Right folks I've been thinking for the mine-craft crystal maze and made some notes/ideas.
Anyone interested in joining in on the project (will be after 1.8 launch) or if you just have ideas please add them (if someone knows how to use the documents on link tart maybe make one we can all edit on there to more easily plan)
My typing is terrible, i didn't have a spell checker and the formatting is **** poor, i apologise for that. Also it's in the format of me just noting down my thoughts so sounds really weird when read.
people better at writing drafts feel free to clean up in the link tart document.
4x4 large piston door entrance (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TacERkiCR3M -possible design) -materials for style -Iron, heavy industrial look or possible very clean white look with snow/cloth for corridors for a smooth futuristic style.
On left of door display unit (3x3 possible 4x4-other sizes maybe infeasibly large)) either recesed smooth panel where pistons push the block displayed forward (or pull back to recess further) or recessed panel made of red stone torches.
Rows of the display must be seperated by 1 vertical block for wiring hopwever lights or button in each row require no seperation.
example display (3x3)
http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7179/display102.png -spaces between vertical lights nessecery however ros could be a continuous line)
on the right of thedoor a simmilar looking input panel of buttons (heeight of top row may be issue, cat walk would be unsightly, grid be changed to a flat row display but could be confusing (or part of challange) or placed into the floor in front of the door (possible move display above door?), or have 1 display on each side, in this case the one to the right of the door could hole a key that has to be duplicated or ivnerted in the other display.
*input panel MUST include a reset switch.****
otherwise key would be a letter or symbol that had to be lit up (3x3 can display O, C, U, K easily, also T, possible M but may be difficult to make out) code could be made from a clue or riddle (possible multiple letters but this will increase wiring complexity but not hugley as hardwaired not programable).
(think of ridles that can use OCUK or psosibly MCCM (minecraft crystal maze) or single letter solutiosn that work in 3x3).
For wiring, the button input panel would run though a bus to a collection of resetable circuts (prob RSnor latch), so when button is pressed corisponding light lights u pand stays on.
out put from RSNOR latch will also be lopped back to the device passing into a AND gate then to the latches reset, the other input to the AND gate will be trigged by the button that activates the latch.
So operation of button/latch.
Button press > signal split (A and B)
Signal A- Signal A goes to the first input of the and gate, if second input is also lit the and gate wil ltransmist signal and the latch will be reset, so one press of the button wil llight the relivent torch, a second press will deactivate it.
signal B goes to the latch after passing thoguh a repeter for a delay (****note:check wheather button input display will need a pusle width limiter to prevent it automatically tricgering it's reset on first press****), this activates the latch which holds the lgiht i nthe on positio nand activates the second and gate input so it will reset o nsecond button press.
***seperate reset switch would bypass and gates on ALL display latches and reset entire display, this will also be linked to a pressure plate on the other side of the door so the device resets and closes after the player passes though, otherwise timed starting fro mdoor opening, incase player wonders off without passign though)
After entrance for industrial/future play may passs down a short corridor to a modern well lit sleek looking station for a piston monorail(automatic) which shall be waiting on platform.
Combine this wiring
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JnOt9W5o00 with the vertical torch rail and 3 piston set up of this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzzxS_MP8sQ&feature=related , insted of glass open trapdoors wil lactually be pushed by a piston and can provide a empty space for pasengers).
Rail wil lrequrie a lot of red stone, rail will mvoe down tunnel to the industrial/future section hub.
Future--aside from entrance no room ideas yet, depends if there will be future +industrial combined, seperate or just one
other secontions and notes
industrial- lava traps i na refinary/smelter sectio nmay be good, alkong with TNT trials in obsidian lined mining/qaurry areas ****** note roo midea, as piston can move tracks and red stone can control switches a large badly broken traack leading though a foundry or obsidian mine ( imagine large scale lava pools water and mining equipment), one player would ride a mine cart while antoher (or team) would watch from above pressing buttons to alter the track to provide safe passage and avoid dead ends/traps (ie missing rails press buton so pistons push new rails out use sticky pistons so when retract the track is removed again to add a timing element to the chalane and remvoe need for reset. also under the pistons pushing out track a second set will push out stone for the track to go on this way if the button isn;t pressed the cart drops into lava.
-lots of potential traps for that plan- perhaps also making sure the cart avoids detector rails (which could only be seen by the rider and he must comunicate this back to the team) by switching it's direction of travel or using a piston to swap out the detector with normal track, if the cart passes over the detector dispensors could fire arrows (not sure dispenser and arrows fit industrial or future themes) at the player in the cart or dumps lava or water in his path.
another fuctio ncould be triggering the building of a self asembaling bridge to allow final foot pasage back to control room, asembling bridges can easily be automaticaly destroyed by dropped tnt in set places tnt can be stopred in piston divvern magazines to reduce the need to refil stocks
***note rememebr to make maintanence and access walk ways/tunnels)
Underwater- glass lots of iron and lgiht stone, lots of water challengers (ie escape from flooding room, navigate udner water passage (player one enters pool which goes udnerwater too a flooded tunnel, the tunnel is frequently branched like a mazine and sparsly iluminated (***** note possible use of piston activated light stone lights set in walls to indicate which direction controlled by other oplayer, to reduce chat delay and remove need for mumble, lights would be temp button aces to prevent perma lgihting route) while the second player (or rest of team) stays up top looking at a large map of the tunnel sytem(9including occasioonal breathing holes)
team must direct the swimming player though the maze before he drowns, either voer mumble game chat or lgihting, good comunication will be esential as swimming player will not be visable to team.
****note- label juctions with old signs ie' J 15 (perhaps degraded signs missing letters to confuse, or signs fallen off thier holder so they must be found by runner)
***note- find out length of time player can hold breath under water.
Aztec/anctient egyption -start thinking of symbols/ruins/building design and decoration items and features. -lots of lava and arrow diring dispensers -heavy use of new stone bricks/cracked bricks and mossy bricks/stone.
For entrance to astec land - Perhaps large draw bridgeover lava lake (trap doors + redstone (make sure sides are capped with somthing lethal to prevent playes walking ons ides insted of doors)
bridge souldbe linked to large bank of repeaters storing a sequencethat perpetually loops though the bridge, players must observe sequences and make sure they only start running when the bridge(or sectio nof the bridge) will be open long enoghu to make it accros (ie sothe bridge is open in front of them and closing for them to wal kover but also opening ebhidn them so if they fall behidn they will fall down)
Jungle-lots of trees +vines and walkways in high (artifical) trees made of wood lots of water and rivers.
Entrance perhaps a sail down a fast flowing river (entrance hub will ahve to be hgih up) down a canyon surounded by trees and vines perhaps off arrow fired from dispenser across river, not aimed to kill or injure simply to put players on edge) *****note this entrance while visualy pleaseing currently has no puzzel design must come up with one.
plans - maybe large tree top maze where one player goes though others in control room must press butons to control pistons/dispensers (say they must keep a pressure plate pressed while the runner goes over a 1 block wide bridge with dispensers that normaly fire (triggers by pressure plates on bridge to reduce arrow usuage when player not on bridge- not direct contro lby plate hitting oen plat orders whole bridge to fire across) the plate in control room disables the dispensers though if hit by an arrow the player will be kncoked off the bridge to a fatal fall.
*note perhaps sign traps with names so players i ncontrol room know what to press (reduce trial and error) but do not make obvious make it so the runner has to loo kcarefuly and comunicate well (remember CM is a team game)
Medievil ---lots of cobble- dirt roads for poorer areas/perhaps also luxurious castles (note***- reds and purples/lapiz blues wool -also design flags/tapistries.).
Potential idea for a room (knight based) - one player must don a set of iron armour from a chest +iorn sword or bow , and is placed in a large roo mwith small doorways that release zombies and skelitons spider and possibly creepers.
the player i nthe room must fight off the creatures while the team in the control room tries to solve a puzzle. When they succed the doors will close and mobs will no longer enter the room an an exit door opens +dispenser gives out its diamond (can be filled with mobs via a spaner above funneling mobs either though non lethal drops or water channels out of doors att he sides.)
Player in the room acts as a timer, experimentation must be done to work out how long average player can last, (randomnes of mobs entering maybe issue possible mob area use to get around this) and how long on average it wil ltake to compelte the puzzel. if the control room group takes too long the player in the room will be over run and killed.
Non section specific
**note each area (aside from possible specific rooms) must be admi nprotected so players cannot simply build past the traps (ie players can palce no blocks).
exception maybe a room wwhere the player is ona colectio nof obsidian walk ways with a limited number of blocks (given by dispenser on entrance) from runners Point of veiw the multi leveld walkways over lava will be hard to see ahead of (so hard to plan) control room will be above wqhere rest of team can easily see whole layout and guide the player where he should palce his blocks to bridge gaps ( ***** notes make some routes that look simple and obvious but if taken will lead to the player being 1 block short) as walkways are obsidian tnt could be dropped from ceiling on completio nto remvoe player blocks. otherwise maintanence will be required (note wish to prevent as much inroo mmaintanence as possible ideally only refilling TNT magazines **** make sure to use glass/some toher methos to detect when mags are empty and report to a display in main control room so empty mags can be identified and filled easily.
*notes if minecart mainia ever re added specific tokens couldbe used (ie players must drop a specific item ina hole which will be caried by water to a plate picked up by a cart and MCM signs used to direct the cart over detector rails depending o ncontense correct item grants passage failure grants death or captivity.
one potential trap idea - do not know which section it would fit in mostly down to the astetics used in it.
Large room VERY dark a few holes i nceiling letting sunlgiht though (or glowstone light i ndark) providing dim ilumination + lighting fro mother sources.
***note check if mobs can spawn on pressure plates )
the floor wil lahve a large numebr of pressue plates, the team must guide the player carefully according to map/clues and player must count his steps to avoid hitting active plates which will trigger lava drops oor a section of floor dropped 2 blocks by pistons letting lava flood i nfro mthe side making an inescapable pit the player is trapped in (they may avoid it though_ which will flood with lava either from sides or from above)
players must navigate the room to reach a task on the thoer side -lever or simple puzzle to release diamond from the dispensor.
Wil lrequire large amoutns of materials: will require dedicated miners colecting ress while tohers build obviously with changes as players feel like, but hopefully there will be enoguh players who like caving/mining but not building that will supply materials.
note idea for finale --as players get 1 diamond from eachsuccessful room they could drop diamonds into water pools which wil ltransport them to pressure plates, one diamond per pool, each plate will add say 1 minute to the timer for the finaly (more crystals = more time) will require some sort of checkl that players are not briing thier own diamonds or junk items (sadly diamonds will either vanish over time or need to be collected by a player/maintainence man, as no way to auto collect them via MCM.
Perhaps number of diamonds found linked to that trigger could control prize?
ie 1 diamond = small prize 10 diamonds = epic prize
finale must be challenging timed and rewarding.
for times when players are looking out of areas into the open environment make sure they cannot see unsightly structures which contain mechanisms for the other rooms, easily done by careful placement of windows
as most will be above ground and the players will always be seeing it from inside rooms and mechanisms can be contained in simple large block like structures above ground for seed and simplicity of building. (jungle biome may be difficult) use high entrance hub (teleported too similar to balloon system), careful controlled views and complicated corridor design to confuse players about their level in the world (ie they think they may be significantly udner ground at times when in reality are on surface, simply for effect/immersion, will be broken by f3 ing)
***needs lots of people to help design decorative but imersive items for all zones corridors and rooms)
Also need a lighting design for each areas (ie lava flows behind half block wals, half block chandeliers, piston powered lava flows in those and others, piston powered glow stone lights etc.
Also ways to maintain mob proofing without ruining visual style.
MC CM Notes/details sheet V0.01
Maybe get a list of players and roles you'd like to do/think you'd be good at.
So folks thought's and ideas?