OcUK News 19th & 20th October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 18th October and 21:00 20th October

[The Hunt Ahead

Linux 1410753 3590
OcUK 1396247 16485

Out Crunched By 12895

Difference 14506

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1396247 16485
LittleWhiteDog 1389270 12044

Out Crunched By 4441

Difference -6977



  • Number Of Active Members= 378
  • Number Of Units Returned= 16485
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 43.61
  • Number of Members = 1444
  • Average WU's returned per member = 11.42

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

(#25) 1444 0
[KIA]EnIgMa 1408 0
DaemonHunter 1165 12
Dog 790 85
duggyruss 354 705
Foiled 216 1397
ic3KING 479 366
Mandex002 943 41
Midlancs 820 71
raGer 1007 27
Richardsoj 1233 6
supermani 511 322
Woody...!!! 1284 4

Units Gained = 3036


D_D -903
Fioled -1376
raGer On Slow -7
TeePee -238

Units Lost = -2576

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)teejay01 4424

Today's Beast

666)Waveform2 152

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 7054
2) ProSpec 371
3) jaydeee007 278
4) Phil Brett 245
5) kaiowas 230
6) doofer 219
7) raph 206
8) Buxx 196
9) Iron Crow 185
10) carbon8ed 174
11) Scythes & Sickles 160
12) Buddha Finger 158
13) taliesyn 150
14) Ulysses 140
15) Waldo 136
16) Walsherz 136
17) Flipper 131
18) magman 131
19) Hornytoe 119
20) Gadget 114
21) DuckBusk 109
22) The Aber Lads 103
23) Rabid Dog 89
24) EyeDot 88
26) Martin Platts (Home) 85
27) wasc 85
28) Feek 84
29) diogenese 80
30) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 76
31) wayne 74
32) Volospian 70
33) daesdaemar 69
34) OcUK HQ 69
35) Aydon 68
36) Lc 67
37) CDL OpenVMS Team 66
38) DreederUK 63
39) carlos 58
40) SETI@Chesterfield 57
41) TrUz 57
42) stevie147hcr 56
43) Wilderbeast (#1) 55
44) Bennett 51
45) exedanni 51
46) Meridian 48
47) Oivind Pettersen 48
48) CliffyG 47
49) DustyMiller 47
50) JMFranklin 47

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Walton 151
2) KnightkilleR 111
3) daz.wallace 93
4) MooMan 93
5) GTA 87
6) (#12) 69
7) carlos 69
8) []V[]ARTY 66
9) Kan 61
10) ShadowMan (#1) 61
11) TrUz 53
12) El Capitano 52
13) (#20) 49
14) maxpower865 47
15) Straith 45
16) armatage 42
17) Kane 39
18) kingabs 39
19) .FOF. 36
20) FakeSnake 35
21) jon (#1) 34
22) MiggyMan 32
23) Furbs 30
24) (#15) 29
25) Altered Corpse 28
26) Ash 28
27) HEADRAT 24
28) (#19) 23
29) tom_nieto 23
30) Desmo 21
31) lostkat 20
32) haz3967 19
33) Hissey 19
34) ChrisBottrill (aka checjb) 18
35) DuckBusk 18
36) Mark P 18
37) stevie147hcr 18
38) Useful Idiot 18
39) adwhitworth 17
40) jezpgreat 17
41) monkeyGOD 17
42) SKILL 16
43) Staffy 16
44) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 14
45) Da_Flash 14
46) [TRFG] Pigeon 12
47) taliesyn 12
48) AndreBriers 11
49) Priest 11
50) RTS 11
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

1) Foiled 1397
2) Dog 85
3) Wilderbeast (#1) 55
4) Bennett 51
5) DustyMiller 47
6) CaptainFizz 44
7) Staffy 41
8) DaveP3@ 39
9) MaYnArD 30
10) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 29
11) Priest 29
12) Vanilla 26
13) Trebor95 24
14) BeLLyLaRd 21
15) Cemetery 20
16) Sanjiyan 19
17) Soupdragon 18
18) Straith 18
19) Astronut 16
20) Kan 15
21) Scream 15
22) Spie 14
23) Donk 13
24) Dutch Guy 13
25) Luggage 13
26) MindYerBeak 13
27) Arun Holmes 11
28) Koncordski 11
29) lostkat 11
30) [TRFG] Pigeon 10
31) Beta 10
32) daz.wallace 10
33) sumoquirkey 10
34) Curiousalien 9
35) ShadowMan (#1) 9
36) myke 8
37) sven256 8
38) Wol 8
39) Mr B. 7
40) Muncher 7
41) speedypeanut 7
42) vix 7
43) Chasser 6
44) Cyro 6
45) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 6
46) Grouch 6
47) JJ2K 6
48) magicpatch01 6
49) maxpower865 6
50) nex 6

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Dog New
2) Foiled New
3) D_D Gone
4) Fioled Gone
6) daz.wallace 93
7) Kan 61
8) ShadowMan (#1) 61
9) maxpower865 47
10) Straith 45
11) lostkat 20
12) adwhitworth 17
13) Staffy 16
14) [TRFG] Pigeon 12
15) Priest 11
16) Scream 10
17) Bennett 9
18) CaptainFizz 9
19) Beta 6
20) s^t^n 6
21) BigB@dJ@y 5
22) Tank 5
23) Battie 4
24) DaveP3@ 4
25) vix 4
26) Wilderbeast (#1) 4
27) Grouch 3
28) Koncordski 3
29) magicpatch01 3
30) MaYnArD 3
31) myke 3
32) sumoquirkey 3
33) BeLLyLaRd 2
34) Daedalus 2
35) Donk 2
36) DustyMiller 2
37) Mr B. 2
38) Muncher 2
39) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 2
40) Trebor95 2
41) Arun Holmes 1
42) Cemetery 1
43) curiosityx 1
44) Cyro 1
45) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 1
46) IronFire 1
47) Sanjiyan 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 2500
hakme2deth (#1) 2500
Staffy 500
Mark P 500
.FOF. 250
TrUz 250
yadobber 250
Ash 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Congrats to the certificatees - specially HakMe2Deth - prepare to be stomped!!!

(offical Parp in a day/two)

Good news to see everyone is so busy !

Thought I'd be at the top with 69 but lots have been busier - must try harder !

OMG even after the other day when i posted a reminder for all new members not to forget to add themselves to the single user list, i changed my name and forgot to add myself:rolleyes: plonker;)
OcUK 1396247 16485
LittleWhiteDog 1389270 12044

That's some mighty dumping to keep the dog from snapping at our heels.

Good stats as always s'ah!

H'onwards and H'upwards... next stop, the penguin!
Originally posted by Tank
do you do these stats every couple of days ad?

I do them everyday but because I was out on a job from 7am yesterday to 12am this morning...(The nightime 12, just in case ;))

So all I did was come in had a bath, and went to bed... :(

It will return till usual service 2morrow:D :rolleyes: :cool:
Last edited:
Thanks for that news, my machines come back online today and will be crunching again :)

Nice to see the news back:)

And I see the cake and sparkly cupboard did survive the nuke:D - you've just been hoarding them haven't you Mr whitworth:mad: :p :D
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