OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Four - "Yellow" DISCUSSION

wez130 said:
i think the entries thread needs sticking if there's a passing don :)
Just shows how often a don sticks his head in here. I wonder if we need a new don? :)
Pickers said:
oh dear lord - the mustard has spread to photography!!!


I was going to pick this one but it just didn't cut the mustard :p
Well, that's my placeholder (or otherwise) in.

I was having breakfast in the garden, when I noticed the pegs hanging on the washing line....Hmmm...'Interesting' I thought.

No doubt I'll go out and try some other ideas, but I'm quite liking this one so far.
danza said:
Well, that's my placeholder (or otherwise) in.

I was having breakfast in the garden, when I noticed the pegs hanging on the washing line....Hmmm...'Interesting' I thought.

No doubt I'll go out and try some other ideas, but I'm quite liking this one so far.

Damn I was thinking along the same lines lol

If a passing mod could be so kind the entries thread needs stickying and the previous work threads need moving to the P&V archive.
danza said:
Well, that's my placeholder (or otherwise) in.

I was having breakfast in the garden, when I noticed the pegs hanging on the washing line....Hmmm...'Interesting' I thought.

No doubt I'll go out and try some other ideas, but I'm quite liking this one so far.

That's actually a really simple yet effective photo, if i were still judging, I would've given you, 7 possibly 8 for technical, 8/9 for theme, and a solid 8 for impact.
That's actually a really simple yet effective photo, if i were still judging, I would've given you, 7 possibly 8 for technical, 8/9 for theme, and a solid 8 for impact.

Well, you'd better get back on the judging team sharpish then!

If I were a judge, your placeholder would score a good 9-10 for fitness :D
Finally entered a round, and this isn't even my idea! I took the shot, but completely the gf's idea, so I'll direct any critiscism her way.
Broadbandplacey said:
/contentious statement/

just because your picture has yellow in it does it make it say 'yellow'?

i for one will not have a drop of yellow on my photo - or the idea ive got at the moment wont

I think the only danger is losing all the marks for the 'theme' interpretation marking section of the competition.

If it's a good enough photo, I think it will score highly on 'technical' and 'impact'.

That is the way I see it anyway.
Broadbandplacey said:
/contentious statement/

just because your picture has yellow in it does it make it say 'yellow'?

i for one will not have a drop of yellow on my photo - or the idea ive got at the moment wont

Then again what says "Yellow" better than Yellow? For me the subject or theme of the photo plays a large part and the technical aspect not so much for me, Maybe because my technique isn't that great or maybe it's just my approach to photography.

Although I still need a camera and still have to source my subject!!!
Joe T said:
And Tom counters with a bike! Not as much yellow as mine though :p

I will find something more yellow and Motorsport related by the end of the month!!!!!

...What I wouldn't do for a Jordan Honda F1 test session.
Gamefreak501 said:
If it's a good enough photo, I think it will score highly on 'technical' and 'impact'.

I should get 10/10 for technical for a start :p going into the ladies (or getting them into the mens ;)) require extreme skillz you know. :p. As for Impact, i don't think i need to spell it out. :p
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