Office 365 - Redirect issues with Exchange

22 May 2012
I've been running office 365 for a company.
They've recently notified me that they are not receiving redirected emails.

Spoke to microsoft and they are stating this is a known issue (been like this for 3 weeks) and it will be fixed sometime in October

Is this the type of service level to expect from office 365 exchange? It seems like an essential feature to me (mail being sent to one mailbox is redirected to three other mailboxes).

I thought exchange with office 365 was supposed to be bulletproof!
He is talking about email redirect, or at least that's the problem I started having two weeks ago. I.e. someone is going on holiday and sets up a rule to redirect to a colleague. The original recipients mailbox receives the email, but when redirected it goes to quarantine and the colleague never sees it.

I found a workaround which was to change the SPF record for the domain from a hardfail to a softfail. Now the redirected email gets through. However it was working just fine previously, and I'd prefer to put the SPF record back the way it was.

I've got a support case open with Microsoft but they've been less than helpful so far.
You may not realise it but Office 365 is constantly being updated to run the latest versions of Exchange 2013, this means that you will be effectively getting beta releases of the product. They run versions there beyond what is out there for GA.

Sure they've had some QA/testing done on them, but that won't pick up all issue, and sometimes it's like a game of whack a mole where one problem gets fixed and another gets introduced. it is my experience that Exchange 2013 by SP1 is nowhere near as good as 2010 was by the same service pack, they have many things to fix still in my opinion.
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