OcUK News 23rd October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:30 22nd October and 21:45 23rd October

Seti Switzerland 1442901 777
OcUK 1423912 10122

Out Crunched By 9345

Difference 18989

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1423912 10122
Phoenix Rising 1419175 N/A

Out Crunched By N/A

Difference -4737



  • Number Of Active Members= 301
  • Number Of Units Returned= 10122
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 33.63
  • Number of Members = 1455
  • Average WU's returned per member = 6.96

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

ANDY FISHER 242 1211
tobyuk 1455 0

Units Gained = 1211


None Today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)M Zielinski 4503

Today's Beast

666)Furbs 166

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4151
2) raph 722
3) Scythes & Sickles 511
4) Iron Crow 182
5) carbon8ed 164
6) jaydeee007 141
7) Phil Brett 134
9) Dezyboy 100
10) Feek 83
11) DreederUK 73
12) Buxx 63
13) Gadget 63
14) magman 60
15) Walsherz 51
16) DuckBusk 50
17) EyeDot 43
18) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 40
19) Flipper 40
20) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 40
21) Martin Platts (Home) 39
22) daesdaemar 37
23) Jim Williams (#1) 35
24) Lc 35
25) wayne 33
26) Aydon 32
27) Buddha Finger 32
28) Volospian 32
29) CDL OpenVMS Team 31
30) Thumpsta 31
31) Meridian 30
32) OcUK HQ 28
33) .FOF. 26
34) [OcUK]Tweety 26
35) Memphisto 25
36) CliffyG 24
37) wasc 24
38) SETI@Chesterfield 23
39) Warspite 23
40) Kamarkis 22
41) mpeg10_seti 22
43) [OcUK] Archangelus 21
44) GuardianX & phan10! 21
45) PurDunamis 21
46) SHOTGUNmessiah 21
47) Mark Armitage 20
48) The Aber Lads 20
49) RTS 19
50) Sanjiyan 19

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Grad 127
2) Woody...!!! 72
3) mk1_salami 49
4) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 46
5) squids 45
6) Tagliarino 41
7) TustinoAspria 41
8) UnderDog 41
9) DJ-Nike 38
10) luke284 37
11) Scooby 35
12) KnightkilleR 34
13) Numnutz 32
14) Chris Murray 30
15) Useful Idiot 29
16) MiggyMan 24
17) armatage 23
18) gjrc 22
19) Memphisto 21
20) Midlancs 21
21) ShadowMan (#1) 21
22) Kane 20
23) .FOF. 16
24) Desmo 15
25) Walton 15
26) jezpgreat 14
27) HEADRAT 13
28) jon (#1) 13
29) El Capitano 12
30) Altered Corpse 11
31) bryan 11
32) maxp 11
33) maxpower865 11
34) DuckBusk 10
35) GTA 10
36) carlos 9
37) Richardsoj 9
38) Scythes & Sickles 9
39) Tru-mp3 9
40) Dezyboy 8
41) ^Morpheus^ 7
42) Feek 7
43) supermani 7
44) Rancidelephant 6
45) s^t^n 6
46) simonm 6
47) Tank 6
48) all0gIc 5
49) Ash 5
50) John Swainston 5
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

1) Memphisto 25
2) Sanjiyan 19
3) Arun Holmes 15
4) Vanilla 15
5) MaYnArD 14
6) Dutch Guy 13
7) Mr B. 11
8) Spie 9
9) Astronut 8
10) Event Horizon 8
11) IronFire 8
12) Woody...!!! 8
13) BeLLyLaRd 7
14) Donk 7
15) MindYerBeak 7
16) Cheesy 6
17) Koncordski 6
18) Muncher 6
19) Tank 6
20) Cyro 5
21) gjrc 5
22) Lowe(UK) 5
23) sven256 5
24) Beta 4
25) Chasser 4
26) KingDing (#1) 4
27) MattyEllis 4
28) myke 4
29) s^t^n 4
30) vix 4
31) Battie 3
32) Foiled 3
33) Grouch 3
34) happytechie 3
35) ShadowMan (#1) 3
36) Soupdragon 3
37) Curiousalien 2
38) maxpower865 2
39) nex 2
40) speedypeanut 2
41) theredguy 2
42) [OCUK]JohnRoss 1
43) adwhitworth 1
44) JJ2K 1
45) Juggler 1
46) magicpatch01 1
47) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 1
48) Paul Phillips 1
49) psypher 1
50) skyman 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Woody...!!! 72
2) gjrc 22
3) Memphisto 21
4) ShadowMan (#1) 21
5) maxpower865 11
6) s^t^n 6
7) Tank 6
8) adwhitworth 4
9) MaYnArD 3
10) Mr B. 3
11) theredguy 3
12) Curiousalien 2
13) Cyro 2
14) IronFire 2
15) Muncher 2
16) Battie 1
17) Vanilla 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

DreederUK 5000
Feek 2500
all0gIc 1000
^Morpheus^ 500
s^t^n 100
Kane 100
Luke 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
10k day - though with a help from new starter - Welcome - and awesome M.o.S. output.

Thanks for the stats sah,
how come there are no results for TPR, have they changed their name or something?
Because I was not expecting them to stomp linux and LWD, i did not have a *.CMP file for them and so could not get their ouput...

It will be back to normal 2morrow..
Sorry - no contribution today - slightly constipated:( but for everyone else - once more very impressive stats!

A w00t for all!:D
Spank u for d'nu's. Sorry we don't post much, wish we could some more but our nuclear power plant needs constant monitoring and tweaking. Ministry.
Nuclear plant is it now MoS? Dear lord... :eek: :eek: :eek:

A quick well done for about 5am when you hit 100000 :) coz I'll be in bed.

Good news as evah!

H'onwards and h'upwards team.

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