OcUK Photo Comp - Season Nine : Round Nine - "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" RESULTS

Man of Honour
14 Aug 2005
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Nine : Round Nine - "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" RESULTS

WINNER: Slothmeister


Total scores for the round

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
slothmeister	21	23	20	64
robertgilbert86	20	22	20	62
PaulStat	20	21	21	62
Rojin		20	21	19	60
peterattheboro	20	21	18	59
SQUEEZO		20	21	18	59
p0ss3s3d	18	22	19	59
grahamjenks	20	19	19	58
sketch145	19	20	18	57
feriso		19	19	18	56
BruceLee	18	19	18	55
lukechad	18	19	17	54
NightShadow	16	19	17	52
Janesy_B	16	18	16	50
Mud		16	17	16	49
blastman	16	16	17	49
Russinating	16	15	17	48
famas		16	14	14	44
lucklessloser	14	16	13	43
Mr Jones	14	16	13	43
cokecan72	15	14	13	42
Derek_W		12	15	12	39
orbspeed1	12	15	10	37
ps2wizz		11	11	10	32

Technical marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
slothmeister	21	23	20	64
robertgilbert86	20	22	20	62
PaulStat	20	21	21	62
Rojin		20	21	19	60
peterattheboro	20	21	18	59
SQUEEZO		20	21	18	59
grahamjenks	20	19	19	58
sketch145	19	20	18	57
feriso		19	19	18	56
p0ss3s3d	18	22	19	59
BruceLee	18	19	18	55
lukechad	18	19	17	54
NightShadow	16	19	17	52
Janesy_B	16	18	16	50
Mud		16	17	16	49
blastman	16	16	17	49
Russinating	16	15	17	48
famas		16	14	14	44
cokecan72	15	14	13	42
lucklessloser	14	16	13	43
Mr Jones	14	16	13	43
Derek_W		12	15	12	39
orbspeed1	12	15	10	37
ps2wizz		11	11	10	32

Theme marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
slothmeister	21	23	20	64
robertgilbert86	20	22	20	62
p0ss3s3d	18	22	19	59
PaulStat	20	21	21	62
Rojin		20	21	19	60
peterattheboro	20	21	18	59
SQUEEZO		20	21	18	59
sketch145	19	20	18	57
grahamjenks	20	19	19	58
feriso		19	19	18	56
BruceLee	18	19	18	55
lukechad	18	19	17	54
NightShadow	16	19	17	52
Janesy_B	16	18	16	50
Mud		16	17	16	49
blastman	16	16	17	49
lucklessloser	14	16	13	43
Mr Jones	14	16	13	43
Russinating	16	15	17	48
Derek_W		12	15	12	39
orbspeed1	12	15	10	37
famas		16	14	14	44
cokecan72	15	14	13	42
ps2wizz		11	11	10	32

Impact marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
PaulStat	20	21	21	62
slothmeister	21	23	20	64
robertgilbert86	20	22	20	62
Rojin		20	21	19	60
grahamjenks	20	19	19	58
p0ss3s3d	18	22	19	59
peterattheboro	20	21	18	59
SQUEEZO		20	21	18	59
sketch145	19	20	18	57
feriso		19	19	18	56
BruceLee	18	19	18	55
lukechad	18	19	17	54
NightShadow	16	19	17	52
blastman	16	16	17	49
Russinating	16	15	17	48
Janesy_B	16	18	16	50
Mud		16	17	16	49
famas		16	14	14	44
cokecan72	15	14	13	42
lucklessloser	14	16	13	43
Mr Jones	14	16	13	43
Derek_W		12	15	12	39
orbspeed1	12	15	10	37
ps2wizz		11	11	10	32

Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme
OcUK Photo competition results site http://ocukphotocomp.growse.com/

Congratulations slothmeister!
Please forward the new theme to me by email. (hotmail address in trust)
Nice shot and a punchy B&W processing, but it wouldn't be my pick from the photos you posted up.

A Ford Zephyr in need of some restoration by the looks of it. B&W works well here but I'd have liked to see more of the car.

A nice B&W and its obvious what the subject is from such an iconic badge, but I feel like I have been cheated and would like to see more of the car!

Well timed and lit, but I'm not sold on the overall effect. I'm not sure a really nicely lit and composed image of the car wouldn't have been just as good.

A good concept and the image pops with the B&W conversion.

I can see that you have tried to add some sparkle to what is a very simple B&W car shot (which works well), but I think you have been a little to literal with the added sparkle.

I think whilst it's obviously on theme, it's lacking some interest and perhaps a touch of punch in terms of processing.

Selective focus on the dial adds interest to the scene but the plastic bucket, camera left, feels out of place and distracting among the old car parts.

I can see where you are heading with the connection to the theme, but it feels cluttered.

The blue cast over the image spoils it for me, as does the composition and the setting. I can't find much to positively comment on, I'm afraid.

A point scraper for sure. But if you can make the effort to remove the number plate details then why not clean off the bugs and choose a better setting. Not your car perhaps?

Its a place holder, if that, to be honest. Yes it’s a picture of a car but it does not try to be anything beyond that.

The image is lacking context and some grounding. The harsh light off to the right is quite attention grabbing.

Some interesting textures and flare here but I'm not sure if this is a spare part or attached to a bike. More context is needed.

It really needs context, something to associate it to a vehicle beyond just a badge and flared light.

Good use of blur in the image to give a sense of movement. Effective image, if a little mundane.

A great effort with the lens zoom effect but I'm not sure that the selective colour works in your favour.

For the selective colouring to really add another twist to this image, I think the front of the bus should be sharp and in focus.

Good B&W, but I find the composition a little cramped - I think a different position (if you could have moved) might have been a bit better.

Good work for getting out and finding a steam train. Image needs a slight straighten but the B&W conversion suits it overall.

My only criticism is the shot feels a little lopsided and cramped.

I think it's a great subject choice, but I find the background a bit distracting. A smaller DoF would have picked out the car.

The headlight is crisp and clear with DOF fading towards the rear. Composition is awkward though and the rope distracting.

It’s a nice shot and composition, but I think the background is spoiling it for you.

The subject is a bit mundane, if I'm honest. The composition and lighting can't really rectify this.

Not sure what you were going for. A closer vantage point could have given you a more abstract image perhaps, but as it is this feels unfinished.

Its not the most photogenic part of a mini and so doesn’t make an interesting image.

Punchy image, but I think the processing has gone a bit far.

A great capture that conveys the theme well.

Similar to the other train shot the frame feels cramped and I think you choose the wrong angle to capture the train from.

Mr Jones
The composition doesn’t do anything for me, and the same goes for the processing. Sorry.

Congrats on the new car.

It’s a snap of someone’s new car.

I like it. Good processing and interest.

A strange image as the clouds feel 90 degrees out from where they should be in relation to the plane.

Spot the plane comes to mind, with such a small subject it’s a good job the colours have come out well with an interesting cloud formation.

Nice panning to give some movement and a nice fast subject. Well processed.

Slightly out of focus on the driver, the images is good but I don't like the selective colour and feel it detracts overall.

The car is not quite 100% in focus which for me spoils the shot.

I don't think the set of images work as a whole and individually they aren't particularly interesting technically or visually. Sorry.

You get points for the theme that's for sure

Its on theme but not a lot else to say. Individually the images are all very flat and simplistic, and collaged they do not merge together well.

Nice B&W and a good contrast conversion - good composition and an effective image.

B&W is not working for me here and unless it was at night I think it detracts form your framing and focus.

I like this, it makes for a striking and interesting picture, just not sure on the B&W whether it adds or not. Would like to see the colour version.

Good image and nice processing, but I think I might have preferred to see a bit more of the car (it is, after all, a thing of beauty).

Lovely chrome and deep red here. No mistaking it's a Pony and I feel your viewpoint works well.

It captures the famous icon of the mustang, but I would like it to have shown the full width of the car and not cropped off the edges.

Great composition and captured image. I might have just done a few more tweaks in post, though it's only a minute thing.

Spot on with your framing and the drivers are both in focus. Nicely done.

Just needs a little PP to lift the colours as it’s a little flat.

Well plus points for the trouble, but it's hardly a striking image. It's massively underexposed, apart from anything else!

A great movie - RIP John Candy

A dreadful picture; of an even more dreadful subject.

I think this image could have done with two (or more) shots to properly get the highlights and shadows. As it is, the sand is very bleached.

It's all about the road trip and less about the destination here. A simple image, that works with the theme.

The overall image is a bit bright, but its definitely on theme.

Good, but it’s a touch dark and the high contrast is hiding a lot of the detail. Bit of a shame, as we don't really get the full impact.

Nice composition and the B&W conversion adds atmosphere to your image.

It seems to capture a nice atmosphere with the processing but it’s a little to dark and hides some of the detail you really want to see.

Simple shot but quite effective. Where it falls down is on interest, unsurprisingly.

It says more about the graphic lines in the image and less about the theme I'm afraid.

Its missing the fundamental part of the theme, a train? Although a nice shot with contrast in textures and pattern.

Good timing to get the flames! Overall it's good, but not something I'd come back to.

Perfect panning and a tack sharp image with the flames making it a great capture.

Its well taken and timed with the capture of the flames, but to me I would prefer to see the front and side. And have the feeling of the car speeding towards, rather than away from me.

Nice contrast there between the very active tours and events on the left and the old and neglected right. I like it.

A great image that has lots of character and tells a story. Well done.

A shot which really does capture the essence of the theme. Of adventure and mobility.

Lovely old MG, but the image is spoilt by the processing, I think.

Classic image of a classic car. It works overall and shows attention to detail and importantly, consideration to the location. Great shot.

Its just a little over processed.
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Congrats to the Sloth!!!

I just txt him to let him know the good news. Sadly, that means that he's 2-nil against me.

Dam it!

Must try harder......

I'll have to get him to suggest a off camera flash/picture of your daughter comp next month... :P
The blue cast over the image spoils it for me, as does the composition and the setting. I can't find much to positively comment on, I'm afraid.

A point scraper for sure. But if you can make the effort to remove the number plate details then why not clean off the bugs and choose a better setting. Not your car perhaps?

Its a place holder, if that, to be honest. Yes it’s a picture of a car but it does not try to be anything beyond that.

Hit the nail on the head with that comment second judge ;)

Ran out of time for getting a proper shoot done, it was my bosses car outside work. It was suggested taking it out to a better setting but due to work etc it just didn't happen. Points are points in this instance though. As mentioned in the discussion topic i put an entry in but knew it wasn't a good one so wasn't expecting good marks.
Where can isee the rest of the planes, trains and Automobile photo's... cant see them on the ocuk photcomp website

Steady on, only just got home.

All up there now. A welcome kick up the ass to get on with the new site design/functionality online as well.
Congrats Sloth, fantastic image.

Thanks for the comments again judges. I ran out of time in the end unfortunately and ended up with an even more poor than usual shot! Still, onto the next round! :)
Nice photo sloth, one of the few on OcUK that tells a story!

Cheers for the feedback judges, I went for the desaturated look but maybe it was a touch too much.

Edit: I thought BruceLee would win this one ;)
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Cheers judges, I didn't make as much of an effort with the lack of time :(

Slothmeister's entry is definitely one of the better ones in the competition. Congrats!
ichabod crane said:
Good, but it’s a touch dark and the high contrast is hiding a lot of the detail. Bit of a shame, as we don't really get the full impact.

Nice composition and the B&W conversion adds atmosphere to your image.

It seems to capture a nice atmosphere with the processing but it’s a little to dark and hides some of the detail you really want to see.

Cheers for the comments. The processing to hide detail was intentional, I wanted the focus to be on the aircraft rather than a lot of the clutter. I guess I went a bit too far! :D
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