OcUK Seti News 30th October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:00 29th October and 20:00 30th October

The Hunt Ahead

Planet 3DNow! 1502903 -397
OcUK 1501710 10909

Out Crunched By 11306

Difference 1193

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1501710 10909
Phoenix Rising 1455565 3242

Out Crunched By 7667

Difference -46145



  • Number Of Active Members= 314
  • Number Of Units Returned= 10909
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 34.74
  • Number of Members = 1488
  • Average WU's returned per member = 7.33

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

chardmarky 1488 0
Greg 650 190
Pinky 1393 2
Pogrom 1440 1

Units Gained = 193


N:done today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Aydon 4630

Today's Beast

666)Philz 173

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4849
2) raph 594
3) Preen Team@Home Plymouth 422
4) 2blue4u 365
5) Hornytoe 246
6) Augmented 180
7) Scythes & Sickles 167
8) jaydeee007 151
9) Phil Brett 130
10) despatch-uk 102
11) teejay01 100
12) Aydon 96
13) Buxx 86
14) Iron Crow 86
15) Warspite 77
16) carbon8ed 75
17) Jim Williams (#1) 72
18) DuckBusk 67
19) PreenTeam@HomeKettering WayneStomper 66
20) magman 61
21) Kodiak 57
22) Gadget 55
23) Imposter 53
24) Flipper 52
26) LizardKing 50
27) exedanni 48
28) NaughtyNeutrino 47
29) Walsherz 47
30) Feek 46
31) wayne 44
32) McMav 42
33) wasc 41
34) EyeDot 40
35) daesdaemar 36
36) IAN 36
37) Lc 35
38) Mark Armitage 35
39) GroovyCarrot[oV] 34
40) SETI@Chesterfield 33
41) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 33
42) Volospian 33
43) GuardianX & phan10! 29
44) Thumpsta 29
45) Big Kev 27
46) Kamarkis 26
47) halz 25
48) Meridian 25
49) mpeg10_seti 24
50) Oivind Pettersen 24

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Doc 90
2) Imposter 86
3) Dopey 55
4) Silent.B.Deadly 50
5) Sneezy 48
6) rl253 45
7) Ice Man 44
8) armatage 42
9) [XKF]ApoX 39
10) Hissey 37
11) LizardKing 35
12) Grad 32
13) MooMan 31
14) galifrey 30
15) Augmented 28
16) Bashful 28
17) Happy 27
18) Rancidelephant 26
19) Scooby 23
20) daz.wallace 21
21) Desmo 20
22) ShadowMan (#1) 20
23) Kal 17
24) Ash 14
25) maxpower865 13
26) TrUz 13
27) Chris Murray 11
28) DaemonHunter 11
29) McMav 11
30) [OcUK]Abyss_andrew 10
31) carlos 10
32) despatch-uk 10
33) JaffaCAke 10
34) Shoit (#2) 10
35) slatey 10
36) exedanni 9
37) Kane 9
38) sparks 9
39) gjrc 8
40) JayMax 8
41) 2blue4u 7
42) DuckBusk 7
43) Geno 7
44) halz 7
45) s@njay 7
46) supermani 7
47) Useful Idiot 7
48) Woody...!!! 7
49) El Capitano 6
50) GroovyCarrot[oV] 6
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Greg 190
2) Jim Williams (#1) 72
3) Imposter 53
4) LizardKing 50
5) Cemetery 20
6) Priest 20
7) TrUz 20
8) MaYnArD 15
9) Vanilla 15
10) Astronut 13
11) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 13
12) Spie 13
13) CaptainFizz 12
14) Event Horizon 12
15) Ice Man 8
16) MindYerBeak 8
17) sven256 8
18) gjrc 7
19) MooMan 7
20) Rancidelephant 7
21) rl253 7
22) Woody...!!! 7
23) Cheesy 6
24) Chasser 5
25) daz.wallace 5
26) DustyMiller 5
27) Foiled 5
28) Koncordski 5
29) Lowe(UK) 5
30) Soupdragon 5
31) Arun Holmes 4
32) Faz 4
33) Grouch 4
34) KingDing (#1) 4
35) Piggymon 4
36) reeferjon 4
37) ShadowMan (#1) 4
38) Silent.B.Deadly 4
39) skyman 4
40) Slatz 4
41) tom_nieto 4
42) werewolf 4
43) [XKF]ApoX 3
44) Grad 3
45) Gregeff 3
46) magicpatch01 3
47) maxpower865 3
48) Ricko (#1) 3
49) s^t^n 3
50) slatey 3

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Greg New
2) Imposter 86
3) Silent.B.Deadly 50
4) rl253 45
5) Ice Man 44
6) [XKF]ApoX 39
7) LizardKing 35
8) Grad 32
9) MooMan 31
10) Rancidelephant 26
11) daz.wallace 21
12) ShadowMan (#1) 20
13) maxpower865 13
14) TrUz 13
15) slatey 10
16) gjrc 8
17) Woody...!!! 7
18) sven256 5
19) adwhitworth 4
20) Piggymon 4
21) vix 4
22) CaptainFizz 3
23) Cemetery 3
24) Grouch 3
25) Priest 3
26) Battie 2
27) Chasser 2
28) JodieG 2
29) magicpatch01 2
30) tom_nieto 2
31) Astronut 1
32) Beta 1
33) Cheesy 1
34) DustyMiller 1
35) Faz 1
36) JJ2K 1
37) Koncordski 1
38) MattyEllis 1
39) reeferjon 1
40) s^t^n 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Preen Team@Home Plymouth 7500
halz 1000
Priest 750
JohnnyB 500
carlos 250
Riflez 250
Jim Lees 250
[OcUK]Abyss_andrew 250
gjrc 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine H'Achievement™.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

Nice stats sir, and WELL DONE team, Planet 3D Now in 2 hours? COME ON. And well done to everyone for maintaining a daily dump in the region of 10,000 plus

H'Onwards and H'Upwards
Team total now greater than 1.5 Million woo's :eek: :eek:

Great achievment for the team, now lets go on and stomp us some Planet 3DNow.
Could i just point out that MOS outproduced the whole of TPR and Planet 3D Now! put together :D What an achievement

Are those stats correct for the "Single PC" peeps?
A good 2200 oclocked borders on the 2.75 to 3 hours mark, but people like Greg (I know he is new, but as an example) must do a unit every half hour. Have they been ..

a) keeping 5 pcs under the desk instead of one?
b) cheating (Just Not Cricket ol' bean)?
c) All joined and then parped?

a bit of clarification would be nice...

If (as I suspect) they are just hoarding a load of units before parping, can you put down how many days its been since their last parp?


btw, I AM NOT ACCUSING ANYONE OF CHEATING! dont be offended peeps...

Some people dont dump for ages then submit them all at once, so they aint cheating. Ill keep a monitor on this though and see if anyone is being so stupid as to cheat.

Originally posted by Shak
Some people dont dump for ages then submit them all at once, so they aint cheating. Ill keep a monitor on this though and see if anyone is being so stupid as to cheat.


Says the chap who submits 300 duplicates to my queue each day ;)

only joking m8 :D
Yeah, I would think they're all stashing away and then dumping, particularly in the case of those on non-permanent connections.

It's all part of the fun, trying to dump the most to get highest in the stats and also unleashing a big surprise on your surrounding crunchers!

Originally posted by adwhitworth
Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers
6) Augmented 180
My biggest braggin' right yet of an almighty 180 woo dump and only 6th position :eek: :D

Thanks for the stats mr ad, top stuff as always.
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