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20 Nov 2020

“Nobody at OcUK has the time to monitor the general forum threads and answer specific questions about specific orders, especially at this time of the year, but when the same question is asked multiple times every day, in the same thread, it's very tempting, and often necessary, to just start ignoring them.

I'm not picking at you specifically, there are hundreds of people following this thread and the number of repeated questions is bonkers. I've had to repeat myself at least six times in the last couple of hours in this one thread alone so I can definitely understand why Gibbo is reluctant to get involved every day.”

And yet Gibbo is on other forums talking about cars he is buying, most probably with the money from customers of OC, many of who are in this thread wondering where there order is?
27 Nov 2020
so it sounds like OCUK are reselling cards customers have already paid for by putting them in builds and selling them, doesn't really matter what else gets said, im still sitting with my money out of my bank and went down 7 places in last 4 weeks, yet since launch my cards prob been put in builds for them to be sold. surely people who have paid and are in the que come first? ill never purchase a thing from here again.
21 Sep 2020
right, 3080 Eagle OC I assume? It must be because you wouldn't be so untrusting if it was one of the others.

I've logged back in, the joys of remote working.
Please note everyone, I'm not going to get into the habit of doing this so pleeeease don't ask.

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Eagle OC - GX-1BV-GI

789 back orders currently, 90 shipped since launch, not a single one used in SI (like I said, it's not one of the options on any system), 22 due next week on a pallet direct from Gigabyte (I don't have an exact date)

& In the spirit of full disclosure last month we also received a whopping 8 pcs of a non-OC Eagle which we've never listed, which was allocated for SI use.

Yes , no problems with any other card then? TUF and strix all good then? Eagle isn't the only queue that has hardly moved.

So I will be going down 11 places in the queue then next week? When we hear 22 coming we do a calculation that probably half will be released to the queue, because that is about average per past performance. When 50 are coming, we get 20 to 30 maybe. We had gibbo telling another thread (not this thread, he doesn't talk to us), that over 1500 3080s had been sent out a week or 2 ago, so I guess he is saying nearly 2000 by now. Not to these queues they haven't.

I don't want to shoot the messenger, it should be Gibbo that handles this. Kudos to you for taking the time. Shame he left it for so long that any possibility of any positivity towards OC, for many including me, is now almost negligible.

I chose to buy the 3080 from you for 2 reasons that were in some way related. You are more local to me than the retailers in the North and I like to support local businesses when I can(I buy a lot of stuff from a competitor of yours in the West Mids). I had been looking to buy some things from you for a while so when I saw you had 3080s at launch then I knew that was the ideal time to test you out. Ordinarily I drive past Stoke most weeks at least once and thought it would be good to have another store that I can drop into, like I can with my local one. That is now not going to happen, I could not have envisaged 11 weeks ago just how bad things would be.
25 Oct 2012
right, 3080 Eagle OC I assume? It must be because you wouldn't be so untrusting if it was one of the others.

I've logged back in, the joys of remote working.
Please note everyone, I'm not going to get into the habit of doing this so pleeeease don't ask.

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Eagle OC - GX-1BV-GI

789 back orders currently, 90 shipped since launch, not a single one used in SI (like I said, it's not one of the options on any system), 22 due next week on a pallet direct from Gigabyte (I don't have an exact date)

& In the spirit of full disclosure last month we also received a whopping 8 pcs of a non-OC Eagle which we've never listed, which was allocated for SI use.
You have done more then enough today put the laptop down and enjoy your weekend. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to anwser everyone’s questions

Deleted member 236143


Deleted member 236143

ScottiB lad has said all we should need to know.

The constant idea that OCUK is the bad guy in this conspiracy to stop you getting a card for Cyberpunk or even xmas or even before you have to go back to work or most likely school, is madness.

Read the tech news. A year ago concerns over supplies in components especially memory were vouched.
The US meddling with China trade was causing issues for supply chains in big tech.
The fact Sony and Microsoft last year place a huge mahoooosive order on component parts for their new toys.
All before the arrival of covid and the slow down that followed.

Before Nvidia even launched. Before Samsung even started producing the silicon for the GPUs covid hit a slowdown. So there was already a lot of backordering to be fulfilled.

Now Nvidia are at about what 7 to 10% of meeting current demand.

Demand total.

There is a port issue in the UK at Felixstowe. That is having a huge impact and container ships have had to port in Europe.

There is a massive lack of class C+E drivers in the UK. This is why you are seeing stories of DPD vans and the like trying to carry the cargo that an artic truck would normally carry.

Cargo transport is rapidly being took over for vaccines. Taking transport slots away from commerce.

The yields from Samsung and the move to TSMC are below expectation.

3080 20 GB is coming.
A Titan will come probably late 2021 for developers.

The Ti cards will be on the 7nm node and may not be until late 2021. Depending on all factors going on already.

And for the UK. Brexit still is to come and could really affect movement of trade.

But for some – OCUK said they had this card but they did not then I moved down the queue a bit and it looks like they had 100s of them but kept it from me.
Then you finally realise – OCUK that Scotti and Gibbo fella are in fact Illuminati.
They are part of a Russian Chinese cabal to stop us getting good things.

I love the interweb – forums are the best.

Never mind reality and the real world. I just want my thing!!!
:cool: Cards are coming in time - dont`t worry be happy
OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
Yes , no problems with any other card then? TUF and strix all good then?
No they aren't all good, far from it, I'd love to have free stock but that's beyond our control.

Asus have the biggest issues of all brands because they are truly global (unlike most of the others) and also, in most regions, first choice for most of the retail market. I dread to think where their total global 3080 back order number actually sits.

We definitely aren't getting as many Asus cards as we expected but we're a key UK partner for Nvidia and Asus so I'm confident that we're getting a fair chunk of the UK stock....so either Nvidia aren't giving enough to Asus or Asus aren't giving enough to their UK team. Again, I'd be guessing if I were to suggest which.
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29 Sep 2020
@Gibbo and @ScottiB @ASUS GPU Support

I've been waiting on a ASUS ROG STRIX 3080 OC since ordering it on September 17th, just after 2pm.
I'm currently 109 in the queue.
I know from looking back through announced deliveries that you have by your own words only received 44 ASUS ROG Strix 3080 OC cards, and that all of them were received in mid-October and that since then according to your announcements you have received no more.
And yet despite that people have been saying they have been getting them as part of machine builds from you after that date. Are those customers lying?
From announced numbers, the only reason for my improving position is more than 90 cancelations of orders by people ahead of me in the queue.
ASUS ROG UK announced on twitter https://twitter.com/ASUS_ROGUK/status/1327190079572422657?s=20 that ROG Strix OC cards would be delivered to the UK in significant numbers by the end of November and that there would be frequent and clear announcements through their UK retail partners of actual numbers being delivered.
Why aren't there and haven't there been any ASUS ROG STRIX 3080 OC cards delivered to OCUK since mid October?
Why have there been no frequent and clear announcements of proposed numbers of ASUS ROG STRIX 3080 OC cards to be delivered and proposed dates of delivery from either ASUS ROG or OCUK?
Why is there a complete lack of the transparency promised on delivery numbers for all types of ASUS cards including the ROG Strix 3080 OC?
29 Sep 2020
@ScottiB thanks for the quick reply. Even if it doesn't help much as I'm uncertain what you mean by "yield issue" Wouldn't mind being educated as to what that might be. I will take it as read that any reply is a supposition and not an actual definitive reason for the delays.

Edit - Never mind, I looked it up on the internet(tm) ;) Basically card production failures might be the possible issue for the tiny numbers of ROG Strix 3080 OC cards?
16 Aug 2017
I started with OcUK in 2005 and, apart from ongoing tweaks and bug fixes we are still using the same software.
It was all written in house to do specific jobs and whilst it is really intuitive to use, it's not very 'powerful'.

Damn, that sounds exactly like the store I worked for (about the size of OcUK I reckon) - we also used our own in-house written system. Though over 5+ years it evolved quite a bit, it was still not that "powerful", as you said. Maybe by now it's better, it's been few years since I left. :) But customers rarely have any idea what stores like that have to work with, imagining it's all super easy to change and make as powerful as desired with a snap of a finger. Reality is, it's not - it takes months to write, test and then deploy into production, even with relatively small changes. Any silly missed bug can cause huge loses if not caught early.
OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
@ScottiB thanks for the quick reply. Even if it doesn't help much as I'm uncertain what you mean by "yield issue" Wouldn't mind being educated as to what that might be. I will take it as read that any reply is a supposition and not an actual definitive reason for the delays.
Put as simply as I can. Each GPU in the 3000 series range will use essentially the same silicon. Silicon is an organic compound which is grown rather than manufactured and because it's organic, the quality varies and it's measurable. Generally the lower quality silicon gets put aside for the slower cards. By yield problems I mean that the quality of the silicon currently being used for the higher spec cards might not be good enough for Asus to achieve the ambitious overclocks and so this limits how many cards they can produce.

However, if that was the case, I would have expected a massive influx of non-OC strix, which hasn't happened, so maybe there's a component shortage in play
16 Aug 2017
We received 10 units about this time last month & that was the last delivery. I know that I can't answer why, I doubt Gibbo can either. I am concerned that there may be a yield issue, but, I'm just guessing.
We just have to hope that there's some coming next week.

There's news out there already, where NVidia themselves said it's not just yield issues with GPUs or memory themselves (but that is a factor too). It's also a lot of other components being in short supply. And the latter would hit AMD likely just as much, which is possibly why their supply is bad currently too.
20 Oct 2020
@ScottiB Thanks for taking some time to talk to us.

Being in a queue for one of the more popular orders (day 1 for MSI trio position 325), I'm wondering what will happen as some of the smaller queues start to be completed. With those cards eventually becoming available, and newer models being released like the msi suprim, do you think you'll be putting those cards on general sale (with a heads-up?), or maybe offer them to the longer queues?... either by offering upgrades (we pay the extra ofc) or by moving to a similar value card?

I appreciate that's maybe a bit down the line, but just wondering if it's something that is possible?
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4 Dec 2020
Is there any new on the 3080 MSI Ventus 3x OC?
In the past 3 weeks I have moved down 1 place (assuming someone got bored of waiting and cancelled).
The annoying thing is that when I purchased the card it was 'in stock' and not a pre-order, only to find out once my money had been taken it was a pre-order.
21 Sep 2020
No they aren't all good, far from it, I'd love to have free stock but that's beyond our control.

Asus have the biggest issues of all brands because they are truly global (unlike most of the others) and also, in most regions, first choice for most of the retail market. I dread to think where their total global 3080 back order number actually sits.

We definitely aren't getting as many Asus cards as we expected but we're a key UK partner for Nvidia and Asus so I'm confident that we're getting a fair chunk of the UK stock....so either Nvidia aren't giving enough to Asus or Asus aren't giving enough to their UK team. Again, I'd be guessing if I were to suggest which.

I have no doubt that you are getting your fair chunk of the cards, of course you are. Shame then that that fair chunk hasn't been sent out to the thousands that have been waiting for months. No doubt you have had a few thousand cards in, but sadly only a fraction of those have gone out to the queues. Gibbo claimed weeks ago that you have dispatched over 1500 cards then, that may be true. Just these queues at that time had received only half of that at most.
16 Aug 2017
I have no doubt that you are getting your fair chunk of the cards, of course you are. Shame then that that fair chunk hasn't been sent out to the thousands that have been waiting for months. No doubt you have had a few thousand cards in, but sadly only a fraction of those have gone out to the queues. Gibbo claimed weeks ago that you have dispatched over 1500 cards then, that may be true. Just these queues at that time had received only half of that at most.

I believe when they said 1500 cards they meant including day one, when they sold majority of these, even before queues formed. You seem to be ignoring initial stock in your assumption, which is why it doesn't seem to make sense to you.
9 Oct 2020
ScottiB lad has said all we should need to know.

The constant idea that OCUK is the bad guy in this conspiracy to stop you getting a card for Cyberpunk or even xmas or even before you have to go back to work or most likely school, is madness.

Read the tech news. A year ago concerns over supplies in components especially memory were vouched.
The US meddling with China trade was causing issues for supply chains in big tech.
The fact Sony and Microsoft last year place a huge mahoooosive order on component parts for their new toys.
All before the arrival of covid and the slow down that followed.

Before Nvidia even launched. Before Samsung even started producing the silicon for the GPUs covid hit a slowdown. So there was already a lot of backordering to be fulfilled.

Now Nvidia are at about what 7 to 10% of meeting current demand.

Demand total.

There is a port issue in the UK at Felixstowe. That is having a huge impact and container ships have had to port in Europe.

There is a massive lack of class C+E drivers in the UK. This is why you are seeing stories of DPD vans and the like trying to carry the cargo that an artic truck would normally carry.

Cargo transport is rapidly being took over for vaccines. Taking transport slots away from commerce.

The yields from Samsung and the move to TSMC are below expectation.

3080 20 GB is coming.
A Titan will come probably late 2021 for developers.

The Ti cards will be on the 7nm node and may not be until late 2021. Depending on all factors going on already.

And for the UK. Brexit still is to come and could really affect movement of trade.

But for some – OCUK said they had this card but they did not then I moved down the queue a bit and it looks like they had 100s of them but kept it from me.
Then you finally realise – OCUK that Scotti and Gibbo fella are in fact Illuminati.
They are part of a Russian Chinese cabal to stop us getting good things.

I love the interweb – forums are the best.

Never mind reality and the real world. I just want my thing!!!
:cool: Cards are coming in time - dont`t worry be happy

All very good points. Plus to add a bit of info to that. My brother is a pilot of Virgin Atlantic and in light of the covid situation and the huge downturn in passenger flights Virgin have been given a whole load of air freight contracts by the UK government, as have British Airways. The aircraft have all been refitted to carry more cargo. Right now there is way more air freight needing shipped than there are aircraft to fly it. This is mostly because so many pilots have been made redundant and aircraft have been grounded and mothballed. There's just a lot less planes flying right now. As a result of that the costs of air freight are approximately 5 times what they were this time last year, and air freight is an already expensive way of shipping products. The knock on effect of all that is so much stuff, and I'm guessing graphics cards are included in this, are having to get shipped by boat from the far East. Journey time usually around 7 weeks, and thats without port backlogs and Brexit looming. I'm guessing some graphics cards manufacturers are swallowing the costs and paying extra for small amounts of air freight and some aren't hence cards arriving in dribs and drabs in very small numbers.

There's just so much going on at the moment going against getting these cards made and delivered quickly it seems.
16 Aug 2017
All very good points. Plus to add a bit of info to that. My brother is a pilot of Virgin Atlantic and in light of the covid situation and the huge downturn in passenger flights Virgin have been given a whole load of air freight contracts by the UK government, as have British Airways. The aircraft have all been refitted to carry more cargo. Right now there is way more air freight needing shipped than there are aircraft to fly it. This is mostly because so many pilots have been made redundant and aircraft have been grounded and mothballed. There's just a lot less planes flying right now. As a result of that the costs of air freight are approximately 5 times what they were this time last year, and air freight is an already expensive way of shipping products. The knock on effect of all that is so much stuff, and I'm guessing graphics cards are included in this, are having to get shipped by boat from the far East. Journey time usually around 7 weeks, and thats without port backlogs and Brexit looming. I'm guessing some graphics cards manufacturers are swallowing the costs and paying extra for small amounts of air freight and some aren't hence cards arriving in dribs and drabs in very small numbers.

There's just so much going on at the moment going against getting these cards made and delivered quickly it seems.

People also seem to forget about Chinese market which is HUGE. And because of all that you just wrote, vendors might just as well be feeding most of the production into that rich market, as there's little issues with transport, no need to boat anything, thousands of miners buying whatever stock they can buy etc. Easy money, no hassle. I've checked Chinese market few days ago and they also have huge shortage of products, millions of people trying to get any card, everything highly overpriced - they just buy out everything they can in normal prices, just like we do.
18 Sep 2020
We received 10 units about this time last month & that was the last delivery. I know that I can't answer why, I doubt Gibbo can either. I am concerned that there may be a yield issue, but, I'm just guessing.
We just have to hope that there's some coming next week.

The only weird part for me is that the TUF OC has seen more deliveries than e.g. the strix OC, so this seems to contradict the yield thing, unless they're trying to push the strix even higher than TUF OC.

So silly, the gain over a standard TUF is like 2-3%
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