***Offical Game of Year Contender Dragons Dogma***

Had a good session on this tonight. Its mega frustrating at times and other times its immense. Did a quest protecting someone travelling to the Great Wall Encampment. Took ages and made it with there after many deaths and 1 of 3 pawns left, and that was with running away from loads of enemies :p

Tooled up at the encampment and killed them all on the way back. Also found a short cut with some decent loot.

Should have been in bed 2 hours ago but this game is getting addictive :D
only had one fight i had to back out of so far. At the turnoff to witchwood theres a fork to some kind of fortress u can see in the distance. I went down there and quite a few bandits..manage to kill the first wave but when i mved forward lots more attack.

btw what happens if your pawn dies? Gone for good or just back at the rift?

In other news....i'm proud to report my pawn has finally started using healing herbs :Dthough she still wont use em if shes at 3/4 health only when shes at 1/2 or lower.

How to get her to use poison and sleep arrows is another question! Some have said i need to change to strider class so she can see me do it OR she has to be hired by someone else who is a strider etc?
If its your own pawn they are retured when you activate any stone. Others are lost. I lost Rook last night and replaced him with someone better.
Surfer there are a couple of things you can try if you are struggling to get your pawn behaving how you want them to:

1 - In the Gran Soren Inn, as well as the pawn guild, you will find a table with 2 chairs, sort of like an interview table. You can sit down here with your pawn and they will ask you a series of questions about their behaviour (ie would you prefer me to attack mages first or concentrate on healing the group etc).

Medicant is the trait you want to focus on if you want them to heal.
Utilitarian to use poisons, buffs etc
Challenger is another useful one for targeting enemy mages and archers.

2 - If you are still not getting the results you want, go to the encampment (near the start if the game) and in the tent that holds the rift stone is an old bloke that runs a shop.

The shop currency is rift crystals, and besides some unique things like hair dyes, skin colour and make up that were not available on character creation, he also sells potions which instantly change your pawns behaviour.

Worth a look, hope it helps!

I've just leveled up Mystic Knight a bit and am a little disappointed. The skills and stuff are great, the problem is the 6 skill limit, and also the spell cast time of the buffs takes ages and the buffs themselves last such a short time. Arrggghh!! :)
The pawns do still learn by observing what you do, but if you screw it up like I did (my pawn was running around picking stuff up all the time, even during fights! LOL scavenger trait I think) then it might be easier to just tell them / drink a potion.

On another note, being miles from the city fighting a boss down some cave that turns you to stone is proving very difficult since I didn't bring the correct antidotes with me! Arrgghh! Only have 2 pawns with me too, one of them was thrown off the cliff into the river LOL.
There's lots of issues with this game that for some would completely ruin the immersion.

Pawns wondering round nearby and completely ignoring the fact you are in a battle, you'd think that they'd either join in with your fight or run away.

Groups enemies attacking your party and thus completely ignoring the wandering pawns.

Groups of bandits standing near groups of creatures, both of whom attack you...Why do they not fight each other? I'm not talking about the boss type monsters like Cyclops but packs of Wolves, Goblins or those lizard things...

Overall though, its still a good game and very enjoyable.
i've had wolves attack bandits and guards help fighting bandits etc (wandering guards npcs not pawns) but nope pawns would just stand there. Ive accidentally attacked wandering pawns and they dont fight back.

Not had anything which ruins immerson tbh. I like how if a pawn in your group knows about the quest they take the lead and if they have more info on the quest (red bubble) you can talk to them. Pawn system is excellently done imo.

The brine is one thing that is an immerson killer for me. Shame you cant swim.
The brine is a bit cheap to create a boundary. The issues I mentioned don't kill the immersion for me, it would just be that much better a game if fixed.

The Pawn system is excellent though in general. I lost another last night, my Mage, Lucy. Silly bint got caught by a Phantom in Witchwood and I ignored her plea for help :D Those Phantoms suck the life out of the pawns quickly and before I could get back to help her she had been killed and sent back to the rift.

No idea what I'm doing with the main quest as I have nothing to do now after investigating the Everfall and reporting back to Barnaby. Might be time to check out some guides as I just find myself wondering around killing and looting.
I must have around 9 quests active atm not counting the 2 escort quests. I always end up wandering the countrysde in a detour on way to the quest. havent met any mini bosses in the countrysde yet though i did see a cyclops in the distance south east of gran soren couldnt get to him though :(

Spoiler early grimoire quest

does maul bandit leader at fortress have any loot on him. i chucked a explosive barrel at him kinda blew him and some of his mates up. fought them at night didnt so it was tough to see if there was any except for the grimoire of course
Hi ROB75, once you reach Gran Soren there should be a guy standing outside the Dukes Castle offering Wyrm hunter quests.

I think there is maybe 4 or 5 multi-part quests to do for him, some quick ones in the capital, some longer ones.

You need to finish these to advance the story.

Hope that helps! :)
I must have around 9 quests active atm not counting the 2 escort quests. I always end up wandering the countrysde in a detour on way to the quest. havent met any mini bosses in the countrysde yet though i did see a cyclops in the distance south east of gran soren couldnt get to him though :(

I've fought a few Cyclops and few Chimera. Neither is especially diffcult on their own but can be a pain when you have wolves and bandits to deal with at the same time.
Picked this up yesterday and put a couple hours into it so far. Really enjoying it, bit rough around the edges but I do like the pawn system and the combat feels quite satisfying.
Hi ROB75, once you reach Gran Soren there should be a guy standing outside the Dukes Castle offering Wyrm hunter quests.

I think there is maybe 4 or 5 multi-part quests to do for him, some quick ones in the capital, some longer ones.

You need to finish these to advance the story.

Hope that helps! :)

I've got the Wyrm hunter letter/scroll thingy but i've not been offered any quests. Think I was meant to go see someone but I was in the middle of something else and ignored it.
Loving this game so far. Ive unlocked the Ur Dragon so I am pretty far in. Over all I dont get the comparison with Skyrim, as the only thing they have in common is the RPG element. I love the combat system but feel a bit hamstrung by only 6 abilities or just 3 if you are a warrior. I really do feel the warrior should be able to fill the secondary ability slot with his primaries. Also, I wish there was a decent block counter system in the game similar to daemon or dark souls but that is the only part where I find the combat lacking. I love the ability to climb over the enemy and hit the weak spots although it is slightly clunky it is easily overlooked. The story was not brilliant but then again so was Skyrims. I do wish the game gave more dialogue options. The questing and hunting down monsters more than makes up for this. All in all I will definitely play the game through a second time and buy any DLC that will expand upon the story. Also I do hope they make a sequel after playing through this one first.
I've fought a few Cyclops and few Chimera. Neither is especially diffcult on their own but can be a pain when you have wolves and bandits to deal with at the same time.

i guess i got the impression from others that they were fairly common. Enemies ive come across so far are : from most difficult to least difficult

cyclops (once only and it was quite weak) saurians - armed tough bandits, ghosts, harpies, wolves, bigger goblins, bandits, undead, goblins, spiders, rabbits.

Two days off work so i'll see if i can get some stuff done. :D (seems to take me ages just to do one quest)

atm this for me is GOTY (yeah even though Dark Souls was released this year as well :o)
Dark Souls released this year? Dark Souls is a better game...so far, though to be fair it is hard to compare. Even though they are both RPGs, both difficult in places and both have respawning enemies they are very, very different.
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