odditys and poss probs with 350D

7 Aug 2004
hey all had this camera for nearly a year, its been great, however recently no matter what camera lens I use (could b just my eyes of course ! lol) when I take a pic it looks in focus and sharp when taking the picture , but once I transfer it to my computer its not sharp at all and is wayyy out of focus, whats going on here then :confused:
Ok here it is, aweful picture, but its a 1/1600th shutter speed and it -looked- in focus and ok when I was taking the picture, wonder if my eyes are dodgy :eek: :D


SCM said:
The optic adjustment on the viewfinder hasn't been knocked off slightly? As it might be another possibility for a cause of the problem as this might be giving you false sharpness due to being off a tad.


thinking batman, how would I eeerr correct this ? trial and error until Its focused ? counted 16 clicks as i turned it, somewhere around the middle correct ?
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