OcUK News 6th November 2002

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17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:00 5th November and 20:30 6th November

The Hunt Ahead

Team Nippon 1579748 29367
OcUK 1572066 8879

Out Crunched By -20488

Difference 7682

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1572075 8879
Seti Switzerland 1534972 4427

Out Crunched By 4452

Difference -37103



  • Number Of Active Members= 315
  • Number Of Units Returned= 8879
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 28.19
  • Number of Members = 1502
  • Average WU's returned per member = 5.9

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

Doug 882 61
nigma 1051 28
Silent Bob 382 660
TimB 954 45
Tom 1482 0

Units Gained = 794


Doug (#1) -493
Doug (#2) -61
mojobob -15
rob (#3) -4

Units Lost = -573

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Begbie 4842

Today's Beast

666)megakid 181

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 3977
2) raph 743
3) Scythes & Sickles 415
4) jaydeee007 140
5) funky_llama 123
6) Phil Brett 114
7) Persil 107
8) Iron Crow 95
9) Buxx 74
10) carbon8ed 69
12) magman 62
13) Martin Platts (Home) 60
14) Jim Williams (#1) 58
15) diogenese 57
16) Biffa 56
17) DuckBusk 55
18) Feek 54
19) Volospian 51
20) Flopsy 49
21) Lc 41
22) wasc 40
23) Kamarkis 39
24) wayne 39
25) EyeDot 37
26) THE HUB 37
27) Luggage 36
28) Buddha Finger 34
29) daesdaemar 33
30) Mark Armitage 32
31) Flipper 31
32) satman 31
33) sparks 31
34) The Aber Lads 31
35) Meridian 29
36) sirgaz2 29
37) stevie147hcr 28
38) SETI@Chesterfield 26
39) DreederUK 24
40) Oivind Pettersen 24
41) Orifice 24
42) PreenTeam@HomeKettering WayneStomper 24
43) Aydon 23
44) OcUK HQ 23
45) GuardianX & phan10! 22
46) IAN 22
47) Walton 22
48) galifrey 21
49) KiteMan 21
50) Staffy 21

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) sirgaz2 148
2) ThaDon 83
3) IZoneIZ 48
4) Sneezy 29
5) galifrey 27
6) Pinky 27
7) Happy 24
8) Walton 24
9) Grad 23
10) Ice Man 23
11) Oakey 23
12) sparks 20
13) Oddball 19
14) MooMan 17
15) ItsHim 16
16) Sleepy 16
17) Doc 14
18) 117 13
19) [XKF]ApoX 13
20) Dopey 13
21) jon (#1) 13
22) rl253 12
23) WyldKatt 12
24) Ash 11
25) Chris Murray 10
26) slatey 10
27) TustinoAspria 10
28) Bashful 9
29) Staffy 9
30) Da_Flash 8
31) geekboy_uk 8
32) gjrc 8
33) KnightkilleR 8
34) Luggage 8
35) Tru-mp3 8
36) adwhitworth 7
37) Biffa 7
38) GTA 7
39) vix 7
40) .FOF. 6
41) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 6
42) Greg 6
43) ic3KING 6
44) Kane 6
45) ShadowMan (#1) 6
46) tom_nieto 6
47) Carpet3 5
48) Desmo 5
49) DuckBusk 5
50) exedanni 5
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Jim Williams (#1) 58
2) Luggage 36
3) Staffy 21
4) Wol 19
5) Astronut 13
6) Soupdragon 13
7) Vanilla 11
8) MaYnArD 10
9) Foiled 8
10) Ice Man 8
11) BeLLyLaRd 7
12) Event Horizon 7
13) gjrc 7
14) MindYerBeak 7
15) curiosityx 6
16) Koncordski 6
17) rl253 6
18) tom_nieto 6
19) Cemetery 5
20) Chasser 5
21) Cheesy 5
22) Lowe(UK) 5
23) Piggymon 5
24) Cyro 4
25) Greg 4
26) Grouch 4
27) KingDing (#1) 4
28) MooMan 4
29) r0b 4
30) reeferjon 4
31) slatey 4
32) speedypeanut 4
33) vix 4
34) werewolf 4
35) [XKF]ApoX 3
36) Beta 3
37) Grad 3
38) Ricko (#1) 3
39) ScarFinger 3
40) ShadowMan (#1) 3
41) theredguy 3
42) afez4 2
43) clv101 2
44) Dog 2
45) happytechie 2
46) IronFire 2
47) JodieG 2
48) MattyEllis 2
49) adwhitworth 1
50) BIGBOY 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Doug (#2) Gone
2) Grad 23
3) Ice Man 23
4) MooMan 17
5) [XKF]ApoX 13
6) rl253 12
7) WyldKatt 12
8) slatey 10
9) Staffy 9
10) gjrc 8
11) Luggage 8
12) adwhitworth 7
13) vix 7
14) Greg 6
15) ShadowMan (#1) 6
16) tom_nieto 6
17) reeferjon 5
18) Cyro 4
19) Fee Fee 4
20) r0b 4
21) theredguy 4
22) Piggymon 3
23) Dog 2
24) JodieG 2
25) Koncordski 2
26) LizardKing 2
27) MaYnArD 2
28) s^t^n 2
29) Basher 1
30) Battie 1
31) Beta 1
32) bigpops 1
33) binaryknight 1
34) Daedalus 1
35) Dangerous 1
36) dazmanultra 1
37) Dragon 1
38) Faz 1
39) fragel959 1
40) Gavstar 1
41) Geist 1
42) Greenlung 1
43) Jim Williams (#1) 1
44) leigho 1
45) Lowe(UK) 1
46) Memphisto 1
47) myke 1
48) noob (OcUK) 1
49) psypher 1
50) Rit_d 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

funky_llama 2500

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

If Team Nippon dumped 29367 WU's and they're only 7K ahead of us, does that mean we got STOMPED today? :eek:

Mr. Feeky you copier and pasty boy...

As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners

There was only one which would make winner not winners...I know u like that copy and pastin too much :P

Regarding the news, there seems to be a bug that occurs occasionally but it will be fine 2morrow :)
Yes, seems strange to me as well - I don't remember them doing that much :confused: :confused:

Anyway, we'll gettem tomorrow - maybe even AMDmb if theres a few large dumps from the slackers :D :D

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