Changed from fighter to Mystic Knight. Pretty good except i dont use the staff just the magic shield and sword.
Got about 4 skeleton keys havent found a use for them yet.
I think the issue with pawns who use bows not using different arrows is a bug tbh. My pawn is utilitarian primary which should mean she uses different ways/tactics to bring down enemies which i thought would mean different arrows. She never has...have about 300 poison arrows now lol.
Its a shame coz its quite an important bug.
Escort quests are a bit of a pain ehh coz you cant tell them to stay here (e.g. i would cast a protective circle spell and would be nice for them to stay in it but they dont they follow you right into danger every time)
Yes, I had a fight with the Drake too! Within 10 seconds it had picked up my pawn, said "I am your Master" then my pawn started fighting me!!
LOL I thought my little ice sword would save the day but no....
Loving this game, I just wish I could change my assigned skills without having to be at the inn, espicially for the Mystic Knight with its specific elemental buffs, only having 3 skill slots to assign makes it tricky.
What do you think about mages vs sorcerers? Whilst the sorcerers do have some amazing massively powerful spells, for the most part they seem to take ages to cast!
I miss my mages cure status ailments, I am having to dip into the menu and find some potion lots of the time.
Speaking of which the darkness effect is well done I think when its cast on you.
You know how there is supposed to be just one save spot yeah?
well thats balls
on an escort quest got quite a long way and i definately manually saved at some point...anyway barnaby dies so i reload (return to last checkpoint) and BAM right back at Gran Sor..
coz i get it in my mind im "LOADING LAST SAVE" for some reason. You cant load a saved game on this without Quiting and then loading which is a bag of **** tbh escort missions i hate them....
and you know what unbelievably.......i did it again
cold and dark at night but we can see Gran Soren in the distance
finally the sun what a welcome sight!
FIRST REST STOP which is *actually* a place you can rest. Amazing! That is, theres plenty of places which look like "ohhhh i can rest and get some kip there!" but no some folk dont like you using their tents you see.
after resting we jaunt out on a sunny morning whistling as we go...."What is this new devilry?" My pawn remarks
WIll get some more exciting action packed shots next time
I tell ya it was a proud moment when we fought another cyclops (not the helmet one) and my pawn just runs up him jumps on his head and stabs his eye out quick as lightning
When i was doing the everfall quest i have to say there was quite a bit of Deja Vu here...thought i had played this game before very bizarre!
Great screenies Surfer, I see you are playing a mystic knight too!
I would love to see some of you fighting that "new devilry" LOL I didn't last long, I was level 25.
I have the same shield and ebon neck wrap, looking forward to finding a kite shield or similar.
Surfer and ROB75, are you on xbox or PS? If xbox, what is your gamertag and pawn name? Sounds like we are at a similar level (mid 20's) so it would be cool to swap pawns.
I promise I won't gift it a rock / rotten fish like a lot of people seem to do! LOL
I'm on xbox 360, GT is below. That's a zero in the name.
I'm level 28 or 29 at the moment. My pawn begins with K and its nickname is Kay, but I can't remember her real name. Someone has already borrowed her and yes, gave me a **** gift too
I actually tried fighting the thing above earlier. It was all going so well until my whole team got posessed.
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