Rules must be followed. Failure to follow one or more rules will result in disqualification for the current round.
* One image per entrant (may be a montage consisting of two or more photos).
* If a montage is entered, all photos in the image will be judged on their relevance to each other as well as the theme.
* Photos must be posted in or linked to this thread for consideration.
* Photos must be of a reasonable size.
* Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size.
* Photos must have been taken on or after Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006. Invalid EXIF dates must be declared.
* Photos that have been commented on previously by any of the judges, will not be considered.
* Photos must be available for viewing in this thread until the competition winner has been announced.
* Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information.
* Photographers retain full copyright to their entries, so you must contact them before using their entries.
* The winner of each round will choose the theme for the next round.
* The Judges may not discuss or submit their interpretation of the theme until the competition winner has been announced.
* The Judges will not reveal individual scores, however some judges may provide a critique after the competition has ended.
* The Judges may or may not notify disqualified photographers before the deadline.
* The Judges decisions are final.
* Minimum Bribe Level: Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II