o2 Voicemail

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey guys

I left my old phone at my Swansea home when I came back for easter, then went for an interview the other day and only just realised the number on my CV is for that phone not my new one

Big oops and silly of me I know

But is there anyway I could check my o2 voicemail from a landline or any other mobile

Many thanks in advance
To access your voicemail account from a standard landline phone, you'll need to use your personal o2 voicemail retrieval phone number. If you don't already have this number, dial +44 7802 090100 and when prompted, enter your o2 mobile phone number.
To access your o2 voicemail, dial your personal voicemail retrieval phone number and when connected, enter your mobile phone number followed by a *. During the greeting, key *<your PIN>, then key 2.
If outside the UK, remember to prefix with +44 and lose the first '0', e.g. +447802 090100.
hybrid said:
To access your voicemail account from a standard landline phone, you'll need to use your personal o2 voicemail retrieval phone number. If you don't already have this number, dial +44 7802 090100 and when prompted, enter your o2 mobile phone number.
To access your o2 voicemail, dial your personal voicemail retrieval phone number and when connected, enter your mobile phone number followed by a *. During the greeting, key *<your PIN>, then key 2.
If outside the UK, remember to prefix with +44 and lose the first '0', e.g. +447802 090100.

Cheers mate, but I just phoned that personal voicemail retrieval number, and it sent the number I need to my old phone :(

Guess theres no way of me checking now?

EDIT - never mind, just found out you can ring your own number then if you press * it just asks for your pin to listen to your messages

Cheers anyway though :)
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