a demand problem.

But the stock shipped to that point of retail purchase (OcUK, Asus TUF 3080 OC) has dropped from maybe 100 per week to almost zero to 5 per week.

If it's a demand problem, then either someone is syphoning off those cards before they get to OcUK and selling/allocating them to someone else e.g. other retailers that are allowing new orders as opposed to fulfilling backorders, or there is a production problem that has reduced the overall ship rate by 95%.

Nothing else is logical.

The truth has been partially explained by Nvidia themselves, which almost all youtubers have failed to mention (as they obsessed with saying what their partners tell them to say).

Nvidia explained they have to pre book fab manufacturing slots, they misread the demand and expected they could make enough chips to cover lifetime demand of the product within first few months of launch, now they in a position where they need to book more capacity and given the global capacity problem this has clearly proved difficult, so I expect their manufacturing capacity has nosedived after the initial production runs. This came from the CEO himself in a report to investors.

Now we have also the problem of chips been siphoned off for 3080ti cards, no doubt this is happening, Nvidia wont like the idea they selling 3080s for less then they can get away with, so a new SKU fixes that.

The next part of my reply is the more controversial where I believe AIB partners have been supplying large mining operations directly, which reduces what gets sent to retailers. That Nvidia FE is out supplying board partners is very telling, especially when not a single large mining operation has been known to use FE cards.

Scalpers is a problem that I think will be long lasting, retailers need to adapt their practices to it as else its never going away. I like the post from Gibbo about the voucher scheme for high post count members, all retailers need to adopt similar policies.
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@Gibbo @ScottiB just need something clearing up, I phoned ocuk office to check my queue position on Wednesday 24th at 15:30 because I stopped receiving emails, up on this call one of your colleagues notified me that I could upgrade from a 3080 gaming x, to a rtx 3080 suprim x for a extra £400 I ended up going for the upgrade. Received my card the next day, everything was good until I discovered this forum and noticed people were getting free upgrades from gaming x to suprim x and even other 3070 cards.
He is considering vouchers for high post count members to be given out in a hidden forum, kind of like how MM is hidden.
how many is a high post count though? I only joined to when the cards came out, and only reply here when I'm I'm usually after after a few cans. Generally not a "chatty" person on forums. seems setting a number will block a good few perspective clients. There is surely a more technically advanced way to stop scalpers, or bots by blocking traffic like banning certain IPs or types of requests coming to the servers. I don't know how the bots work tbh, I'd love to so we can come up with better ideas.

What counts as high post count?
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@Gibbo @ScottiB just need something clearing up, I phoned ocuk office to check my queue position on Wednesday 24th at 15:30 because I stopped receiving emails, up on this call one of your colleagues notified me that I could upgrade from a 3080 gaming x, to a rtx 3080 suprim x for a extra £400 I ended up going for the upgrade. Received my card the next day, everything was good until I discovered this forum and noticed people were getting free upgrades from gaming x to suprim x and even other 3070 cards.
Hi when did you call up and get your upgrade?
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