lol, just look at any NHS type service, they don't come in on budget, you can add 40% for emergency problems funds and overspending and you'd still go over budget.
Only caught the last few lines of the speech, which didn't say anything. Everything I've seen on the health plan is, good idea, good "wishes", practice is awful though and it will just become a huge and massive beaurocratic nightmare with massive cuts all over.
The biggest issue is theres loads of private hospitals in the states with facilities public healthcare can't afford, and too few public state hospitals to cope with the majority of private healthcare people stopping paying for theres to go for free healthcare. So you've got, lets just take random numbers out of the air, 500 private hospitals and 300 free ones now, and all the free ones are massively overcrowded already. What they are doing is taking 400 of the private hospitals patients away, dumping them into overcrowded hospitals and seeing lots of private hospitals that just literally aren't set up for large numbers of patients, closing with many jobs lost and most people having worse healthcare purely down to too many people and not enough facilities.
They also simply don't have enough people in place to jump straight into a new healthcare system. THink of our NHS and how many people are involved in deciding who gets what, how many nurses and doctors are around, how many beds there are, how many physical buildings there are for these people to work in. In a single day they will enact a bill that lets people get free healthcare, but they don't have the man power or people from doc's/nurses, paper pushing people, not even cleaning staff and equipment.
Theres also the millions of people with problems that go untreated because they can't afford to get treatment or don't want to pay an excess/increased premiums, all come out the woodwork on the same day looking for help. It will be a disaster for a long time, and will take way more money than they guessed to get back on track/ Its like the NHS, the system is too fair ingrained into society to change on a fundamental level.