OcUK News 28th October 2002 - Is this classed as spam? ;)

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:00 27th October and 21:10 28th October

The Hunt Ahead

Seti Switzerland 1500459 9006
OcUK 1478009 20014

Out Crunched By 11008

Difference 22450

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1478009 20014
Phoenix Rising 1446789 23217

Out Crunched By -3203

Difference -31220



  • Number Of Active Members= 317
  • Number Of Units Returned= 20014
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 63.14
  • Number of Members = 1480
  • Average WU's returned per member = 13.52

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

AlexBell 1480 0
fnoble 1479 0
galifrey 995 34
RiotStar 141 2425
zanshin 238 1237
zip & dyna's bud tokin' stompers 49 6303

Units Gained = 9999


N:dne today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Spud 4610

Today's Beast

666)Hug-E-Bear 169

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4836
2) raph 524
3) Scythes & Sickles 232
4) Iron Crow 202
5) taliesyn 170
6) jaydeee007 154
7) The Aber Lads 150
8) 2blue4u 147
9) wasc 143
10) Phil Brett 130
11) Warspite 124
12) ProSpec 91
13) Buxx 83
14) Wilderbeast (#1) 80
15) carbon8ed 68
16) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 64
17) magman 59
18) Gadget 56
19) DuckBusk 55
20) Walsherz 53
21) Bod 50
22) Kendo 50
23) Lc 49
24) Feek 47
25) wayne 47
26) DaemonHunter 46
27) CaptinD 42
28) Mark Armitage 42
29) DustyMiller 41
30) Martin Platts (Home) 40
31) Trebor95 40
32) EyeDot 38
33) hakme2deth (#1) 38
34) daesdaemar 36
35) Flipper 36
36) SHOTGUNmessiah 35
37) Volospian 35
39) OcUK HQ 30
40) Thumpsta 29
41) Meridian 28
42) Vicky Evans 28
43) GuardianX & phan10! 27
44) CDL OpenVMS Team 26
45) Doakle 26
46) satman 25
47) Aydon 24
48) CliffyG 24
49) KiteMan 24
50) gjrc 23

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) DaemonHunter 116
2) ThaDon 106
3) Dopey 100
4) rl253 69
5) Ice Man 67
6) Happy 58
7) JaffaCAke 46
8) gjrc 44
9) Scooby 43
10) xdeity 42
11) [XKF]ApoX 40
12) KnightkilleR 40
13) Silent.B.Deadly 39
14) Shoit (#2) 37
15) Doc 36
16) TustinoAspria 33
17) Spad 29
18) Bashful 26
19) Bod 23
20) Sneezy 23
21) Grad 22
22) Desmo 21
23) Hissey 21
24) Sleepy 20
25) tom_nieto 18
26) Chris Murray 15
27) Woody...!!! 13
28) GTA 12
29) ShadowMan (#1) 12
30) Walton 12
31) HEADRAT 11
32) Kane 11
33) slatey 10
34) Richardsoj 9
35) jezpgreat 8
36) El Capitano 7
37) reeferjon 7
38) taliesyn 7
39) Zei 7
40) CaptinD 6
41) PSPinto 6
42) Straith 6
43) Wilderbeast (#1) 6
44) Ash 5
45) Mark P 5
46) Rancidelephant 5
47) DuckBusk 4
48) kingabs 4
49) Madlew 4
50) nibs 4
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Wilderbeast (#1) 80
2) Bod 50
3) Kendo 50
4) DustyMiller 41
5) Trebor95 40
6) gjrc 23
7) MaYnArD 15
8) curiosityx 14
9) Event Horizon 13
10) Wol 13
11) Astronut 12
12) Luggage 12
13) Spie 12
14) Jim Williams (#1) 10
15) Vanilla 9
16) Dutch Guy 8
17) Ice Man 8
18) IronFire 8
19) BeLLyLaRd 7
20) MindYerBeak 7
21) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 7
22) sven256 7
23) Arun Holmes 6
24) Cheesy 6
25) rl253 6
26) Straith 6
27) werewolf 6
28) Chasser 5
29) Grouch 5
30) Koncordski 5
31) Lowe(UK) 5
32) reeferjon 5
33) BIGBOY 4
34) KingDing (#1) 4
35) ShadowMan (#1) 4
36) speedypeanut 4
37) Woody...!!! 4
38) Battie 3
39) Beta 3
40) Cyro 3
41) Grad 3
42) MattyEllis 3
43) Piggymon 3
44) Silent.B.Deadly 3
45) slatey 3
46) vix 3
47) Donk 2
48) Foiled 2
49) Gregeff 2
50) Juggler 2

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) rl253 69
2) Ice Man 67
3) gjrc 44
4) xdeity 42
5) [XKF]ApoX 40
6) Silent.B.Deadly 39
7) Bod 23
8) Grad 22
9) Woody...!!! 13
10) ShadowMan (#1) 12
11) slatey 10
12) reeferjon 7
13) Straith 6
14) Wilderbeast (#1) 6
15) Rancidelephant 5
16) Digitalis 3
17) MaYnArD 2
18) Trebor95 2
19) Kendo 1
20) sven256 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

heysad 500
DaemonHunter 100
Carpet3 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
It appears that the bloke in Seti Switzerland has an amazing amount of WU's stored as he dumped another 7600 today:eek: to try and stomp Planet 3DNow! - Shame it didn't work tho:p

It also means he dumped now so he can't dump when we stomp!:D
Nah, 'corse it's not spam sah, it's a very valued daily contribution! Thankee kindly for you work.

As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

:eek: 3) Scythes & Sickles 232 :eek:

Not a dump!!!! daily output :eek: me runs for cover!!!!!

Very H'impressive crunching guys.keep it up



1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4836
2) raph 524

H'even H'extra H'impressive of course!
Last edited:
Im storing woos here for a large dump :D well 150 but its only one computer. Will be a few days yet :( but it will be soon :D
The Imposter
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