**OcUK Exclusive** MSI Extreme Overclocking Competition.

Doesn't really bother me too much since as soon as anyone with a moderately clocked 2600k posts a score, all 2500k's are pretty much out of the competition.

I suppose MSI want as many people as possible to enter the comp so you can't complain really.
Come on chaps.

Lets all quit the bickering :)

As has been mentioned a 2600k will pretty much trounce the competition who use 2500ks however it is not out of the rules to use one. Everyone gets entered into a draw to possibly win a 560ti and theres 2 of those up for grabs! So far with the amount of entries here I Would think that you all stand a good chance of winning something. it also gives you all the chance to have a play around with overclocking so you all will take something away from this.

Keep the entries rolling in, I want to see some competition for HiVizMan.
With SB processors there is no advantage core speed wise to going with LN2 or even Dry Ice - a good water cooled system will max out all PCU's. I benched WPrime 1024 at 5.7GHz on water. Cold does nothing to aid the overclock achieved. Cold might prolong the life of the CPU but that is all. Chilled water would be as good an option.

Question to the organisers. Where is the leader board or a list of submitted results I could not find one.

Results going up on my second post now.

See post two :)
I wasn't bickering really :) I knew we 2500k owners would get trounced but hoped it would be from an active forum member rather. I can see that it will bring this forum more visitors though so can see the point of allowing new members too.
I wasn't bickering really :) I knew we 2500k owners would get trounced but hoped it would be from an active forum member rather. I can see that it will bring this forum more visitors though so can see the point of allowing new members too.

Aye, we didnt have a hope of winning with a 2500 but its still fun, however folk joining the forum just to enter seems wrong.

That being said if some one does win who just joined recently i hope your card blows up.
Aye, we didnt have a hope of winning with a 2500 but its still fun, however folk joining the forum just to enter seems wrong.

That being said if some one does win who just joined recently i hope your card blows up.

They will have a new supercool MSI card anyway so doubt they will worry if they blow their card up :D

Tried and tried to get my CPU to clock higher, going up to 1.6v and no joy.Had to dismantle PC to send my B2 board away for B3 replacement on Monday. So took my CPU to neighbors house to try on his Asus board, I managed to get his CPU to 5.4ghz at 1.52v. Put my CPU in and still wont go over 51 multiplier. So I am right in thinking it is my CPU that won't go further rather than any of mine/our hardware?
Could be you just have "one of them chips" i read somewhere there is diminishing returns on chips once passed the 5ghz mark, so a lot could be down to luck of the draw.
Not many entries - I've not really looked into the SB's potential - but I'm surprised the top entry is slower than my i7 980X (admittedly with 12 cores) at stock speeds - and well slower than what its currently getting (<107s).

Roll on Ivy Bridge and LGA2011 or I might wait for Haswell-Broadwell/Rockwell - Skylake/Skymont are too far away.
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Not many entries - I've not really looked into the SB's potential - but I'm surprised the top entry is slower than my i7 980X (admittedly with 12 cores) at stock speeds - and well slower than what its currently getting (<107s).

Roll on Ivy Bridge and LGA2011 or I might wait for Haswell-Broadwell/Rockwell - Skylake/Skymont are too far away.

you have a 980x with 12 cores at a stock speed of above 5.7ghz :eek::eek::confused:
Not many entries - I've not really looked into the SB's potential - but I'm surprised the top entry is slower than my i7 980X (admittedly with 12 cores) at stock speeds - and well slower than what its currently getting (<107s).

Roll on Ivy Bridge and LGA2011 or I might wait for Haswell-Broadwell/Rockwell - Skylake/Skymont are too far away.

Well compared with the £700+ price of the 980X I'm not in the least bit surprised your current cpu is competitive. I'd be mightily miffed if a couple of hundred pound processor beat my 980X only a short time after I'd bought it;)
Well compared with the £700+ price of the 980X I'm not in the least bit surprised your current cpu is competitive. I'd be mightily miffed if a couple of hundred pound processor beat my 980X only a short time after I'd bought it;)

Not miffed at all - SB just isnt suitable for what I use my 980x - hence my waiting for the next gen Ticks or go Xeon-DP. And it wasn't £700 - it was under £500 @ Auction (and could have been £300 if someone could have spelt "core" correctly - so I didnt spot that auction until it ended)
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Had another bash at it today so i've replaced this submission with a new one... not sure where i stood having two in one thread so i've edited this and added latest to back of the thread.
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i'm hoping to enter this ( i'm still a novice though ) but when ever i run wprime 1.55 i get times of 600 seconds +, i then realised you can set the no of threads - how many threads should i set for an i5 2500k? i just tried 4 threads and my time is a lot quicker.
Nice little competition you've got here though it does seem like the people who will win will be those who already have a monstrous rig anyway. Much better to give hardware to those that actually see benefit from it IMO.
Ok so am I missing something? I figured I'd run it anyway for a chance to win the second prize and well it's taking a millemium to run and my cpu is only at 27%. Am I missing something? 4.4ghz 2500k at the moment as I cba to fully overclock it when there is no way I can compete for the first prize anyway.


30% of the way through at 270 seconds. Can I get a prize for the slowest pc? There must be something very wrong with my pc to be doing this :/


Woop, 50% at 444 seconds haha. I presume I was meant to change some advanced settings first maybe? Either that or I think my SB 2500k is going to be going back and I be demanding my monies back :P.

Well at least no one will accuse me of cheating eh?


haha yeah I'm only using 1 thread. Fail.
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