***Offical Game of Year Contender Dragons Dogma***

Changed from fighter to Mystic Knight. Pretty good except i dont use the staff just the magic shield and sword.

Got about 4 skeleton keys havent found a use for them yet.

I think the issue with pawns who use bows not using different arrows is a bug tbh. My pawn is utilitarian primary which should mean she uses different ways/tactics to bring down enemies which i thought would mean different arrows. She never has...have about 300 poison arrows now lol.

Its a shame coz its quite an important bug.

Escort quests are a bit of a pain ehh coz you cant tell them to stay here (e.g. i would cast a protective circle spell and would be nice for them to stay in it but they dont they follow you right into danger every time)
What level are you guys? at what quest have you just finished?

lvl 23 just done the escort selene quest still have a ton of quests to do.
You know how there is supposed to be just one save spot yeah?

well thats balls :(

on an escort quest got quite a long way and i definately manually saved at some point...anyway barnaby dies so i reload (return to last checkpoint) and BAM right back at Gran Sor..

cheat much AI ? :p
Well I suppose there are 2 save slots, but why on earth would you choose last checkpoint lol! Schoolboy error. :p

coz i get it in my mind im "LOADING LAST SAVE" for some reason. You cant load a saved game on this without Quiting and then loading which is a bag of **** tbh escort missions i hate them....

and you know what unbelievably.......i did it again :mad::mad:

update my adventure with some new photos :)


cold and dark at night but we can see Gran Soren in the distance


finally the sun what a welcome sight!


FIRST REST STOP which is *actually* a place you can rest. Amazing! That is, theres plenty of places which look like "ohhhh i can rest and get some kip there!" but no some folk dont like you using their tents you see.


after resting we jaunt out on a sunny morning whistling as we go...."What is this new devilry?" My pawn remarks ;)

WIll get some more exciting action packed shots next time

I tell ya it was a proud moment when we fought another cyclops (not the helmet one) and my pawn just runs up him jumps on his head and stabs his eye out quick as lightning :D

When i was doing the everfall quest i have to say there was quite a bit of Deja Vu here...thought i had played this game before very bizarre!
PSN ;) upto lvl 27 atm though my hired pawns are around 32, 33

i had a long slog to get to that camp it was about 2am when i met the other thing :D (after many battles with other beasties)

I'm realizing that pawn information is no where near a gimmick its necessary lol. My pawn at the beginning of this actually said "hey we should hire a guide" for this quest (attack fortress quest wyrm). Its a bit hit and miss though. Sometimes my pawn will have been somewhere before so i think great lead on but they dont. Other times they will run off to where the chest/secret switch is.

i've got a buggerload of money though 200k (no exploiting either)
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Has anyone made anything worthwhile with the crafting / combining that they could share?

I don't have a clue what I'm doing other than making a slightly better plant curative!

ive made a couple of things which i found helpful. Ogre and cyclops kinda scrolls which when you use give your pawn increased knowledge on how to fight them :) I forget what the ingredients were though lol

the really helpful potions are the perfume and balmy stuff (which heals entire party) i forget what the combination is though.
Week off work next week, finally time to get this game! If this is anything like Dark Souls I can see myself not being peeled away from the screen for a long time
Its better :p though different games..

Dark Souls and Demons Souls are vv good but the enjoyability for me :p wasnt really in the joy of combat it was surviving to lvl and upgrade with weapons etc. The online play and coop and pvp is brilliant admittedly.

I just find more fun in the combat of Dragons Dogma i guess a big part of that is that you play as a team...a party of adventurers in true good ole Dungeons & Dragons fashion :D

The pawn AI makes this game tbh..outclasses every other games NPC AI i can think of atm
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R0B 75 and me (gamertag McSniz) are on 360, Surfer is on PS3.

You are more than welcome to add me, my pawn will likely be level 30 by the weekend.

I would recommend hiring pawns 3-5 levels above you (this will cost you some rift crystals) so that they are still useful for a fair amount of adventuring.

Once they are 1 or 2 levels below you swap them.

i usually swap them out when they are same level or 1 above. However if you refresh them at the Rift usually they are a few levels higher again so you can take em back out.

Surprised there are so few people on here playing this tbh :eek: RPG heaven!
What Party combos have you guys been using?

Pretty much throughout been using

Mystic Knight
Fighter (on occasion Warrior)
Strider (pawn)

only spot i can drop is fighter if i wanted to have a sorceror in there. Cant drop mage as who would do the healing?

Unless Mystic Knight at some point gets Anodyne?
I took your advice DutchSchaeffer and dropped the Mage and hired a Sorceror

and loaded up on healing water (60 bottles). By mistake i managed to miss the healing spring which is quite close to Gran Soren and went to the one way further up north :o

One problem which is a bit weird. Lately both my pawn and the sorceror pawn i have sometimes when they were fighting dire wolves, undead etc they would say "they are having no effect" or basically their attacks arent having an effect??

my strider pawn has daggers with fire on them so bizarre that would have no effect on dire wolves???? hrmm its a bit weird.

Also my sorceror pawn who i hired has all these mahoosive spells she has never used yet? admittedly i havent had a boss fight with her on board.

other things been getting up to

ran away from that dragon :p

advanced the story/talked to the duke and other things....spoilerific.

spent about 200k on armour/weapons :eek:
Ohh almost forgot

My pawn strider seems to be maxing out her skills should i change her to another vocation??? her skillset hasnt changed really because theres no new skills for her! (lvl 32)

Maybe ranger? or fighter?
^^^ that the catacombs? :D

i'll go on after ive been to tescos for some munchies... was gonna watch the football but its not on in scotland.

will do some pics maybe not the ones the game does because it uses a lower res or something
a whole bunch of photos i took with camera turned out **** very blurry which was annoying as its supposed to be a decent camera.

So have to make do with these.

As usual set out with my merry men (and women ;) )



I'm rushing to help Selene as braying mob are after her....they all scarper when they see this...


Havent fought one of these mothers before..

i rush up and give em some of my magic beastie!



hes tougher than he looks though (haha) and he grabs my pawn Takeela :(


About then my sorceror decides to cast all her biggies

Some sort of earthquake or meteor strike


Fire works well :D


Had more but messed up on my camera phone. Will sort that for the next adventure.....but its very difficult taking a good picture whilst your actually fighting the monster.
Problem with this game is its too easy :( The dragon (drake) went down last night...i was lvl 36 with a **** load of healing water. I hope i havent accidentally killed the main boss!

(did get a little help from a sorceror with some serious bad ass lightning lol)

I think as soon as you get to around 36 - 38 lvl game becomes too easy. I can easily wade through any amount of enemies no problem at all.
Well i would have appreciated more enemies onscreen e.g. hobgoblins, goblins etc. Was in a foresty bit on west coast fighting a bunch of hobgoblins felt a bit like Boromir taking them on myself :D but there was too few of them for it to be anything other than a walk in the park.

Also think i might revise my original statement of GOTY... its a good game but not *that* good.

Part of the problem is it is way too easy to hire pawns above your level. I received 60,000 rift crystals yesterday coz 3 ppl hired my pawn (20k each!). Either my pawn was with each of them for ages or they had loads of RC and just tried my pawn out for 5 minutes...coz got **** rating back from each of them (well 3 stars) Dunno why you would give a **** rating to a pawn you keep for hours?? I always give good gifts and rating if i keep the pawn for a while.
EDIT *** Sorry, not the frontier caverns, the place that has an entrance south of the great wall, and another down the hill and east of the female bandit stronghold. I forget the name.

hrmm dont think ive been there - havent done that female bandit quest..thats where ill b eafter the tennis then :D

Frontier caverns have a big portcullis and small gate at the end which dont open do they open later???
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