OcUK News 4th November 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:10 3rd November and 20:00 4th November

The Hunt Ahead

Athlonmb.com Seti Team 1566468 961
OcUK 1552424 23641

Out Crunched By 22680

Difference 14044

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1552424 23641
Seti Switzerland 1527010 5859

Out Crunched By 17782

Difference -25414



  • Number Of Active Members= 339
  • Number Of Units Returned= 23641
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 69.2
  • Number of Members = 1496
  • Average WU's returned per member = 15.8

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

JimG 312 926
Mark Gray 21 10010
mortbase 1351 3
silly string 1016 33
Timewave 251 1224

Units Gained = 12196


Garry Rigden -1213

Units Lost = -1213

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Begbie 4820

Today's Beast

666)Sister of Buddha Finger 180

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 5044
2) raph 814
3) gandolf 480
4) Scythes & Sickles 418
5) Martin Platts (Home) 254
6) ProSpec 202
7) jaydeee007 160
8) Waldo 148
9) Warspite 109
10) Phil Brett 108
11) carbon8ed 105
12) Iron Crow 98
13) NaughtyNeutrino 80
15) Buxx 71
16) CDL OpenVMS Team 69
17) zanshin 62
18) hakme2deth (#1) 61
19) magman 60
20) DuckBusk 55
21) Bennett 52
22) Feek 52
23) Walsherz 51
24) [OcUK]Tweety 48
25) EyeDot 46
26) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 45
27) wasc 45
28) wayne 45
29) 2blue4u 44
30) archangelus 43
31) Buddha Finger 43
32) Jim Williams (#1) 43
33) Gadget 41
34) Biffa 40
35) diogenese 40
36) Flipper 37
37) Mark Armitage 33
38) daesdaemar 32
39) IAN 31
40) Volospian 31
41) Aydon 30
42) gjrc 30
43) HEADRAT 29
44) Gavstar 28
45) Nigeljn 27
46) galifrey 26
47) GuardianX & phan10! 26
48) Kodiak 26
49) Oivind Pettersen 26

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) squids 378
2) chardmarky 273
3) sirgaz2 193
4) Oakey 94
5) Oddball 89
6) gsf600y 82
7) Pinky 56
8) galifrey 46
9) gjrc 44
10) Sneezy 44
11) TustinoAspria 41
12) rl253 29
13) xdeity 26
14) Dopey 25
15) [XKF]ApoX 24
16) DJ-Nike 24
17) HEADRAT 24
18) gandolf 23
19) Happy 22
20) Nigeljn 20
21) Doc 19
22) Useful Idiot 19
23) Ice Man 18
24) Richardsoj 18
25) Shoit (#2) 18
26) punky_munky 16
27) Walton 16
28) Bennett 15
29) Chris Murray 14
30) KnightkilleR 14
31) Woody...!!! 14
32) Grad 13
33) Martin Platts (Home) 13
34) slatey 13
35) tom_nieto 13
36) Dragon 12
37) Kane 12
38) PSPinto 12
39) WyldKatt 12
40) zanshin 11
41) Bashful 10
42) Tru-mp3 10
43) kremen 8
44) Gavstar 7
45) .FOF. 6
46) El Capitano 6
47) eric 6
48) kingabs 6
49) Sleepy 6
50) Waldo 6
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Bennett 52
2) Jim Williams (#1) 43
3) gjrc 30
4) Gavstar 28
5) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 17
6) Dragon 15
7) Dutch Guy 14
8) Astronut 12
9) tom_nieto 11
10) Ice Man 8
11) MaYnArD 8
12) Spie 8
13) Chasser 7
14) Event Horizon 7
15) Koncordski 7
16) rl253 7
17) BeLLyLaRd 6
18) Cheesy 6
19) happytechie 6
20) reeferjon 6
21) sumoquirkey 6
22) Woody...!!! 6
23) Beta 5
24) KingDing (#1) 5
25) Piggymon 5
26) punky_munky 5
27) slatey 5
28) werewolf 5
29) [XKF]ApoX 4
30) Arun Holmes 4
31) Foiled 4
32) Greg 4
33) Lowe(UK) 4
34) Battie 3
35) Dog 3
36) Grad 3
37) Grouch 3
38) myke 3
39) Ricko (#1) 3
40) ShadowMan (#1) 3
41) Soupdragon 3
42) speedypeanut 3
43) theredguy 3
44) Vanilla 3
45) vix 3
46) clv101 2
47) Gregeff 2
48) MooMan 2
49) Mr B. 2
50) r0b 2

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) gjrc 44
2) rl253 29
3) xdeity 26
4) [XKF]ApoX 24
5) Ice Man 18
6) punky_munky 16
7) Bennett 15
8) Woody...!!! 14
9) Grad 13
10) slatey 13
11) tom_nieto 13
12) Dragon 12
13) WyldKatt 12
14) Gavstar 7
15) Fosheezee 5
16) reeferjon 5
17) MooMan 3
18) ShadowMan (#1) 3
19) Battie 2
20) Dog 2
21) Piggymon 2
22) sven256 2
23) adwhitworth 1
24) Greg 1
25) sumoquirkey 1
26) vix 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

NaughtyNeutrino 2500
Bennett 1000
RTS 1000
Nigeljn 250
Walton 250
TustinoAspria 100
Dog 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine H'Achievement™.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Nice news - fantastic dumping guys! We will take Athlonmb the day after tomorrow, or tomorrow if we have many WUs join us like today. :cool:

I think Timewave's welcome thread was a little premature as it looks like it is Garry Ridgen renamed.
looking bloomin fantasitc for the worlds finest team :D

I'm miffed that a 6woo dump doesn't get me a stomp :( maybe tomorrow.

I also belive that one of our new joiners:

Mark Gray 21 10010

Had less than 10K when he joined the team. A 10K tiffy on your first day in the new team deserves a mention I feel ;)

Keep up the good work.


1) Bennett 52

52 WUS off one machine, that must be a freakin BEAST

Hey bennet what you got in that thing 8 Alphas or something?

8 P3 Xeon 900Mhz with 2MB cache? That would push out around
hmm.. around 40 per day at a rough guess.. maybe 45 if it was highly optimised so for a single must be plenty beefy.. maybe its a blade server?

Do tell mate. Dying to know
Cool, I didn't check.. I always forget about cacheing.. :rolleyes:

Cheers for the heads up :o

Heck, I wish I had just one monster like that.. actually I know there are some peeps with Alphas, I wonder what they go like on Seti
hehe caching and dumping usally to get that many woos... I do it because my 5 woos a week would never get me near stats

(i'm aiming for devil ship)
Originally posted by BiffaZ
Cheers for the heads up :o

Heck, I wish I had just one monster like that.. actually I know there are some peeps with Alphas, I wonder what they go like on Seti
No probs, SETI timer has Alphas as an option in it to check the times. On a sidenote this is the third time I've posted the SETI timer link today - but it just is that good. :)
A bit late today, but I've been somewhat busy this evening.

As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

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