***Official Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3 Comparisons Thread***

29 Dec 2004
I'm sure there are others like me who haven't picked up either game and are unsure what to go for, so, those of you who have played both, how do they compare?
I'd get a riot shield ready..

It really depends on what YOU like. They both offer different types of game play styles.

Battlefield tends to use larger maps, more team work and vehicles(amongst other things)

Call of Duty is more focused on the infantry combat side, tight corridor combat and fast paced game play. While teamwork is at play in COD it generally isn't up to the scale of Battlefield.

There's a lot more to them both than what I've typed, and it's just what I think(I own both), others will offer different opinions.

Check out what your mates have, too. Either game will be good fun with friends.
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I played 10mins of MW3 and instantly put it on eBay.

It felt like a generation older than BF3. I've always had a personal preference towards the Battlefield Series going all the way back to BF1942 through to present. COD, although I enjoyed the original Modern Warfare I could never find myself addicted to any others in ther series like other folk.

BF3, in my opinion, has;

Better team-play
Better strategy
Better graphics
Better sound
Better maps
Better weapon balancing
Better variety. Want to spam a mortar all round, go ahead. Fly a jet, do it. Drive a tank, got it. Go Rambo, do it. Snipe from a distance, yep.

I could go on, but wont. You get my take on it... :p
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Meh, it's useful for folk not to get pulled in to the hype...like I did. I made it to be something in mind it wasnt in reality.

I've just sold it on the bay for £39. Considering I paid £40 for the game including 2100 MS points in Tesco, I consider that a good profit and a learning experience.
I'm a BF fan, played MW2 a bit but as soon as BC2 came out that was it. Obviously gone for BF3 and not even played MW3 but.....the pro's and con's of both are well listed. Google is your friend but still as a BF fan:


Slower gameplay
HARD learning curve (including being downright infuriating due to the dense foliage and prone douchebags :p)
Arguably more rewarding? Every kill feels satisfying and the well executed team effort of taking a spot is incredibly satisfying
More immersive


Instant action and fun
Fast smooth gameplay (at the expense of graphics of course)
Larger fanbase
Variety of modes

Basically instant fun: MW3
Long term investment: BF3

My 2 cents.
This thread is utterly pointless

Can't decide ? buy both and trade in whichever you don't like (this is the console forum)

They are both completely different takes on shooters and only loosely related, and thus aren aren't really comparable.
They are both completely different takes on shooters and only loosely related, and thus aren aren't really comparable.

About sums it up. If BF3 wasnt out, I'd be on MW3 right now no doubt. Given the choice though...

One is arcadey, the other... a mans game. ;)
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