Office applications, what are my options?

8 Nov 2005
Office 2007 looks great, but I can't be the only one who thinks this is over priced? Am I better going for Office 2003 or something else?

What are my options for an office application for work purposes? I don't mind paying, but preferably not through the nose...............

However, I have to have MS Office compatibility!

Why do I feel like I'm being blackmailed in some way?
i had office 2007 installed (there is a fully functional trial you can download from ms) and although there were some good points i went back to office 2003. i prefer it. they say the ribbon makes life easier, but i get stuff done quicker in 2003.

i did spend a fair bit of time with 2007 and i was getting to know the ribbon quite well, but i like the way you can have custom toolbars on the screen with 2003. you can't really customise 2007 much apart from put buttons on the whadyacallit bit at the top.

i have tried open office and i thought it was pants. when i brought my office docs in (with open office set to use doc as standard format) the headers, which look great in word, were all messed up.
michael baxter said:
Thanks Masslac,

If you're a user of this software, do you find any problems with importing/exporting '.doc' files, to and from Word?

Thanks again


I have Open Office installed and while it is a bit strange to get used to (especially if you use some of the more advanced features in Excel and Word), it is still a great program and has no problems with converting to Word, I have mine set to automatically save in MS Office formats for all documents.

It will open any without a problem too, I have even used OpenOffice to repair damaged Excel files which MS Excel itself couldnt open.

100% recomend, try it out and if you dont like it, sod it, it was free anyways :)
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