Ouch! Some poor developer somewhere is having a really, really bad Friday 13th
Agreed. Very poor decision.
Does anybody know what the most and least played sage skill trees are? I'm currently a seer but they definately seem to be very popular, I want to reset skill tree to whatever is least played.
(not happy about no SWTOR tonight, would've prefered it down on a week night).
Are BW simply understaffed, or not good enough to run a major MMORPG, or simply unlucky?
Reid is only the community manager, nothing offical he ever says would leave his keyboard without PR and marketing going over it with a fine toothcomb.
Really think either their entire QA team needs fired and replaced with people that can actually do the job or the idiot higher up that keeps signing off on broken updates as ready for ship needs reassigned to the cleaner's dept.
I would say Balance is the least played.