***Offical Game of Year Contender Dragons Dogma***

each boss monster has weak points e.g. cyclops stick em in the eye :D so you can either climb up him or try and arrow him to the eye. Some monsters if you dont hit them in their weak points hardly take any damage at all (golems!)
one thing i dont like about hiring pawns is it doesnt say whether they are a NG+ pawn (ie a pawn which has already completed the game and therefore has weapons and gear that you get when you complete game) Bit spoilerific kinda. They were only level 42 as well. Hrmm im lvl 39 and am only just past the griffon quest but ive been exploring as well. Its free roam so thats the whole point to me :)

Thought the griffon quest was quite epic :D The lightning effects were utterly awesome i have to say!

Was quite lucky as well because i lost my sorceror/mage pawn before the fight but that sorceror dude you help by finding the grimoire turns up to save the day BUT only if you did help him ofc
The love for this game seems to have disappeared. Anyone still playing it? I'm on my 3rd play through. This time as a Magic Archer.

Trying to concentrate on quests I've not done before.

Nearing the end of first playthrough. Played as fighter/mystic knight

2nd playthrough ill max out mage/sorceror and strider/assassin

Really good game that has potential to be epic. Hopefully the weaknesses will be ironed out in the sequel :)

Major thing is co-op possibly. More depth and variety in monsters and quests. Tighter and more developed storyline.

Different environments and weather.

And up the difficulty and monster count at night most definitely. I want my fighter to be fighting a HORDE of goblins and hobgoblins not 6 !!!

Not sure whether to have scaled enemies at some point or not. Game is too easy without it.
will definately pick this up when i get myself another ps3 (gave my last one away).

Really really hope this time they have more enemies on the screen at same time. I know its been confirmed harder mode and more variety of enemies but will still be too easy if its just getting attacked by 4 orcs.... i mean jeez 4 orcs.....thats not a horde thats a knitting group...

i want at least 30 or 40 (or 4000 if possible :D)....i want to be able to re-enact scenes from lord of the rings dammit

Also have they fixed the AI ? veterans of the first one will know what i mean
Hi Surfer, I played through the first one at the same time as yourself (me, you and R0B75 if you remember?).

I have picked up Dark Arisen, I have to say I wouldn't recommend it if you have already played through. Great for new players though.

Hard Mode: This has to be picked when you start a new game. At the start it is pretty daft (2 hits from the snow harpies in the prologue will kill you).

Whilst this can be mitigated for as the player character, watching your pawns do incredibly daft things as is their way and getting killed constantly is disappointing. I spent a good deal of time solo during fights.

So then I thought well I'll just gain a few levels first on normal (say to level 10) so that the pawns have more hit points and then up the difficulty.

The game restarts if you choose hard mode, albeit you keep your levels.

I couldn't be bothered playing on from there.

No fix to the AI, no extra enemies on screen...I loved this game playing through it the first time (going back a few pages on this thread was a trip down memory lane) but I lack the motivation to get into it all over again.

I have been playing Dark Souls a lot recently, a different beast but one that is holding my attention.

If you haven't played it yet, I would highly recommend it.

I hope this post is of some use. Cheers! :)

ahh shame Dragons Dogma had sooo much potential, it really did...a lot of things it did right. Maybe i'll wait for a proper sequel DD2

Yeah ive actually played Dark Souls twice on different PS3s once on my ps3 in UK played for donkey amount of hours level 80 ish then played it on mates ps3 in Taiwan got to lvl 70 ish (but deliberately trying not to level just upgrade loads of weapons). first time round i got the chaos blade which was a waste so 2nd time round got the furysword instead...looks pretty sweet and i would swap between that and an upgraded black knight sword and another heaving hitting sword (cant quite remember)
Got Dark Arisen via PS+ for free so started it up and loaded up my old save many many months ago from DD.

And uhh according to the chronicle ive killed the main dragon and pretty much finished the main quest...i think.

Is this supposed to happen automatically or something????

I dont mind story spoilers if someone wants to tell me.

Bit annoyed because im pretty sure i hadnt finished the main quest coz you go into the everfall in postgame right?

I might have another try of Ni no Kuni (though i dont like the RT combat at all though i like the story and everything else) dont think i can sell it for that much now though unfortunately.

GTA 5 i would prolly get about £20 ish yeah?
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