OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Three - "Work" RESULTS

Well done everyone involved! Especially our two winners and the judges involved!

Well happy with my result!!! Highest tech mark :p , let down slighty by theme! I suppose people sitting in a circle doesnt immediatly shout work! :D :D
xolotl said:
Congrats to ATHRoss & danza, two worthy winners.

If anyone wants critique on their pictures let me know. And this time I promise to do it (sorry about last time).

Mine please. If i'm reading it right looks like I got joint 2nd place.. :D :D
critique would be muchly appreciated on mine :)

and im EXCEPTIONALLY happy with my result - 60 marks on my first go, and with a dP&S! *me jumps up and down*

im gonna struggle to get on that big improvers list next time arnt i!!!

oh thanxs judges for your time and effort it is appreciated :)
Broadbandplacey said:
critique would be muchly appreciated on mine

and im EXCEPTIONALLY happy with my result - 60 marks on my first go, and with a dP&S! *me jumps up and down*

im gonna struggle to get on that big improvers list next time arent i!!!

oh thanxs judges for your time and effort it is appreciated :)

I'm pretty chuffed too! Same boat as you but 55. :D

I rekon my next entries are really going to loose out on theme marks as I'm used to producing work that has not obvious connection to the original theme due to my Art and Photography course but I guess making it obvious and original at the same time is going to be part of the challange. :D

I'd also very much like critique on my photo please. :D

Just realised I have no digital camera for the next round!!! Here I come developing fees. :(
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PaulStat said:
Yay :) But you got my average wrong, since i've only entered 2 rounds shouldn't my average be 58.5??
I guess as your score for the 2nd round was 0, and its a average of the "season", it would take into consideration that 58+59+0/3

I wouldnt mind a helpful hand of critique please :D . After my exams I'm going to have a lot more free time to make use of any tips.
cyKey said:
*kills matty* Interesting results for sure :) Congrats to the winners, roll on next round :D

heh sorry Pete, i had a better looking model... :p

Thanks to the judges and Well Done to the winners, i did better than i thought i would, my piccy was soft and not level :o so im please to have got as high as i did!

Next round! :D
Thanks guys for the judging. Pretty poor score for me but something to strive higher for!

Well done to ATHRoss and danza!

Right, can I request a theme that is compatible with not having much time in my life to take pictures!! :D
Pickers said:
I guess as your score for the 2nd round was 0, and its a average of the "season", it would take into consideration that 58+59+0/3

I wouldnt mind a helpful hand of critique please :D . After my exams I'm going to have a lot more free time to make use of any tips.

yeah but that's just silly why would you take an average of 3 results when I only have 2 :p

Edit: Xoloti could I have a crit please, i'd like to know why the technical side let me down :)
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Whooo! Really pleased with 3rd result! I'm glad i stopped revising to take the photo :D

Well done to our two winners :) could you choose a theme to do with big mountains? As i'm off to the Alps in a few weeks ;)

Oooh i'd also like a critique if theres one going!

Thanks Judges!

Just read this this morning and I am stunned and delighted.

Thanks to the judges and to everyone else for their kind words and well done to everyone who entered.

In a separeate post, someone claimed they were not entering as they were always last (or near the bottom). Well last season thats exactly where I was. Now I know I won't win it this season (or possibly any other) but this result sees me smile broadly, knowing that I have become better when I really think about the theme and apply what (little) I know about composition etc. Therefore dont give up, keep entering, keep looking at, and learning from, everyone elses images and most importantly keep having fun.

Now, just gotta get together with Danza to agree a theme..................

Hmmmmm, I think this will be harder than winning a round!

thanks again

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xolotl said:
Congrats to ATHRoss & danza, two worthy winners.

If anyone wants critique on their pictures let me know. And this time I promise to do it (sorry about last time).

yes please
Just had a look through this when I got up about 15 minutes ago.

Anyway, congratulations to ATHRoss and Danza!

Thank you again to our judges who never fail us and dedicate their own time to this cause! :)
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