OcUK News 13th & 14th December 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 12th December and 23:30 14th December

The Hunt Ahead

Team EDGE 2166754 6941
OcUK 2105494 29536

Out Crunched By 22595

Difference 61260

The Hunters behind

Microsoft 1824908 -748
OcUK 2105494 29536

Out Crunched By 30284

Difference -280586



  • Number Of Active Members= 396
  • Number Of Units Returned= 29536
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 74.59
  • Number of Members = 1546
  • Average WU's returned per member = 18.88

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

MeMo512 831 106
PAz 1453 2

Units Gained = 108


N:Dne Today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Fixxxer 5720

Today's Beast

666)trixter_canned 230

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 15552
2) raph 2626
3) Scythes & Sickles 533
4) Ogbyte 448
5) Waldo 444
6) Buxx 303
7) Sneezy 282
8) DreederOcUK 249
9) Robin 222
10) carbon8ed 215
11) ProSpec 215
12) Phil Brett 212
13) Lion-O 198
14) NaughtyNeutrino 197
15) Gadget 167
16) Snarf 154
17) Dopey 151
18) Lc 128
19) King Richard 125
20) Batman 123
21) jaydeee007 123
22) Kipper 121
24) stevie147hcr 111
25) RiotStar 110
26) 2blue4u 109
27) Himem.Sys 107
28) Persil 106
29) All-Star Space Elephants 103
30) despatch-uk 102
31) zanshin 101
32) EyeDot 100
33) THE HUB 98
34) Hornytoe 96
35) Volospian 96
36) Augmented 93
37) DuckBusk 93
38) zip & dyna's bud tokin' stompers 89
39) Kodiak 88
40) GamesNight Crew 85
41) Paul Burrell 85
42) Jim Williams (#1) 83
43) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 77
44) M0BOX 69
45) daesdaemar 66
46) sirgaz2 64
47) Biffa 63
48) Happy 62
49) Kamarkis 60
50) Meridian 60

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) silverpaw 90
2) qasdfdsaq 85
3) Stimpy 75
4) Lion-O 71
5) DiscoStu 64
6) Snarf 55
7) Robin 50
8) Batman 49
9) Ren 46
10) XZGohan[Icrontic] 40
11) NeoNemesis 39
12) matt17485 31
13) Bashful 30
14) King Richard 30
15) Happy 28
16) Hissey 27
17) ToXik-yogHurt 23
18) Five_star 21
19) s@njay 21
20) itpete 20
21) Stiff_Cookie (#1) 20
22) MiniTaz 19
23) sirgaz2 17
24) Digitalis 16
25) Mortlake 15
26) punky_munky 15
27) Shoit (#2) 15
28) Dopey 14
29) Grumpy (#2) 14
30) handsy 14
31) OC3 14
32) ScotlandsNo1 14
33) Sleepy 14
34) Tristan Goss 14
35) ItsHim 13
36) manicmarkjcj 13
37) Paul Campbell 13
38) reeferjon 13
39) roady 13
40) zetti 13
41) KnightkilleR 12
42) Nismo 12
43) ShadowMan (#1) 12
44) HEADRAT 11
45) masterpumpkin 11
46) Zei 11
47) ade_the_shades 10
48) Antr4 10
49) M0BOX 10
50) paul (#2) 10
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Jim Williams (#1) 83
2) Bennett 52
3) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 38
4) Scream 33
5) TrUz 32
6) Luggage 29
7) MaYnArD 28
8) Astronut 24
9) Nismo 21
10) Wilderbeast (#1) 20
11) curiosityx 19
12) Soupdragon 19
13) simoneale 18
14) skyman 17
15) tom_nieto 17
16) Dutch Guy 16
17) Vanilla 16
18) MindYerBeak 15
19) Arun Holmes 14
20) BeLLyLaRd 14
21) Digitalis 14
22) IronFire 14
23) myke 14
24) reeferjon 14
25) Cheesy 13
26) Donk 13
27) Ice Man 13
28) rents 13
29) Spie 13
30) ALD 12
31) Big Kev 12
32) Lowe(UK) 12
33) Jimmy_Kick_Ass 10
34) manicmarkjcj 10
35) Piggymon 10
36) Scuzi 10
37) BIGBOY 9
38) Greg 9
39) punky_munky 9
40) vix 8
41) Cyro 7
42) Dog 7
43) gjrc 7
44) magicpatch01 7
45) [TRFG] Pigeon 6
46) Muncher 6
47) r0b 5
48) speedypeanut 5
49) theredguy 5
50) Woody...!!! 5

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Digitalis 16
2) punky_munky 15
3) manicmarkjcj 13
4) reeferjon 13
5) Nismo 12
6) [XKF]ApoX 9
7) Bennett 9
8) Fosheezee 9
9) TrUz 9
10) ALD 8
11) Ice Man 8
12) Scream 8
13) Matthew Benstead 7
14) myke 7
15) Daedalus 6
16) Piggymon 6
17) rents 6
18) [TRFG] Pigeon 5
19) Greg 5
20) tom_nieto 5
21) Dog 4
22) curiosityx 3
23) Cyro 3
24) IronFire 3
25) luke284 3
26) MooMan 3
27) skyman 3
28) vix 3
29) MaYnArD 2
30) r0b 2
31) Scuzi 2
32) Woody...!!! 2
33) Battie 1
34) BIGBOY 1
35) Cheesy 1
36) Donk 1
37) Dutch Guy 1
38) Fee Fee 1
39) gjrc 1
40) Luggage 1
41) simoneale 1
42) slatey 1
43) Wilderbeast (#1) 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Buxx 10000
Waldo 7500
[OcUK]Fatboy / Dogfish / Lambchop 2500
King Richard 1000
Robin 750
sirgaz2 750
[OcUK]Abyss_andrew 750
Batman 500
roady 250
117 250
AndiThompson 250
Stiff_Cookie (#1) 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Sorry that it is so late. My computer decided to crash on me and corrupted the files. Luckily I had everything and Doobdonk had a copy of the excel file. If you have joined recently...please check the post I will be making in a minute regarding Singles as some will have been lost unfortunately :(

Once again, Soz for all the problems and enjoy today's news. It might be a bit late 2morrow nite as it is my 16th Birthday so I'm off out for a meal.:) :D
Originally posted by adwhitworth
It might be a bit late 2morrow nite as it is my 16th Birthday so I'm off out for a meal.:) :D

What sort of excuse is that you slacker:D

Nah, have a very happy birthday my good man:)

Nice stats Mr. Slackwhit....I mean Mr Adwhitworth.

1) Digitalis 16

2) punky_munky 15
3) manicmarkjcj 13
4) reeferjon 13
5) Nismo 12
6) [XKF]ApoX 9
7) Bennett 9
8) Fosheezee 9
9) TrUz 9
10) ALD 8

Blimey! That's a bit of a surprise.
Guess everyone is stoking up the boilers with WUs when I manage to get to the top.........
(or I'm just so far down the list.....)

Good news. And many happy returnings Mr Adwhit.

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