OcUK News 10th December 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 9th December and 20:00 8th December

The Hunt Ahead

Team EDGE 2152243 3210
OcUK 2047839 17394

Out Crunched By 14184

Difference 104404

The Hunters behind

OcUK 2047839 17394
Microsoft 1827633 1302

Out Crunched By 16092

Difference -220206



  • Number Of Active Members= 325
  • Number Of Units Returned= 17394
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 53.52
  • Number of Members = 1543
  • Average WU's returned per member = 11.27

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

L-n 376 752
silverpaw 1449 2

Units Gained = 754


N:Dne Today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Aydon 5707

Today's Beast

666)#6 225

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 8080
2) raph 2160
3) Scythes & Sickles 597
4) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 290
5) Lc 241
6) magman 204
7) Warspite 158
8) Ulysses 156
9) Sneezy 149
10) Chasser 141
11) Martin Platts (Home) 139
12) .FOF. 136
13) funky_llama 123
14) hakme2deth (#1) 120
15) Mark Gray 119
16) All-Star Space Elephants 117
17) doofer 107
18) Phil Brett 103
19) Buxx 100
20) Hornytoe 99
21) Lion-O 95
22) NaughtyNeutrino 87
23) Robin 79
24) sirgaz2 77
25) Aydon 69
26) Dopey 67
27) gandolf 67
28) despatch-uk 66
29) carbon8ed 63
30) Snarf 63
31) DuckBusk 61
32) wayne 55
33) SHOTGUNmessiah 54
34) Himem.Sys 50
35) mk1_salami 50
36) Batman 47
37) EyeDot 41
38) M0BOX 40
39) Jim Williams (#1) 39
40) Volospian 38
41) GamesNight Crew 36
42) Gadget 33
43) HEADRAT 32
44) IAN 32
45) Wilderbeast (#1) 32
46) Mark Armitage 30
47) kolala 29
48) daesdaemar 28
49) mpeg10_seti 28
50) The Aber Lads 28

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Stimpy 78
2) Lion-O 73
3) DiscoStu 59
4) Tumbler^ 57
5) Snarf 54
6) mk1_salami 48
7) Ren 42
8) Ovr` 41
9) Batman 36
10) manicmarkjcj 36
11) sirgaz2 33
12) Robin 29
13) Chasser 24
14) Deathwish2000 23
15) Elston 19
16) Tru-mp3 18
17) itpete 17
18) HEADRAT 16
19) Grumpy (#2) 15
20) Matthew.M 15
21) Murf 14
22) Brunel 12
23) Sneezy 12
24) ToXik-yogHurt 12
25) xdeity (#1) 12
26) bigpops 11
27) MiniTaz 11
28) .FOF. 10
29) JimG 9
30) Scooby 9
31) Stiff Shifter 9
32) zetti 9
33) afez4 8
34) Bashful 7
35) Doc 7
36) JayMax 7
37) SHOTGUNmessiah 7
38) Tom 7
39) ALD 6
40) Fosheezee 6
41) Ollie (#1) 6
42) reeferjon 6
43) ShadowMan (#1) 6
44) trixter_canned 6
45) (#8) 5
46) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 5
47) BUZZ 5
48) Desmo 5
49) Happy 5
50) Ice Man 5
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Chasser 141
2) Jim Williams (#1) 39
3) Wilderbeast (#1) 32
4) Matthew.M 24
5) manicmarkjcj 23
6) afez4 20
7) bigpops 20
8) Cemetery 19
9) Elston 19
10) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 16
11) Astronut 13
12) BUZZ 13
13) ALD 11
14) reeferjon 11
15) simoneale 11
16) Dutch Guy 8
17) Ice Man 8
18) Arun Holmes 7
19) Donk 7
20) MaYnArD 7
21) AndiThompson 6
22) BeLLyLaRd 6
23) Big Kev 6
24) Bryan & Diane 6
25) Cheesy 6
26) Jimmy_Kick_Ass 6
27) MindYerBeak 6
28) Nismo 6
29) IronFire 5
30) myke 5
31) Piggymon 5
32) Spie 5
33) The_blue 5
34) werewolf 5
35) Fourstar 4
36) Lowe(UK) 4
37) rl253 4
38) Scuzi 4
39) Vanilla 4
40) Woody...!!! 4
41) Cyro 3
42) Dog 3
43) Greg 3
44) magicpatch01 3
45) r0b 3
46) Soupdragon 3
47) speedypeanut 3
48) theredguy 3
49) vix 3
50) Wol 3

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) manicmarkjcj 36
2) Chasser 24
3) Elston 19
4) Matthew.M 15
5) bigpops 11
6) afez4 8
7) ALD 6
8) Fosheezee 6
9) reeferjon 6
10) BUZZ 5
11) Ice Man 5
12) Piggymon 3
13) adwhitworth 2
14) AndiThompson 2
15) Cyro 2
16) Dog 2
17) simoneale 2
18) werewolf 2
19) Bryan & Diane 1
20) Cemetery 1
21) Cheesy 1
22) Donk 1
23) Fourstar 1
24) MooMan 1
25) speedypeanut 1
26) Wilderbeast (#1) 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

The Ministry of Serendipity 400000
Raph 75000
mk1_salami 250
Bashful 250

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Last edited:
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

Lovely news - cheers Mr adwhitworth

My biggest mention yet - 136! wOOHoo!
Nineteen 100+ dumpers:eek: At this rate, it won't be long before you need 100 WUs to make it into the top 50 dumpers.:eek:

Nice news - and no more no-names to confuse it all again today.:)
Originally posted by Mark G
Nineteen 100+ dumpers:eek: At this rate, it won't be long before you need 100 WUs to make it into the top 50 dumpers.:eek:

Nice news - and no more no-names to confuse it all again today.:)

Its the races I tell you - the races - it brings out the worst in everyone - Go OcUK... :D :D

Nineteen 100+ dumpers At this rate, it won't be long before you need 100 WUs to make it into the top 50 dumpers.

I can remember when I joined you dreamed of getting over 3000WUs to get into the top 10 - now I'm strugglin to keep there with over 20k units:eek:

PS I joined the team on zero and was in at 336th placemind wanders to heady days of single cruncher and no SETI pressure to STOMP THE WORLD :p
Originally posted by carbon8ed
I can remember when I joined you dreamed of getting over 3000WUs to get into the top 10 - now I'm strugglin to keep there with over 20k units

PS I joined the team on zero and was in at 336th placemind wanders to heady days of single cruncher and no SETI pressure to STOMP THE WORLD

If you are struggling to get into the top 10, I've got no hope by the end of SETI 1:( :( :( :( :o
1) Chasser 141

Woot !! Been Q'ing WU's for what seems like ages, but it was all worth it. Another fine win for the Wusual Suspects and a table topping mention for me :D

Mr adwhitworth sah, due to the pressures of team-racing I have brought another cruncher into play, therefore, please remove me from the Single PC list.

Thankyou :)
wahey! two mentions again! i looooooooooove it! :D

keep up the good work everybody! team EDGE will taste the heel of our boots when we stomp past them!
Originally posted by Chasser
Mr adwhitworth sah, due to the pressures of team-racing I have brought another cruncher into play, therefore, please remove me from the Single PC list.

Done good s'ah, May your 2nd cruncher be enuff to reach the news:eek: :)
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