OcUK Photo Comp - Season Six : Round Two - "Still Life" RESULTS
WINNER: yak.h'cir
Total scores for the round
Technical marks
Theme marks
Impact marks
Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme
WINNER: yak.h'cir

Total scores for the round
Photographer Tech Theme Impact Total
yak.h'cir 24 18 23 65
Vipetnet 23 20 20 63
CooliceT 22 19 21 62
Puz 18 23 21 62
King4aDay 20 18 21 59
naffa 21 17 20 58
Mohain 20 19 19 58
brocksta 17 20 20 57
iGiDK 15 20 21 56
Sleepyd 20 16 19 55
TerraS 18 18 18 54
sonyaddict 17 19 18 54
AdWright 19 18 16 53
dod 18 16 19 53
Venus 14 20 17 51
alexisonfire 18 16 16 50
Fstop11 17 17 16 50
DreederOcUK 16 18 16 50
Helium Junkie 18 14 17 49
TomWilko 17 18 14 49
Strax 17 17 15 49
olv 17 16 16 49
Joe T 17 15 17 49
5bjoshua 16 18 15 49
danza 15 17 17 49
Wyvern971 16 19 13 48
robertgilbert86 16 16 16 48
MichaelG 17 14 16 47
nolimit 17 15 14 46
cmt 15 18 13 46
FranchiseJuan 14 17 14 45
Tom1138 14 17 14 45
JonB 13 20 12 45
Oxygen 13 16 16 45
TRiP 15 17 12 44
Tonks 15 15 14 44
Blackvault 14 16 14 44
BeaumonT 15 14 13 42
MookJong 15 14 13 42
AndyBorzi 14 16 12 42
A.N.Other 14 14 13 41
Amp34 14 14 13 41
Fords 12 15 12 39
southy1978 12 14 13 39
Moredhel 11 15 13 39
Colin da Killer 12 15 11 38
growse 13 12 12 37
RichDay 12 15 9 36
lord scott 12 12 12 36
Arsey 11 15 10 36
Howski 12 12 11 35
Scuzi 11 13 11 35
boycee 12 13 8 33
Windle 11 14 8 33
Fireskull 11 13 9 33
ichabod crane 11 13 9 33
mr tommo 8 14 10 32
Cheif Wiggum 6 12 11 29
antc 8 12 8 28
Richard T 9 11 7 27
DR D 7 13 7 27
StevenG 7 10 7 24
Technical marks
Photographer Tech Theme Impact Total
yak.h'cir 24 18 23 65
Vipetnet 23 20 20 63
CooliceT 22 19 21 62
naffa 21 17 20 58
Mohain 20 19 19 58
King4aDay 20 18 21 59
Sleepyd 20 16 19 55
AdWright 19 18 16 53
Puz 18 23 21 62
TerraS 18 18 18 54
dod 18 16 19 53
alexisonfire 18 16 16 50
Helium Junkie 18 14 17 49
brocksta 17 20 20 57
sonyaddict 17 19 18 54
TomWilko 17 18 14 49
Fstop11 17 17 16 50
Strax 17 17 15 49
olv 17 16 16 49
Joe T 17 15 17 49
nolimit 17 15 14 46
MichaelG 17 14 16 47
Wyvern971 16 19 13 48
DreederOcUK 16 18 16 50
5bjoshua 16 18 15 49
robertgilbert86 16 16 16 48
iGiDK 15 20 21 56
cmt 15 18 13 46
danza 15 17 17 49
TRiP 15 17 12 44
Tonks 15 15 14 44
BeaumonT 15 14 13 42
MookJong 15 14 13 42
Venus 14 20 17 51
FranchiseJuan 14 17 14 45
Tom1138 14 17 14 45
Blackvault 14 16 14 44
AndyBorzi 14 16 12 42
A.N.Other 14 14 13 41
Amp34 14 14 13 41
JonB 13 20 12 45
Oxygen 13 16 16 45
growse 13 12 12 37
Fords 12 15 12 39
Colin da Killer 12 15 11 38
RichDay 12 15 9 36
southy1978 12 14 13 39
boycee 12 13 8 33
lord scott 12 12 12 36
Howski 12 12 11 35
Moredhel 11 15 13 39
Arsey 11 15 10 36
Windle 11 14 8 33
Scuzi 11 13 11 35
Fireskull 11 13 9 33
ichabod crane 11 13 9 33
Richard T 9 11 7 27
mr tommo 8 14 10 32
antc 8 12 8 28
DR D 7 13 7 27
StevenG 7 10 7 24
Cheif Wiggum 6 12 11 29
Theme marks
Photographer Tech Theme Impact Total
Puz 18 23 21 62
Vipetnet 23 20 20 63
brocksta 17 20 20 57
iGiDK 15 20 21 56
Venus 14 20 17 51
JonB 13 20 12 45
CooliceT 22 19 21 62
Mohain 20 19 19 58
sonyaddict 17 19 18 54
Wyvern971 16 19 13 48
yak.h'cir 24 18 23 65
King4aDay 20 18 21 59
AdWright 19 18 16 53
TerraS 18 18 18 54
TomWilko 17 18 14 49
DreederOcUK 16 18 16 50
5bjoshua 16 18 15 49
cmt 15 18 13 46
naffa 21 17 20 58
Fstop11 17 17 16 50
Strax 17 17 15 49
danza 15 17 17 49
TRiP 15 17 12 44
FranchiseJuan 14 17 14 45
Tom1138 14 17 14 45
Sleepyd 20 16 19 55
dod 18 16 19 53
alexisonfire 18 16 16 50
olv 17 16 16 49
robertgilbert86 16 16 16 48
Blackvault 14 16 14 44
AndyBorzi 14 16 12 42
Oxygen 13 16 16 45
Joe T 17 15 17 49
nolimit 17 15 14 46
Tonks 15 15 14 44
Fords 12 15 12 39
Colin da Killer 12 15 11 38
RichDay 12 15 9 36
Moredhel 11 15 13 39
Arsey 11 15 10 36
Helium Junkie 18 14 17 49
MichaelG 17 14 16 47
BeaumonT 15 14 13 42
MookJong 15 14 13 42
A.N.Other 14 14 13 41
Amp34 14 14 13 41
southy1978 12 14 13 39
Windle 11 14 8 33
mr tommo 8 14 10 32
boycee 12 13 8 33
Scuzi 11 13 11 35
Fireskull 11 13 9 33
ichabod crane 11 13 9 33
DR D 7 13 7 27
growse 13 12 12 37
lord scott 12 12 12 36
Howski 12 12 11 35
antc 8 12 8 28
Cheif Wiggum 6 12 11 29
Richard T 9 11 7 27
StevenG 7 10 7 24
Impact marks
Photographer Tech Theme Impact Total
yak.h'cir 24 18 23 65
CooliceT 22 19 21 62
King4aDay 20 18 21 59
Puz 18 23 21 62
iGiDK 15 20 21 56
Vipetnet 23 20 20 63
naffa 21 17 20 58
brocksta 17 20 20 57
Mohain 20 19 19 58
Sleepyd 20 16 19 55
dod 18 16 19 53
TerraS 18 18 18 54
sonyaddict 17 19 18 54
Helium Junkie 18 14 17 49
Joe T 17 15 17 49
danza 15 17 17 49
Venus 14 20 17 51
AdWright 19 18 16 53
alexisonfire 18 16 16 50
Fstop11 17 17 16 50
olv 17 16 16 49
MichaelG 17 14 16 47
DreederOcUK 16 18 16 50
robertgilbert86 16 16 16 48
Oxygen 13 16 16 45
Strax 17 17 15 49
5bjoshua 16 18 15 49
TomWilko 17 18 14 49
nolimit 17 15 14 46
Tonks 15 15 14 44
FranchiseJuan 14 17 14 45
Tom1138 14 17 14 45
Blackvault 14 16 14 44
Wyvern971 16 19 13 48
cmt 15 18 13 46
BeaumonT 15 14 13 42
MookJong 15 14 13 42
A.N.Other 14 14 13 41
Amp34 14 14 13 41
southy1978 12 14 13 39
Moredhel 11 15 13 39
TRiP 15 17 12 44
AndyBorzi 14 16 12 42
JonB 13 20 12 45
growse 13 12 12 37
Fords 12 15 12 39
lord scott 12 12 12 36
Colin da Killer 12 15 11 38
Howski 12 12 11 35
Scuzi 11 13 11 35
Cheif Wiggum 6 12 11 29
Arsey 11 15 10 36
mr tommo 8 14 10 32
RichDay 12 15 9 36
Fireskull 11 13 9 33
ichabod crane 11 13 9 33
boycee 12 13 8 33
Windle 11 14 8 33
antc 8 12 8 28
Richard T 9 11 7 27
DR D 7 13 7 27
StevenG 7 10 7 24
Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme