OcUK News 22nd October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 21st October and 21:30 22nd October

The Hunt Ahead

Seti Switzerland 1442124 724
OcUK 1413790 8685

Out Crunched By 7961

Difference 28334

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1413790 8685
Linux 1413788 1380

Out Crunched By 7305

Difference -2



  • Number Of Active Members= 291
  • Number Of Units Returned= 8685
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 29.85
  • Number of Members = 1453
  • Average WU's returned per member = 5.98

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

Bashful 1449 0
Doc 1451 0
Dopey 1446 0
Grad 1445 0
Grumpy (#1) 391 579
Grumpy (#2) 1452 0
Happy 1450 0
Sleepy 1447 0
Sneezy 1448 0
squids 1453 0

Units Gained = 579


Grumpy -579

Units Lost = -579

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)M Zielinski 4503

Today's Beast

666)Dimitris@3091 159

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4112
2) raph 689
3) Scythes & Sickles 449
4) jaydeee007 145
5) Waldo 140
6) Phil Brett 117
7) carbon8ed 106
8) Warspite 106
9) Buxx 90
10) magman 66
11) neil*uk 64
12) Gadget 63
13) DuckBusk 55
14) LizardKing 49
15) wasc 48
16) Zebedee 48
17) Walsherz 46
18) EyeDot 44
19) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 40
20) exedanni 39
21) Martin Platts (Home) 38
22) daesdaemar 37
23) Volospian 37
24) Jim Williams (#1) 36
25) Flipper 35
26) Lc 35
27) OcUK HQ 34
28) DaemonHunter 33
29) Aydon 32
30) Buddha Finger 30
31) diogenese 29
32) Meridian 29
33) wayne 29
34) GuardianX & phan10! 28
35) Oivind Pettersen 27
36) CDL OpenVMS Team 26
37) KingDing (#1) 26
38) Pho 26
39) all0gIc 24
40) SHOTGUNmessiah 21
41) squashem 21
42) .FOF. 20
43) satman 20
44) stevie147hcr 20
45) CliffyG 19
46) RTS 19
47) Trebor95 19
49) Adam Webb 18
50) Mark Armitage 18

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) DaemonHunter 204
2) Woody...!!! 106
3) DJ-Nike 75
4) KnightkilleR 67
5) LizardKing 46
6) Chris Murray 40
7) Walton 34
8) alib001 24
9) Desmo 22
10) gjrc 22
11) daz.wallace 21
12) Ash 20
13) kingabs 19
14) Straith 19
15) tom_nieto 19
16) armatage 18
17) El Capitano 17
18) DuckBusk 16
19) Tru-mp3 16
20) adwhitworth 15
21) jezpgreat 15
22) Zebedee 15
23) .FOF. 14
24) Adolfos 14
25) exedanni 14
26) Scythes & Sickles 14
27) haz3967 13
28) Kane 13
29) GTA 12
30) monkeyGOD 12
31) Rancidelephant 12
32) yadobber 12
33) Midlancs 11
34) ShadowMan (#1) 11
35) TrUz 11
36) MiggyMan 10
37) Waldo 10
38) Zoltrax 10
39) (#11) 8
40) carlos 8
41) PSPinto 8
42) maxp 7
43) maxpower865 7
44) Herbster 6
45) neil*uk 6
46) SHOTGUNmessiah 6
47) Zoidius 6
48) Altered Corpse 5
49) Battie 5
50) KingDing (#1) 5
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

1) LizardKing 49
2) Zebedee 48
3) KingDing (#1) 26
4) Trebor95 19
5) Grandad 17
6) Vanilla 17
7) TrUz 15
8) MaYnArD 14
9) Staffy 12
10) curiosityx 11
11) Luggage 11
12) Woody...!!! 10
13) Donk 9
14) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 9
15) BeLLyLaRd 8
16) MindYerBeak 8
17) Straith 8
18) Astronut 7
19) Tank 7
20) Cheesy 6
21) Event Horizon 6
22) gjrc 6
23) happytechie 6
24) Spie 6
25) MattyEllis 5
26) nex 5
27) Soupdragon 5
28) sven256 5
29) Chasser 4
30) Grouch 4
31) Koncordski 4
32) Lowe(UK) 4
33) ShadowMan (#1) 4
34) speedypeanut 4
35) theredguy 4
36) vix 4
37) Cyro 3
38) Foiled 3
39) Paul Phillips 3
40) Wilderbeast (#1) 3
41) Wol 3
42) adwhitworth 2
43) Battie 2
44) daz.wallace 2
45) Dog 2
46) maxpower865 2
47) Muncher 2
48) s^t^n 2
49) Beta 1
50) Curiousalien 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Grumpy Gone
2) Woody...!!! 106
3) LizardKing 46
4) gjrc 22
5) daz.wallace 21
6) Straith 19
7) adwhitworth 15
8) Zebedee 15
9) ShadowMan (#1) 11
10) TrUz 11
11) maxpower865 7
12) Battie 5
13) KingDing (#1) 5
14) MattyEllis 5
15) Tank 5
16) Koncordski 3
17) nex 3
18) sven256 3
19) vix 3
20) Cheesy 2
21) Daedalus 2
22) MaYnArD 2
23) Staffy 2
24) Vanilla 2
25) curiosityx 1
26) Dog 1
27) Donk 1
28) JodieG 1
29) Luggage 1
30) Paul Phillips 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Buxx 5000
FraZor ZomBie 2500
DuckBusk 1000
LizardKing 250
coma 250
Walton 100
tom_nieto 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
It appears that Seti Switzerland do not crunch very many as their output figure is for 24 hours as I deliberately saved the file..

This is looking very easy:)
OcUK 1413790 8685
Linux 1413788 1380

Out Crunched By 7305

Difference -2

43) Battie 2

See.. if it wasn't for me, it would never have happened :P

Great news again Mr ADW and as Battie demonstrates every Wu counts:)

/wanders off singing the Wu song
Originally posted by kaiowas

Nice going sah's

And .fof. you weren't joking about the 7 dwarves were you? :D

No - and I'm not changing my name to Snow White ;). I hope they join the forum as they're a funny bunch of chaps - they've got the link for the forum so we'll see.

Mos - ****, how the ****?
Er - **** that worked well.

Originally posted by BuckEye
Good News in every respect :D

And truely..

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4112

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Good tweaking sirs.


Ok...I did say by the end of the week - but 4K!!! I actually clocked it at 3950 17:00 to 17:00. Should be at UK #1 by the end of Seti I - watch out Leeds ;).

More tweaking? - Indeedy Doody. If motorgoat starts up again we aim to match his rate (just got to figure how) - if he ain't retired already. If he does start it will be interesting competition. Does he use a cache?

A Big Welcome to all new users - tell your mates and pets. Install seti on your cat. Every single unit counts.

C'mon layds - le's b'havin' ya
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