Off to NW Scotland tomorrow for a 3 day tour:Pre-flight pics of my bike!!

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Well, after a bit of experimentation, finally got the panniers sitting secure, packed up and ready to go.

Off to Ullapool tomorrow with my gaffer from work on his Suzuki 1100. Unfortunately, we are both having to take the auld trouts........errrrr.....I mean our other halfs on the pillion.






Well clear of the exhaust, sitting above the indicators so they are in view from the rear and looking fine as far as I can see.

Never had panniers on the bike before, got these yesterday. Doubt I wont be getting my knee down up through Glencoe with all this stuff attached to the bike+the auld trout sat there.

Now all I need is the weather to be favourable tomorrow and I'm all set!!!.

Taking the MiniDV cam, hopefully will get some footage too.

So I'll see ya all next week sometime, with pics of the trip.
Yep, looking forward to it.

Not done this on the RSV yet, usually we take a day trip for a run out with a few others to say......Oban or Fort William and come back down through Glencoe, but the extreme NW coast is a first for me in years. :cool:

Whereabouts was that particular pic taken?.
You need a bag on the rack as well :) .We (me & wife) used to go away camping for two weeks each year , double tier tank bag , panniers and a HUGE tote bag on the rack , whole lot weighed over 5 stone :eek: .

Have fun , the roads in scotland are stunning . Watch out in the borders , they are filled with speed cameras to catch the visiting English :D
Make sure the fairing has good protection from the moving bags, the previous owner of my bike has obviously forgot to protect the bike and a few horrib le scuff marks are visible. We wouldnt want to spoil that lovely bike now would we.

PS, wheres the race can? Its illgeal NOT to own one :p
Draeger said:
Whereabouts was that particular pic taken?.
That's in the NW on the road down into Clachtoll where there's a nice little beach campsite, it was taken last May. I drove the coast road from Lochinver all the way around to Inverness, it was great fun :)
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