OcUK Photo Comp - Season Six : Round Two - "Still Life" RESULTS

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
9 Nov 2004
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Six : Round Two - "Still Life" RESULTS

WINNER: yak.h'cir


Total scores for the round

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
yak.h'cir	24	18	23	65
Vipetnet	23	20	20	63
CooliceT	22	19	21	62
Puz		18	23	21	62
King4aDay	20	18	21	59
naffa		21	17	20	58
Mohain		20	19	19	58
brocksta	17	20	20	57
iGiDK		15	20	21	56
Sleepyd		20	16	19	55
TerraS		18	18	18	54
sonyaddict	17	19	18	54
AdWright	19	18	16	53
dod		18	16	19	53
Venus		14	20	17	51
alexisonfire	18	16	16	50
Fstop11		17	17	16	50
DreederOcUK	16	18	16	50
Helium Junkie	18	14	17	49
TomWilko	17	18	14	49
Strax		17	17	15	49
olv		17	16	16	49
Joe T		17	15	17	49
5bjoshua	16	18	15	49
danza		15	17	17	49
Wyvern971	16	19	13	48
robertgilbert86	16	16	16	48
MichaelG	17	14	16	47
nolimit		17	15	14	46
cmt		15	18	13	46
FranchiseJuan	14	17	14	45
Tom1138		14	17	14	45
JonB		13	20	12	45
Oxygen		13	16	16	45
TRiP		15	17	12	44
Tonks		15	15	14	44
Blackvault	14	16	14	44
BeaumonT	15	14	13	42
MookJong	15	14	13	42
AndyBorzi	14	16	12	42
A.N.Other	14	14	13	41
Amp34		14	14	13	41
Fords		12	15	12	39
southy1978	12	14	13	39
Moredhel	11	15	13	39
Colin da Killer	12	15	11	38
growse		13	12	12	37
RichDay		12	15	9	36
lord scott	12	12	12	36
Arsey		11	15	10	36
Howski		12	12	11	35
Scuzi		11	13	11	35
boycee		12	13	8	33
Windle		11	14	8	33
Fireskull	11	13	9	33
ichabod crane	11	13	9	33
mr tommo	8	14	10	32
Cheif Wiggum	6	12	11	29
antc		8	12	8	28
Richard T	9	11	7	27
DR D		7	13	7	27
StevenG		7	10	7	24

Technical marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
yak.h'cir	24	18	23	65
Vipetnet	23	20	20	63
CooliceT	22	19	21	62
naffa		21	17	20	58
Mohain		20	19	19	58
King4aDay	20	18	21	59
Sleepyd		20	16	19	55
AdWright	19	18	16	53
Puz		18	23	21	62
TerraS		18	18	18	54
dod		18	16	19	53
alexisonfire	18	16	16	50
Helium Junkie	18	14	17	49
brocksta	17	20	20	57
sonyaddict	17	19	18	54
TomWilko	17	18	14	49
Fstop11		17	17	16	50
Strax		17	17	15	49
olv		17	16	16	49
Joe T		17	15	17	49
nolimit		17	15	14	46
MichaelG	17	14	16	47
Wyvern971	16	19	13	48
DreederOcUK	16	18	16	50
5bjoshua	16	18	15	49
robertgilbert86	16	16	16	48
iGiDK		15	20	21	56
cmt		15	18	13	46
danza		15	17	17	49
TRiP		15	17	12	44
Tonks		15	15	14	44
BeaumonT	15	14	13	42
MookJong	15	14	13	42
Venus		14	20	17	51
FranchiseJuan	14	17	14	45
Tom1138		14	17	14	45
Blackvault	14	16	14	44
AndyBorzi	14	16	12	42
A.N.Other	14	14	13	41
Amp34		14	14	13	41
JonB		13	20	12	45
Oxygen		13	16	16	45
growse		13	12	12	37
Fords		12	15	12	39
Colin da Killer	12	15	11	38
RichDay		12	15	9	36
southy1978	12	14	13	39
boycee		12	13	8	33
lord scott	12	12	12	36
Howski		12	12	11	35
Moredhel	11	15	13	39
Arsey		11	15	10	36
Windle		11	14	8	33
Scuzi		11	13	11	35
Fireskull	11	13	9	33
ichabod crane	11	13	9	33
Richard T	9	11	7	27
mr tommo	8	14	10	32
antc		8	12	8	28
DR D		7	13	7	27
StevenG		7	10	7	24
Cheif Wiggum	6	12	11	29

Theme marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
Puz		18	23	21	62
Vipetnet	23	20	20	63
brocksta	17	20	20	57
iGiDK		15	20	21	56
Venus		14	20	17	51
JonB		13	20	12	45
CooliceT	22	19	21	62
Mohain		20	19	19	58
sonyaddict	17	19	18	54
Wyvern971	16	19	13	48
yak.h'cir	24	18	23	65
King4aDay	20	18	21	59
AdWright	19	18	16	53
TerraS		18	18	18	54
TomWilko	17	18	14	49
DreederOcUK	16	18	16	50
5bjoshua	16	18	15	49
cmt		15	18	13	46
naffa		21	17	20	58
Fstop11		17	17	16	50
Strax		17	17	15	49
danza		15	17	17	49
TRiP		15	17	12	44
FranchiseJuan	14	17	14	45
Tom1138		14	17	14	45
Sleepyd		20	16	19	55
dod		18	16	19	53
alexisonfire	18	16	16	50
olv		17	16	16	49
robertgilbert86	16	16	16	48
Blackvault	14	16	14	44
AndyBorzi	14	16	12	42
Oxygen		13	16	16	45
Joe T		17	15	17	49
nolimit		17	15	14	46
Tonks		15	15	14	44
Fords		12	15	12	39
Colin da Killer	12	15	11	38
RichDay		12	15	9	36
Moredhel	11	15	13	39
Arsey		11	15	10	36
Helium Junkie	18	14	17	49
MichaelG	17	14	16	47
BeaumonT	15	14	13	42
MookJong	15	14	13	42
A.N.Other	14	14	13	41
Amp34		14	14	13	41
southy1978	12	14	13	39
Windle		11	14	8	33
mr tommo	8	14	10	32
boycee		12	13	8	33
Scuzi		11	13	11	35
Fireskull	11	13	9	33
ichabod crane	11	13	9	33
DR D		7	13	7	27
growse		13	12	12	37
lord scott	12	12	12	36
Howski		12	12	11	35
antc		8	12	8	28
Cheif Wiggum	6	12	11	29
Richard T	9	11	7	27
StevenG		7	10	7	24

Impact marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
yak.h'cir	24	18	23	65
CooliceT	22	19	21	62
King4aDay	20	18	21	59
Puz		18	23	21	62
iGiDK		15	20	21	56
Vipetnet	23	20	20	63
naffa		21	17	20	58
brocksta	17	20	20	57
Mohain		20	19	19	58
Sleepyd		20	16	19	55
dod		18	16	19	53
TerraS		18	18	18	54
sonyaddict	17	19	18	54
Helium Junkie	18	14	17	49
Joe T		17	15	17	49
danza		15	17	17	49
Venus		14	20	17	51
AdWright	19	18	16	53
alexisonfire	18	16	16	50
Fstop11		17	17	16	50
olv		17	16	16	49
MichaelG	17	14	16	47
DreederOcUK	16	18	16	50
robertgilbert86	16	16	16	48
Oxygen		13	16	16	45
Strax		17	17	15	49
5bjoshua	16	18	15	49
TomWilko	17	18	14	49
nolimit		17	15	14	46
Tonks		15	15	14	44
FranchiseJuan	14	17	14	45
Tom1138		14	17	14	45
Blackvault	14	16	14	44
Wyvern971	16	19	13	48
cmt		15	18	13	46
BeaumonT	15	14	13	42
MookJong	15	14	13	42
A.N.Other	14	14	13	41
Amp34		14	14	13	41
southy1978	12	14	13	39
Moredhel	11	15	13	39
TRiP		15	17	12	44
AndyBorzi	14	16	12	42
JonB		13	20	12	45
growse		13	12	12	37
Fords		12	15	12	39
lord scott	12	12	12	36
Colin da Killer	12	15	11	38
Howski		12	12	11	35
Scuzi		11	13	11	35
Cheif Wiggum	6	12	11	29
Arsey		11	15	10	36
mr tommo	8	14	10	32
RichDay		12	15	9	36
Fireskull	11	13	9	33
ichabod crane	11	13	9	33
boycee		12	13	8	33
Windle		11	14	8	33
antc		8	12	8	28
Richard T	9	11	7	27
DR D		7	13	7	27
StevenG		7	10	7	24

Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme
Fstop11 said:
Im sorry but that winning shot doesnt say still life to me at all.

Im not knocking your ability Yak coz some of your shots have me in a state of apprecitation but that simply doesn' say still life to me im really sorry.

Which is why if you look at theme marks ten people came higher than him.
So the results are in!


I think everybody struggled with this round really. A lot of low scoring shots, but I think still life as judged was not necessarily still life as many of us saw it.

That said, I think there's been some excellent shots for this round, so keep it up people! ;)

Oh, and before I forget, I don't see MKS2005's results :confused:
Congratulations, tech wise it's a lovely shot and all but I have to agree with Fstop11 whole heartedly.

If the theme doesn't matter then what's the point of having it to begin with?

Shucks, maybe I am just too traditional :rolleyes:
mks2005's scores havn't been included for some reason....

And if some kind judge could email me the image for:


That'd be great :)
mks2005 was disqualified as his image was a bmp. However having checked the entry thread its a jpg. I really don't understand why this is happening as it happened to Alex last month.

Growse, I've emailed them to your trust address.
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Wohoo, Top 5 :D

Can honestly say i wasn't expecting that.

Congrats to yak, fantastic shot, although I do have to agree with some of the comments above regarding distance form the theme.
Right, it's all up in the stats site - link in sig. :)

I seem to be running a miserable 29th place so far :(
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Fstop11 said:
That been said it still doesnt make it look more like a still life shot.

The point is that the image won not due to its strength in the theme category but its strength in Technical and Impact. Theme wise it was average. I suppose its a weakness in the judging system. There should really be some weighting towards theme.

Regarding mks2005 I've asked Matt and Morgan to judge it considering there appears to have been an error on my part.
Yeah I understand its impact scores giving it the edge and I was going to say before you did. If a comp entry is determined by a specific theme and a shot to win not based on that deffo shows a big weakness in the system that I feel needs addressing.
Congrats to Yak. Interesting, if not controversial shot :)

I guess I came 2nd although my name is mistyped :p My best result to date!

Cheers Judges!
xolotl said:
The point is that the image won not due to its strength in the theme category but its strength in Technical and Impact. Theme wise it was average. I suppose its a weakness in the judging system. There should really be some weighting towards theme.

Regarding mks2005 I've asked Matt and Morgan to judge it considering there appears to have been an error on my part.

Surely the technical and impact areas should be marked with the theme in hand to create a fair comp?

Its like getting a stunningly shot mountain bike rider, everythings perfect but the theme and entering into spring time and winning that round?

Whats the link to the archives?


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