Offensive T-shirt

24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
Fine threat over T-shirt slogan

Mr Pratt said the slogan was intended to be humorous
A man spotted on CCTV wearing a T-shirt bearing an "offensive" slogan has been warned he risks an £80 fine if he is caught again.
Forklift driver David Pratt was told by street wardens in Peterborough he could cause offence or incite violence.

The slogan on the garment read: "Don't No swearing - Gilly me off! I am running out of places to hide the bodies".

Peterborough City Council said using insulting or offensive language was an offence, even if it appeared in print.

Mr Pratt, from Peterborough, was approached by the wardens as he waited for a bus with his wife.

The couple are now demanding a written apology.

"I really don't see how the wording on my T-shirt could incite violence - it's humour, that's all it is," said Mr Pratt.

In a statement Peterborough City Council said it was investigating the incident.

Tomato Sauce:

I own that t-shirt!!! This country is ridiculous.

(apologies if its a repost)
That is truly crazy !

How many people in this country have t-shirts like that ... personaly i dont think ive got one, but when i see them it makes me laugh.
Thats rather ridiculous, I can't quite see why its that offensive. When I saw Gilly had edited it I expected a proper swear word.

Is there any reason why words approved for publication by the British Broadcasting Corporation, and free to be viewed anywhere, are not allowed on OcUK?
I was just about to post this, but couldn't think of a witty title, so gave up lol :p

It's ridiculous though that this should even be an issue. I'm currently wearing a T-shirt saying "Dave was adopted" and a picture of what looks like a massive son, with 2 smaller parents. I wonder if this would be deemed offensive to any Dave that may have been adopted...(fortunately, My name is Dave, so I could just say it was about me :P)

Then again, looking at that guys picture, It may have been a statement of fact, rather than a joke.
Doesn't surprise me to be honest...However, they are "investigating the incident" wtf :D

I think it's a cool slogan, but no doubt someone would complain about it
[TW]Fox said:
Thats rather ridiculous, I can't quite see why its that offensive. When I saw Gilly had edited it I expected a proper swear word.

Is there any reason why words approved for publication by the British Broadcasting Corporation, and free to be viewed anywhere, are not allowed on OcUK?

I recived a 48 Hour sus' for using the six letter version about 2 years ago iirc :/

I had that Shirt too, never got in trouble at school non uniforms :p
[TW]Fox said:
Is there any reason why words approved for publication by the British Broadcasting Corporation, and free to be viewed anywhere, are not allowed on OcUK?
Yes. They aren't wanted by the people that pay for it.

[DW]Muffin said:
I recived a 48 Hour sus' for using the six letter version about 2 years ago iirc :/
No you didn't. No-one has ever been sussed for that one.

Lets have that the last on mod queries please. Anything else can be directed to my mailbox.

blitz2163 said:
especially one I see on here quite often :confused:
Thats why it takes so long to moderate.
Hmmmm, i wonder what the police would say to wearing the Tshirt off Tshirt hell

I hate...

But i love

Also about 70% of the tshirts on there
sounds like a total tool anyway - i hate things like that, i just think of little kids or my nan walking by and reading that - what's the point!

blitz2163 said:
which part of this makes him the prat?

buying the t-shirt
and his name
Depends really... If its the P word then i dont find it offensive and think the council are ott and unjustified. I have even heard that word used on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But if its the F word then it is offensive especially if its in a public place where children are about.
Thats just stupid.

Ive got a T-shirt that says 'AK47 for when you absolutely, positively need to kill every mother****** in the room.' With a rather large pic of an AK47 on the front of it.

I might get arrested for inciting terrorism or something. :eek:
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