odditys and poss probs with 350D

7 Aug 2004
hey all had this camera for nearly a year, its been great, however recently no matter what camera lens I use (could b just my eyes of course ! lol) when I take a pic it looks in focus and sharp when taking the picture , but once I transfer it to my computer its not sharp at all and is wayyy out of focus, whats going on here then :confused:
Well, you can't really judge sharp focus using the LCD review screen - it's resolution is far too low.

Sounds like camera shake to me - would you like to post an example shot with exif embedded?
Ok here it is, aweful picture, but its a 1/1600th shutter speed and it -looked- in focus and ok when I was taking the picture, wonder if my eyes are dodgy :eek: :D


The optic adjustment on the viewfinder hasn't been knocked off slightly? As it might be another possibility for a cause of the problem as this might be giving you false sharpness due to being off a tad.

SCM said:
The optic adjustment on the viewfinder hasn't been knocked off slightly? As it might be another possibility for a cause of the problem as this might be giving you false sharpness due to being off a tad.


thinking batman, how would I eeerr correct this ? trial and error until Its focused ? counted 16 clicks as i turned it, somewhere around the middle correct ?
Combat squirrel said:
thinking batman, how would I eeerr correct this ? trial and error until Its focused ? counted 16 clicks as i turned it, somewhere around the middle correct ?

Let autofocus do it's thing on an object near to you. Note the focus point used and trust that the camera has focused properly. Now twiddle the diopter setting until it looks sharp to you too
Looking at my 20D the white line on this dial is set in the middle between the + and - markings, which is default normal setting. It might explain the manual focusing issues as you are seeing it slightly off the actual focus due to the dial being wrong.

Auto focus beats me, as only other thing that could be causing the issue is a problem with the lens motors or internal lens in the lens being used.

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