OcUK News 2nd & 3rd November 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:40 1st November and 20:10 3rd November

The Hunt Ahead

Athlonmb.com Seti Team 1565507 3165
OcUK 1529996 17126

Out Crunched By 13961

Difference 35511

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1529996 17126
Seti Switzerland 1521151 796

Out Crunched By 16330

Difference -8845



  • Number Of Active Members= 295
  • Number Of Units Returned= 17126
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 58.1
  • Number of Members = 1492
  • Average WU's returned per member = 11.5

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

Grinning death 723 129
Oddball 1492 0
THE HUB 233 1300

Units Gained = 1429


Bryan & Diane -2551
Feek - Retired account -17237
Gary -127
LUC1FER -1288

Units Lost = 21203

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Aydon 4743

Today's Beast

666)RLC Trooper 177

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Feek 6917
2) The Ministry of Serendipity 4445
3) raph 478
4) Scythes & Sickles 416
5) doofer 349
6) NaughtyNeutrino 186
7) jaydeee007 127
8) Phil Brett 94
9) Iron Crow 80
10) Rabid Dog 74
11) carbon8ed 66
12) Buxx 58
13) magman 55
14) Biffa 52
15) Gadget 51
16) Orifice 49
18) nex 43
19) DuckBusk 41
20) Walsherz 41
21) EyeDot 37
22) RiotStar 36
23) wasc 35
24) Jim Williams (#1) 32
25) Kamarkis 32
26) The Aber Lads 31
27) wayne 30
28) daesdaemar 28
29) Thumpsta 28
30) Mark Armitage 27
31) Preen Team@Home Plymouth 27
32) Lc 26
33) Meridian 26
34) Volospian 26
35) Grandad 25
36) Insane 25
37) DreederUK 22
38) Walton 22
39) @gent$mith 21
40) Flipper 21
41) GuardianX & phan10! 21
42) OcUK HQ 21
43) stevie147hcr 21
44) diogenese 20
45) Mr B. 20
46) CliffyG 19
47) Scream 19
48) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 19
49) Wol 19
50) carlos 18

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) sirgaz2 237
2) Feek 88
3) Sneezy 49
4) Useful Idiot 46
5) Sleepy 35
6) Dopey 33
7) galifrey 30
8) Walton 27
9) Bashful 26
10) [XKF]ApoX 23
11) Hissey 23
12) xdeity 23
13) Happy 21
14) GTA 19
15) Richardsoj 19
16) Grumpy (#2) 18
17) Ice Man 18
18) Imposter 18
19) carlos 17
20) kingabs 16
21) nex 16
22) Pinky 16
23) sparks 16
24) WyldKatt 16
25) adwhitworth 15
26) Desmo 14
27) Doc 14
28) NaughtyNeutrino 14
29) Fosheezee 13
30) supermani 13
31) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 12
32) Grad 12
33) Insane 12
34) Scream 12
35) Chris Murray 11
36) DJ-Nike 11
37) jezpgreat 11
38) Kane 11
39) s@njay 11
40) 117 10
41) doofer 10
42) D@Rk_DeViL 9
43) geekboy_uk 9
44) Numnutz 9
45) rl253 9
46) slatey 9
47) Battie 8
48) Biffa 8
49) Geno 8
50) KnightkilleR 8
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) nex 43
2) Jim Williams (#1) 32
3) Grandad 25
4) Mr B. 20
5) Scream 19
6) Wol 19
7) Imposter 17
8) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 16
9) Foiled 13
10) Event Horizon 11
11) IronFire 10
12) Ice Man 7
13) MaYnArD 7
14) Battie 6
15) BeLLyLaRd 6
16) curiosityx 6
17) Spie 6
18) Staffy 6
19) Arun Holmes 5
20) Astronut 5
21) Beta 5
22) Cheesy 5
23) Lowe(UK) 5
24) sven256 5
25) werewolf 5
26) Chasser 4
27) JJ2K 4
28) adwhitworth 3
29) Cyro 3
30) Dog 3
31) Greg 3
32) Grouch 3
33) Koncordski 3
34) Piggymon 3
35) r0b 3
36) Ricko (#1) 3
37) rl253 3
38) Soupdragon 3
39) speedypeanut 3
40) Vanilla 3
41) [XKF]ApoX 2
42) clv101 2
43) Grad 2
44) Juggler 2
45) magicpatch01 2
46) myke 2
47) reeferjon 2
48) slatey 2
49) vix 2
50) Woody...!!! 2

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Bryan & Diane Gone
2) [XKF]ApoX 23
3) xdeity 23
4) Ice Man 18
5) Imposter 18
6) nex 16
7) WyldKatt 16
8) adwhitworth 15
9) Fosheezee 13
10) Grad 12
11) Scream 12
12) rl253 9
13) slatey 9
14) Battie 8
15) Fee Fee 7
16) Mr B. 6
17) Cyro 5
18) Grandad 5
19) Piggymon 5
20) ShadowMan (#1) 5
21) Chasser 4
22) curiosityx 4
23) Daedalus 4
24) Dog 4
25) IronFire 4
26) Silent.B.Deadly 4
27) sven256 4
28) Event Horizon 3
29) Greg 3
30) Grouch 3
31) magicpatch01 3
32) myke 3
33) speedypeanut 3
34) Staffy 3
35) Vanilla 3
36) vix 3
37) Wol 3
38) Woody...!!! 3
39) [OCUK]JohnRoss 2
40) afez4 2
41) Alpha 2
42) Altern8or 2
43) AndyUK 2
44) art3h 2
45) Arun Holmes 2
46) AthlonXPbloke 2
47) BabelFish 2
48) Basher 2
49) BeLLyLaRd 2
50) Beta 2
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Simon (#1) 10000
Scythes & Sickles 7500
Feek 7500
Feek 5000
RiotStar 2500
kolala 750
supermani 500
yadobber 500
kremen 500
sparks 250
galifrey 100
117 100
quackers 100
Hissey 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Last edited:
Nice stats, addy. Fantastic to see me as the number one dumper, but hey, I got two tiffies yesterday.

Did you forget me? :sob:

Hey, just noticed. What happened to Luc1fer? He seemed to be having a lot of fun parping and racing the n00b's.

Originally posted by adwhitworth
Feek and Sparks, I have manually added you :)

Thanks sah.

In that case, as a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners (woo-hoo, that includes me twice), please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

Good news :)

What happened to -


Bryan & Diane -2551
Feek - Retired account -17237
Gary -127
LUC1FER -1288

especially Feek?

Originally posted by BuckEye
Good news :)

What happened to -


Bryan & Diane -2551
Feek - Retired account -17237
Gary -127
LUC1FER -1288

especially Feek?


-I suspect LUC1FER has name changed to 'THE HUB'
-Feek's account was cleaned up by Berekley after his account was ruined by a friend of his
Bryan & Diane i have no idea about, they are long standing members :confused:
Whats with all the bananas.....?????:rolleyes:

Anyways...@ last I finally gets miself a mention.....Now I am havin to crunch the units in mi cache before i fit mi new stompin stuff......
I've managed to clean out my Duron Cache :), halfway through my Athlon one atm (100 WUS) :D.
My account will now stop producing wu's as im crunching for THE HUB now :D Sorry about the race guys i wont be able to beat you oh well :D
The Imposter
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