OcUKGraphics Comp - Season One : Round One - "rebirth" DISCUSSION

Ok guys(and ladies, if we have any in here) the competition has closed for this round. Once I cn get hold of fini over msn, we will start the judging. the next challenge theme should be up later tonight if all goes well. Thank you all for taking part and good luck. :)
Even though I mucked up my sizes and didn't officially enter it, it'd be nice to have your opinions too :)
I'll give my opinions and thoughts on peoples work once a winner has been declared. If anyone knows or can get hold of fini, can you tell him to go on msn please.
Now that this round has closed , I think Nix entry raised a worthwhile point.

Whilst i was in favour of a set canvas size i.e 800*600 and still am , the question of portrait or landscape didn't occur to me.

Some subjects ( as in Photography ) will lend themselves to a landscape format and others a portrait format.

I feel this is worth considering to be allowed within the rules.


Hey, sorry for the late appearance - should have the results for the competition worked out in the next hour though.

EDIT: Results anouncement imminent.

Thanks to everyone who entered. I'm happy to give feedback to anyone who wants it once the results have been announced.

OcUK Graphics Comp - Season One : Round One - "rebirth" RESULTS


Scores for the round

	Technical	Theme 	Impact	Total
Chaos	       17	14	17	48
Nimzicki       15	8	15	38
RandomTom      10	11	11	32
gord	        9	11	12	32
Retorted	8	9	14	31
Mark JB  	6	11	11	28
mrdbristol	9	11	8	28
hargi	        6	13	8	27
sunlitsix	3	13	9	25
Raist	        5	8	8	21
Slogan	       10	2	8	20
Gaverick	5	5	8	18

Technical/Theme/Impact are each out of 20, whilst the total is out of 60

Congrats to Chaos, deserved winner, slightly wary of some of the judgements but overall I think they were fair choices :) Can't wait for the next one.
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