I may sell this on if they don't have plans to nerf snipers cant enjoy it at the moment getting sniped left right and center.
I just end up staying at the first base taking 0 risks camp sniping myself so annoyed with it all.
Are people running this on ultra lowest possible settings so there's no trees or cover and sniping ?
Well I finally got in around 2 hours ago and have had no problems, the games (Rush) were great apart from the ones where you got half the team as snipers.
Two things which p**s me off are:
1. The sniping, why can't dice limit the number of snipers e.g. say 16 players in team, only allow 3 snipers max.
2.Team balance, fed up with everyone always joining the winning team, so then the team with even less people get completely slaughtered, again can dice not implement auto balance or only allow people to switch team at the very start of the round (obviously not letting them join the team though if there are too many people on it), have a time limit of 5 minutes for people to switch.
I never really have had a problem with snipers, barely get killed by them ;O. Team balance though is the thing that is really p***ing me off to, joined a game like 6 players 1 team and like 20 the other, its ridiculous ><.
Kicked out the game and cant get back in, signal to get some kip i thinks.
YESaargh... is it worth the £30 if you guys are having so much problems?