OcUK News 18th October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 16th October and 21:00 18th October

The Hunt Ahead

Linux 1407163 3307
OcUK 1379762 1647

Out Crunched By -1660

Difference 27401

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1379762 1647
LittleWhiteDog 1377235 N/A

Out Crunched By N/A

Difference -2527



  • Number Of Active Members= 352
  • Number Of Units Returned= 1647
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 4.68
  • Number of Members = 1436
  • Average WU's returned per member = 0.25

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

(#24) 1338 2
Adam Webb 94 3272
Da LuNa 1436 0
Event Horizon 184 1758
Gadget 14 13932
KnightkilleR 1353 2
monkeyGOD 940 40
raGer On Slow 1213 7
TrUz 621 194
UnderDog 1435 0
Walton 957 37

Units Gained = 19244


R34V3R -194
REGGUB -1743
Saracen - retired -14217
Saracen 2 -2002
Sentient -1147
Skaffen -13783

Units Lost = -33806

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)teejay01 4424

Today's Beast

666)Waveform2 152

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 6541
2) raph 1481
3) Ogbyte 718
4) jaydeee007 275
5) Phil Brett 244
6) Iron Crow 176
7) Team Mad Mandex 161
8) Scythes & Sickles 147
9) carbon8ed 140
10) magman 134
11) Walsherz 121
12) Buxx 118
13) all0gIc 112
14) RiotStar 105
15) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 102
17) robdav 90
18) Flipper 87
19) wasc 85
20) EyeDot 84
21) Feek 83
22) DuckBusk 81
23) daesdaemar 73
24) Lc 73
25) Volospian 71
26) Martin Platts (Home) 70
27) The Aber Lads 70
28) Aydon 69
29) All-Star Space Elephants 68
30) Uber Bazz 66
31) SETI@Chesterfield 62
32) wayne 62
33) Buddha Finger 59
34) mpeg10_seti 59
35) Mark Armitage 57
36) OcUK HQ 53
37) diogenese 52
38) exedanni 52
39) keithdrayton 46

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) TustinoAspria 177
2) MooMan 117
4) stickman1 76
5) GTA 71
6) armatage 61
7) El Capitano 60
8) Straith 58
9) Tru-mp3 58
10) Kan 54
11) jezpgreat 51
12) gjrc 50
13) Furbs 49
14) []V[]ARTY 47
15) kingabs 46
16) Kane 42
17) Ash 41
18) .FOF. 38
19) ShadowMan (#1) 38
20) Caerdydd 37
21) Rancidelephant 37
22) Team Mad Mandex 37
23) ThaDon 37
24) maxpower865 35
25) MiggyMan 35
26) Digitalis 33
27) Tagliarino 33
28) haz3967 31
29) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 30
30) yadobber 27
31) all0gIc 24
32) tom_nieto 24
33) Useful Idiot 24
34) geekboy_uk 22
35) DuckBusk 21
36) Val Arun (Mike) 20
37) Uber Bazz 19
38) (#22) 18
39) Altered Corpse 18

A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

1) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 46
2) Acid-Burn/DJ-EnlightX 35
3) BIGBOY 29
4) BUZZ 29
5) Vanilla 27
6) Astronut 26
7) MaYnArD 24
8) Cemetery 20
9) curiosityx 18
10) Soupdragon 18
11) Sanjiyan 17
12) MindYerBeak 16
13) AndyUK 15
14) BeLLyLaRd 15
15) IronFire 12
16) sven256 12
17) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 11
18) Chasser 10
19) Koncordski 10
20) Luggage 10
21) Curiousalien 9
22) Dutch Guy 9
23) LizardKing 9
24) nex 9
25) spankworthy 9
26) Grouch 8
27) myke 8
28) vix 8
29) Digitalis 7
30) Fioled 7
31) magicpatch01 7
32) Mr B. 7
33) Wol 7
34) Battie 6
35) D_D 6
36) gjrc 6
37) MattyEllis 6
38) speedypeanut 6
39) maxpower865 5
40) s^t^n 5

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) R34V3R Gone
2) REGGUB Gone
3) stickman1 76
4) gjrc 50
5) ShadowMan (#1) 38
6) maxpower865 35
7) Digitalis 33
8) BUZZ 11
9) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 11
10) sven256 10
11) vix 9
12) Curiousalien 8
13) Cyro 8
14) MattyEllis 8
15) LizardKing 7
16) myke 6
17) s^t^n 6
18) AndyUK 5
19) curiosityx 5
20) Grouch 5
21) Luggage 5
22) MaYnArD 5
23) Chasser 4
24) Juggler 4
25) magicpatch01 4
26) Mr B. 4
27) nex 4
28) [OCUK]JohnRoss 3
29) BeLLyLaRd 3
30) D_D 3
31) Gregeff 3
32) Koncordski 3
33) Vanilla 3
34) afez4 2
35) Altern8or 2
36) Battie 2
37) BIGBOY 2
38) BungalowBill 2
39) Death-BY-Chocolate 2
40) djbenjo 2
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

PurDunamis 1000
Mpemba Effect 1000
peppyuk 500
Curiousalien 250
FL4K 250
Richard Slater 250
aggie 250
Furbs 100
slim 100
keith_is_bent 100
Daedalus 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.

You missed all of Allogic, exedanni and myself out of a 750 Sir Tiffy Kat.

lost in the forum change I guess.

Ummm.. we only crunched 1647???!!!???

Dear god.. We MUST work harder!!

Spanking great show, s'ah great to get the old fix of seti news!!!

//plods off to get a fix of more seti, tweaks computer and watchs seti time half :p
No we crunched more but because of all the splitters it equals to that...

Also beware...it is pretty likely we will be stomped by LWD 2morrow :(
1) The Ministry of Serendipity 6541

:eek: :eek: Totally amazing

Oh and Ad im not a single cruncher anymore mate
Originally posted by adwhitworth
No we crunched more but because of all the splitters it equals to that...

Also beware...it is pretty likely we will be stomped by LWD 2morrow :(

I know it, and I know it! I'm multitasking with calculator in one hand for a unit and pen in the other also working a wu. We must and shall stay ahead!!

Excellent news ad! The days of the Penguin are numbered. I am not so sure LWD will catch us up, we did lose 16k through Saracen's accounts, and tomorrow is a fresh start for crunching.

Hehe I am pleased I made the big dumpers list, if only just :D
Hello i only have one computer and i still go to no 3 :D
pls can i be on the 1 comp list pls pls pls
we are doing 9000+ a day now without any splitters or people joining which is not bad i think it should keep us in front for a bit
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this special cake.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

my first tiffy mention :D

but im also in need of a spank only just noticed my pc has been on for 7 hours with seti not runnin, dunno wot happened there
Originally posted by Furbs
my first tiffy mention :D

but im also in need of a spank only just noticed my pc has been on for 7 hours with seti not runnin, dunno wot happened there

You know where you've got to go, don't you?


As Fixxxy would say:

"ph33r it's spanks" :D

Good to have the news back as usual.

Feek - Bakery skills as well - is there no end to this mans talents :D

Banana flavoured, yum - mi fav :)


If you have any yeast left over from ya baking session, would you inject it into the team S'ah, so we rise quicker :D
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