***Offical Game of Year Contender Dragons Dogma***

Review from OXM UK (xbox 360 mag)


it gets 80 but theres one or two bugs.

These missteps will infuriate those obsessed with consistency, but underneath the messy bits there's something deep, fascinating and exciting. Dull bug-bashers won't abide the rough edges, but they'll be missing out on one of this year's best RPGs. Put up with the shortcomings, and the rest is superb. With a terrible name and a dull-looking aesthetic, this is proof that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. It's too difficult and esoteric for many, but fans of the genre need to play this game now.

looking good. Reviews so far have been pretty much what i expected. :)

a hardcore rpg that doesnt hold your hand, but with slightly dodgy camera system and not as much interactivity as a more indepth rpg like skyrim.

This to me is a free roaming action rpg.

One thing which i read which was weird is there is no crafting in the game... (you get stuff which modifies and upgrades weapons etc) however in the main city there is a Blacksmiths...which is empty....i hope capcom wont do some backdoor dlc for crafting :eek:
Yeah but some like to discover these little things themselves i guess thats what i meant.

after reading hopes raised a bit for the game
damn you all to hades :mad: dont get the game till tomorrow /jealous

Are you all on 360 or PS3 ? Performance or resolution issues? e.g. i've heard that the PS3 version is lower res?

good idea about posting pawns DutchSchaeffer :D How bout a pic as well?

Also you know how the pawns you rent/borrow dont level so you have to exchange them yeah? Can you favourite a pawn you liked so that when IT is higher level you can borrow it again?
mine arrived - still in shrink wrap :D

not sure what to go for my main character.

my pawn is going to be somebody like this.....

well well well :D this aint half bad ehh!

Done up to the bit when you get your pawn. Made mine a strider. Only thing is i dont like her voice and she is little chubby now i see her with clothes on :(:D

Can i change her?

Pretty easy so far - no worries. :D Main char is fighter (to mystic knight) pawn = strider and rook for magic. But im gonna see if i can grab another mage instead of mook he's a bit bland. And maybe another fighter.

Was gonna make my pawn a fighter but nah kinda boring managing 2 character sets with very same moves and stuff.

Graphics in this game EDITED are just unreal awesome...sure the textures arent the best but the lighting and the way the wind affects everything. There is quite a bit of pop-in unfortunately.

*However* the foliage and way it feels lived in is better than something like Dark Souls for instance . The lighting is very good very atmospheric. When its dark its DARK and its nice seeing the sun come up...will try and get a pic next time.

Nice that different objects and creatures are about for Day and Night really makes a difference. And yeah they do reward exploring, think i got about 3k gold from a ship at the beach behind some rocks.

Combat is very very good...see Bethesda this is how you do combat. Not sure whether this game is a Dark Souls beater yet but it is quite addictive.

Ohh and flippin heck if you like scavenging then this is your dream game...soo much stuff that you can scavenge and you never know whether it might be useful with something else (e.g. enhance weapon).

I'll get pics up of my main and pawn ASAP :D
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just killed a Hydra uhmm very easily hrmm. One thing which is just brilliant is your custom made characters appearing in the cutscenes with all their custom gear on etc. Very nice touch that :D

edit psn = oldHTK pawn name is Ta'Keela :D

Hrmm ive noticed a few pawns with what seems to be high level kinda gear but they are only about 8th level. Its the armour of Mercedes the warrior who puts you on the first quest to Gran Soren?

Hrmmm ?
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heres me and my pawn im the old guy ;)


and heres my other two that complete my first fellowship :D


lets see how we get on :D
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DLC - Captain's armour, comes with the hairstyle pack I think.

It looks kinda stupid and outta place on wizards/sorceres though (which ive seen)

Just seems generic bling.

I like pawns where it looks like the owner has put together a bunch of armours (not necessarily the best armours) so that it all fits.

Fought my first couple of ogres last night, they go berserk if you have a female companion. Died several times and had to resort to punting a companion off the side of a walkway, at which point the ogre leapt to it's death following her!

haha thats brilliant! guess its time to invest in that steel chastity belt for my pawn then. :D
One problem ive had is that my pawns dont heal themselves... so i thought it was a bug or glitch

BUT NO apparently you have to teach them to heal themselves (they basically need to observe you doing it quite a few times before they get the idea)

Immense! :D
only had one fight i had to back out of so far. At the turnoff to witchwood theres a fork to some kind of fortress u can see in the distance. I went down there and quite a few bandits..manage to kill the first wave but when i mved forward lots more attack.

btw what happens if your pawn dies? Gone for good or just back at the rift?

In other news....i'm proud to report my pawn has finally started using healing herbs :Dthough she still wont use em if shes at 3/4 health only when shes at 1/2 or lower.

How to get her to use poison and sleep arrows is another question! Some have said i need to change to strider class so she can see me do it OR she has to be hired by someone else who is a strider etc?
i've had wolves attack bandits and guards help fighting bandits etc (wandering guards npcs not pawns) but nope pawns would just stand there. Ive accidentally attacked wandering pawns and they dont fight back.

Not had anything which ruins immerson tbh. I like how if a pawn in your group knows about the quest they take the lead and if they have more info on the quest (red bubble) you can talk to them. Pawn system is excellently done imo.

The brine is one thing that is an immerson killer for me. Shame you cant swim.
I must have around 9 quests active atm not counting the 2 escort quests. I always end up wandering the countrysde in a detour on way to the quest. havent met any mini bosses in the countrysde yet though i did see a cyclops in the distance south east of gran soren couldnt get to him though :(

Spoiler early grimoire quest

does maul bandit leader at fortress have any loot on him. i chucked a explosive barrel at him kinda blew him and some of his mates up. fought them at night didnt so it was tough to see if there was any except for the grimoire of course
I've fought a few Cyclops and few Chimera. Neither is especially diffcult on their own but can be a pain when you have wolves and bandits to deal with at the same time.

i guess i got the impression from others that they were fairly common. Enemies ive come across so far are : from most difficult to least difficult

cyclops (once only and it was quite weak) saurians - armed tough bandits, ghosts, harpies, wolves, bigger goblins, bandits, undead, goblins, spiders, rabbits.

Two days off work so i'll see if i can get some stuff done. :D (seems to take me ages just to do one quest)

atm this for me is GOTY (yeah even though Dark Souls was released this year as well :o)
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