***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

What settings do you run?

I use all the settings maxed cept Grass on vhigh instead of ultra, no high res shadows and only a few ticks of Extended scale distance. Using 2x MSAA at 1440p.

I can run 4xmsaa but i need to turn either grass down to high or a few other settings down to stop it dipping under 60 fps, but i quite like the other settings maxed out.
my setting are this i show here down spoiler box :)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<version value="27" />
<Tessellation value="2" />
<LodScale value="1.000000" />
<PedLodBias value="0.200000" />
<VehicleLodBias value="0.000000" />
<ShadowQuality value="2" />
<ReflectionQuality value="2" />
<ReflectionMSAA value="0" />
<SSAO value="2" />
<AnisotropicFiltering value="16" />
<MSAA value="0" />
<MSAAFragments value="0" />
<MSAAQuality value="0" />
<SamplingMode value="0" />
<TextureQuality value="2" />
<ParticleQuality value="2" />
<WaterQuality value="1" />
<GrassQuality value="1" />
<ShaderQuality value="2" />
<Shadow_SoftShadows value="2" />
<UltraShadows_Enabled value="false" />
<Shadow_ParticleShadows value="true" />
<Shadow_Distance value="1.000000" />
<Shadow_LongShadows value="false" />
<Shadow_SplitZStart value="0.930000" />
<Shadow_SplitZEnd value="0.890000" />
<Shadow_aircraftExpWeight value="0.990000" />
<Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck value="false" />
<Reflection_MipBlur value="true" />
<FXAA_Enabled value="true" />
<TXAA_Enabled value="false" />
<Lighting_FogVolumes value="true" />
<Shader_SSA value="true" />
<DX_Version value="2" />
<CityDensity value="1.000000" />
<PedVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<VehicleVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<PostFX value="2" />
<DoF value="true" />
<HdStreamingInFlight value="false" />
<MaxLodScale value="0.000000" />
<MotionBlurStrength value="0.000000" />
<numBytesPerReplayBlock value="9000000" />
<numReplayBlocks value="36" />
<maxSizeOfStreamingReplay value="1024" />
<maxFileStoreSize value="65536" />
<Audio3d value="false" />
<AdapterIndex value="0" />
<OutputIndex value="0" />
<ScreenWidth value="1920" />
<ScreenHeight value="1080" />
<RefreshRate value="60" />
<Windowed value="1" />
<VSync value="1" />
<Stereo value="0" />
<Convergence value="0.100000" />
<Separation value="0.000000" />
<PauseOnFocusLoss value="0" />
<AspectRatio value="0" />
<VideoCardDescription>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970</VideoCardDescription>

here screens settings nvidia



oki ill load them up and give it another go.
Can someone just give me a brief run down of what online gameplay is all about? I'm still on the main story, haven't bothered with anything else as yet.

GTA online has many different game types that cover freeroam non freeroam: Breakdown below:

*freeroam - max 30 player servers that within it has:
******tattoo parlours
******shops to rob
******mod shops - lcs and bennys
******gun shops
******clothes shops
******stunt jumps
******flight school
******impromptu races with other players
******impromptu desthmstches
******lots of freeroam events like longest wheelie etc
******vip bodyguard missions
******Pegasus for spawning purchased military vehicles
******property purchasing with heists room for launching heists mentioned below and also for storing purchased cars.

In addition we have other stuff that aren't in freeroam like:
Deathmstches - team, solo, vehicle
Contact missions - objective based
Versus missions - objective based again but in teams
Last team standing
Darts/arm wrestling/golf/tennis vs matches

The whole online system works on a ranking system which unlocks vehicle mods/weapons/clithes/tattoos etc.
I use all the settings maxed cept Grass on vhigh instead of ultra, no high res shadows and only a few ticks of Extended scale distance. Using 2x MSAA at 1440p.

I can run 4xmsaa but i need to turn either grass down to high or a few other settings down to stop it dipping under 60 fps, but i quite like the other settings maxed out.

Ah gotcha, I thought you were still on 1800p. :) very good. Will post my settings later.
Online is a mixture of things, theres freeroam which is just running around the session you join when you hit online, in freeroam you can chase bounties, steal cars, do daily objectives, do events ( fastest speed, furthest jump etc) or just run around killing everyone like a loonatic if ya wish. Theres Heists which are 4 man jobs like robbing banks stealing drugs fighting gangs etc. Then theres lots of seperate jobs you can join which involve races, deathmatches and lots of other fun stuff.

My personal preference is to jump in a Jet and fly around killing people and doing stunts, some people just sit in teh garage pimping out their cars all night, really depends on what ya enjoy doing, it had most things available to suit your tastes.

GTA online has many different game types that cover freeroam non freeroam: Breakdown below:

*freeroam - max 30 player servers that within it has:
******tattoo parlours
******shops to rob
******mod shops - lcs and bennys
******gun shops
******clothes shops
******stunt jumps
******flight school
******impromptu races with other players
******impromptu desthmstches
******lots of freeroam events like longest wheelie etc
******vip bodyguard missions
******Pegasus for spawning purchased military vehicles
******property purchasing with heists room for launching heists mentioned below and also for storing purchased cars.

In addition we have other stuff that aren't in freeroam like:
Deathmstches - team, solo, vehicle
Contact missions - objective based
Versus missions - objective based again but in teams
Last team standing
Darts/arm wrestling/golf/tennis vs matches

The whole online system works on a ranking system which unlocks vehicle mods/weapons/clithes/tattoos etc.


TBH I'm not sure I have the time to drop into all the online stuff, I still haven't finished the story lol. But it sounds pretty good.

Is it all co-op stuff or is there plenty to do by yourself?
Ya can do a lot by your self but its much more fun playing with others, you dont need to play with friends you can find people online to play with, its more fun playing with friends though tbh.
my setting are this i show here down spoiler box :)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<version value="27" />
<Tessellation value="2" />
<LodScale value="1.000000" />
<PedLodBias value="0.200000" />
<VehicleLodBias value="0.000000" />
<ShadowQuality value="2" />
<ReflectionQuality value="2" />
<ReflectionMSAA value="0" />
<SSAO value="2" />
<AnisotropicFiltering value="16" />
<MSAA value="0" />
<MSAAFragments value="0" />
<MSAAQuality value="0" />
<SamplingMode value="0" />
<TextureQuality value="2" />
<ParticleQuality value="2" />
<WaterQuality value="1" />
<GrassQuality value="1" />
<ShaderQuality value="2" />
<Shadow_SoftShadows value="2" />
<UltraShadows_Enabled value="false" />
<Shadow_ParticleShadows value="true" />
<Shadow_Distance value="1.000000" />
<Shadow_LongShadows value="false" />
<Shadow_SplitZStart value="0.930000" />
<Shadow_SplitZEnd value="0.890000" />
<Shadow_aircraftExpWeight value="0.990000" />
<Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck value="false" />
<Reflection_MipBlur value="true" />
<FXAA_Enabled value="true" />
<TXAA_Enabled value="false" />
<Lighting_FogVolumes value="true" />
<Shader_SSA value="true" />
<DX_Version value="2" />
<CityDensity value="1.000000" />
<PedVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<VehicleVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<PostFX value="2" />
<DoF value="true" />
<HdStreamingInFlight value="false" />
<MaxLodScale value="0.000000" />
<MotionBlurStrength value="0.000000" />
<numBytesPerReplayBlock value="9000000" />
<numReplayBlocks value="36" />
<maxSizeOfStreamingReplay value="1024" />
<maxFileStoreSize value="65536" />
<Audio3d value="false" />
<AdapterIndex value="0" />
<OutputIndex value="0" />
<ScreenWidth value="1920" />
<ScreenHeight value="1080" />
<RefreshRate value="60" />
<Windowed value="1" />
<VSync value="1" />
<Stereo value="0" />
<Convergence value="0.100000" />
<Separation value="0.000000" />
<PauseOnFocusLoss value="0" />
<AspectRatio value="0" />
<VideoCardDescription>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970</VideoCardDescription>

here screens settings nvidia



Ok after hours of testing i was about to give up, i tried every setting and resolution under the sun, i tried on ATI Intel and Nvidia then just when i was about to report back i saw a little messy texture in one of the puddles. I got closer and it vanished, so i walked around the puddle angling my camera and it came back again, eventually i figured out i needed to be facing north east and angling my camera down at about 30 degrees from the road to see it. If i looked at it from anyother angle or side it just looked like a normal puddle reflecting the buildings behind it.

Anyway i tested again on all the different resolutions and graphics settings and it showed on all of them, also on ATI, Nvidia and Intel graphics cards so im guessing its just a graphics glitch and its perfectly normal so i wouldnt worry about it. Just try to keep your camera out of that angle and if one appears just walk around the other side of the puddle and it will go away. :)
Ok after hours of testing i was about to give up, i tried every setting and resolution under the sun, i tried on ATI Intel and Nvidia then just when i was about to report back i saw a little messy texture in one of the puddles. I got closer and it vanished, so i walked around the puddle angling my camera and it came back again, eventually i figured out i needed to be facing north east and angling my camera down at about 30 degrees from the road to see it. If i looked at it from anyother angle or side it just looked like a normal puddle reflecting the buildings behind it.

Anyway i tested again on all the different resolutions and graphics settings and it showed on all of them, also on ATI, Nvidia and Intel graphics cards so im guessing its just a graphics glitch and its perfectly normal so i wouldnt worry about it. Just try to keep your camera out of that angle and if one appears just walk around the other side of the puddle and it will go away. :)

can you do video please :) i want see if work this
Ok i think you missed the sarchasm i intended in "Just try to keep your camera out of that angle and if one appears just walk around the other side of the puddle and it will go away." :)
Oh joy, a site that some know of has had a subcriber release of scripthookV minus the online protection. (This was not difficult to do apparently) however it is Being hoovered up by every script kiddie and their more annoying sibling, douchebag cheater... So things might be a little meh and OMG.. for the next few day..... Until it is detected that is and the ban tsunami that will follow..
Oh joy, a site that some know of has had a subcriber release of scripthookV minus the online protection. (This was not difficult to do apparently) however it is Being hoovered up by every script kiddie and their more annoying sibling, douchebag cheater... So things might be a little meh and OMG.. for the next few day..... Until it is detected that is and the ban tsunami that will follow..

Had a few deathmatches tonight where people were invisible etc. They were still crap lol

Anyway so had a mess about with my settings tonight and finished up on this:

Resolution: 3840x2160(4K)
ShadowQuality = max
ReflectionQuality = max
ReflectionMSAA = x2
AnisotropicFiltering = x16
MSAA = x2
TextureQuality = max
ParticleQuality = max
WaterQuality = max
GrassQuality = very high(I agree ultra looks no different)
Shadows = softest
UltraShadows = enabled
Long shadows = enabled
CityDensity = full
PedVarietyMultiplier = full
VehicleVarietyMultiplier = full
PostFX = On
DoF = full
HdStreamingInFlight = true
MotionBlurStrength = full
Also ran a log in GPUZ whilst playing and found some interesting information:

1: I breached the VRAM limit on a few occasions(no throttling and no drop in FPS)
2: I breached the TDP stock TDP (although I didn't get perfcap reason 8 so I wasn't breaching the voltage so I don't care lol but I increased it before playing tonight as I corrected my overclock and I didn't breach it again so I think that's sorted.
3: Max temp on card 2, peaked at 79 degrees for 3 minutes(explosions in vehicle deathmatch and heating is on) and neither card throttled back on the clocks which I am surprised with

Overall, performance wise I am a happy bunny right now and I have achieved a nice stable overclock with 250mhz on the core, and 400mhz on the memory of both cards, and also managed to drop the vcore on my CPU overclock a tad so im now sitting stable at 1.25v exactly, with 4.5GHZ.

In addition, I had no more frame drops resulting in an alt tab after loading screens etc which I am putting down to me reinstalling the NVidia drivers before playing tonight. :) Great success.

And then went on for some random screenshots. One of which I cant upload in full res as its too big for imgur lol

Full size in spoiler:













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Looks good m8, i should probably check my vram usage, ii like to keep it near the limit, ive not noticed it going over unless im using VSR or frame scaling though, or 8xmsaa but the FPS aint playable using that much AA anyway.
Looks good m8, i should probably check my vram usage, ii like to keep it near the limit, ive not noticed it going over unless im using VSR or frame scaling though, or 8xmsaa but the FPS aint playable using that much AA anyway.


The gpu z tool is epic for logging.

I put msaax8 on and reflection x8 on for a laugh in the middle and the game crashed haha
May work on the another perspective challenge later today if anyone's up for trying it. All setups/heist must be done in first person. Host will need to lock the camera view for the challenge to work.

The bonus for doing it is only 100k and an award but would be a nice challenge to do.

Landing the chopper on that tiny humane labs beach might be a pain in the ass though in first person :)
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May work on the another perspective challenge later today if anyone's up for trying it. All setups/heist must be done in first person. Host will need to lock the camera view for the challenge to work.

The bonus for doing it is only 100k and an award but would be a nice challenge to do.

Landing the chopper on that tiny humane labs beach might be a pain in the ass though in first person :)

I would be up for that but don't know about times I could commit to tonight. Maybe from 8pm till around midnight and then the weekend if that would work?
That would be fine, there's no hurry to complete it and I think we can carry on as normal doing heists with others as that award is still showing as some progress made on my end. No idea what I have done in first person so I would have to start from the beginning.
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Haha Gamble.. I like the pics, especially the one with the car splashing through the waves.
The next pic sums up how it would have went for me as well :)
That would be fine, there's no hurry to complete it and I think we can carry on as normal doing heists with others as that award is still showing as some progress made on my end. No idea what I have done in first person so I would have to start from the beginning.

I will check mine later on as I have done a few setups in first person.

Great stuff man, we can start tonight if you want. Really liking first person mode now but needing to try get out of my habit of 3rd person side strafing as it doesn't work well in first person view.

Haha Gamble.. I like the pics, especially the one with the car splashing through the waves.
The next pic sums up how it would have went for me as well :)

haha yeah! I wondered if anyone would notice.

I had done a few deathmatches between the photos and got distracted zooming along the beach in the dark :(
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