*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

17 Dec 2006

Platform: PC
Release Date: 18th September 2008
Current State: Retail
Live Head-start: 14th September 2008 (Collectors Edition), 15th September 2008 (Standard Edition)
Under NDA?: No
Specifications: See Post #3
1 months for 12.99€ / 12.99€ pm (£8.99 / £8.99 pm)
3 months for 35.97€ / 11.99€ pm (£25.17 / £8.39 pm) - Saves you £1.80 / 3.00€ after 3 months
6 months for 65.94€ / 10.99€ pm (£46.14 / £7.69 pm) - Saves you £7.80 / 12.00€ after 6 months

These prices include tax, like VAT.

Official US Site
Official EU/UK Site
Warhammer Alliance Fan Site
War @ Curse
War @ Curseforge
Warhammer Online Database

Trailers / Movies
US Site
War Videos @ Curse
Official 3 minute Trailer - August 08 (French)
Official HD 5 minute Trailer - August 08 (English)
Warhammer Alliance WAR Gameplay Trailer (Very very good, worth getting).


Order Classes & Races



The High Elves are an ancient people with a history that spans millennia. While the ancestors of man were little more than cave-dwelling primitives, the Elves built magnificent cities of glittering silver and white marble on their island home of Ulthuan. Elven scholars and explorers were the first to chart the stars and sail the world's oceans. The Elves were also the first race to mount an organized defense against the invading hordes of Chaos, beginning a war that continues to the present day

Information: US Site
Archetype: Melee DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

The White Tower of Hoeth, the greatest seat of learning in the world is home to a cadre of warrior-scholars, known as the Swordmasters of Hoeth. These warriors train arduously, honing their exceptional agility, and mastering every nuance and facet of sword fighting. Swordmasters wield the greatswords of Hoeth, elegant blades often six to seven feet long from pommel to tip. Such is a Swordmaster’s skill with the blade that he can raise his sword, sever an enemy’s neck and return his sword to rest before a lesser warrior can even raise a shield to block him.

  • Heavily armored with intricately tooled heavy armor layered over supple scale mail.
  • Wears tall elegant helms simply adorned with long flowing manes.
  • Wields the Great Sword of Hoeth, a long and elegant blade containing powerful enchantments.

Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

South and east of Avelorn, on the shores of the Sea of Dreams, lies Saphery, the land of Wizardry. The heart of Saphery is the Tower of Hoeth, the shrine of the God of Wisdom. This is the greatest repository of magical knowledge in the world, compiled over the centuries by High Elf mages and scholars, many of whom still dedicate their lives to the accumulation of magical lore. The most powerful of these scholars are known as Archmages, and are capable of manipulating all the winds of magic weaving powerful sorceries known only as High Magic.

  • Ornate embroidered robes with high collars and large billowing sleeves
  • Graceful circlets and ornate headdresses engraved with powerful runes of protection.
  • Wields elegantly crafted staves and wands encrusted in gems and arcane Elven runes

Shadow Warrior
Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

When Nagarythe was riven by civil war, most of the Elves there sided with the Witch King, later becoming Dark Elves. Those faithful to the Phoenix King swore to fight Malekith and his treacherous forces. These ill-fated Elves became the Shadow Warriors. The darkest, most sinister and brutal of all the High Elves. The Shadow Warriors are masters of ambush and guerrilla warfare. They strike swiftly and noiselessly with deadly accurate volleys from their longbows, before charging forth to slay any survivors with a flurry of blades.

  • Elegantly tooled light leather and scale mail armor
  • Thick hoods and mantles, draped over concealing cloaks
  • Wields finely crafted longbows and a thin razor sharp Elven longsword

White Lion
Information: US Site
Archetype: Melee DPS + Pet
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

The Elves of northern kingdoms are a hardy folk, self sufficient; they live in the wilds of the northernmost coast of Ulthuan. The land of Chrace is a bulwark against invasion and her hunters prowl the woodlands for Dark Elf raiding parties, spies and assassins. It was one such hunting party that saved Caledor the First from certain doom at the hand of an assassin's blade. These hunters became known as "White Lions". A name taken for their fierceness and courage in battle, and the pelts earned by slaying a great White Lion in single combat. Deeply attuned to the natural world the Chracian hunter do not kill the white lions out of hand, and the greatest of their order have been known to raise a cub into a powerful War Lion trained to savage their foes on the field of battle.

  • (Player) Light durable breastplate and mail armor, draped with hides
  • (Player) Graceful engraved High Elven woodsman axes
  • (Pet) Grows into new looks based on age
  • (Pet) Ornate armored protection for Elder War Lions



The greatest nation of men in the Old World, the Empire is composed of the human descendants of Sigmar, who united the tribes of men at the Battle of Black Fire Pass. Sigmar was deified after the battle and his promise of eternal aid to the kingdom of Dwarfs still stands today. This action solidified the relationship between men and Dwarfs and planted the seeds for the burgeoning Empire through trade. Today, the Empire is led by Emperor Karl Franz, who rules from his seat in the city-state of Altdorf.

Bright Wizard
Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The Bright Wizard is a master of destruction by magic, and a specialist in fire. Fire is at the heart of his every ability, and indeed at the heart of the Wizard himself. Using the power of the wind of fire, he can lay waste to swaths of enemies, or incinerate select foes with white hot energy. His magic feeds upon itself, upon the enemy, and upon the Wizard. Embracing the fires within his mind, the Bright Wizard himself is engulfed in flame. He directs this inferno against his foes, filling them with searing power until they burst, incinerated by arcane flames so hot they threaten to ignite the air itself.

  • Effectively unarmored, wearing elaborate and often enchanted robes and regalia.
  • Uses a wizard’s staff as a medium for spell casting and for melee in a pinch.
  • Shrouded with flames which grow over him and sprout from his equipment in combat.

Warrior Priest
Information: US Site
Archetype: Healer
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

A Warrior Priest of Sigmar is a fearsome master of battle and tireless defender of the faith. These holy warriors are the hammer of the church, serving in both defense of the Empire and the furtherance of the church’s goals. A deadly melee fighter, the Warrior Priest relies on the blessings of his god to protect him in combat. His zeal for battle further reinforces his Righteous Fury, spreading the strength that Righteous Fury provides to his companions and allies. With the might of the divine strengthening his arm and protecting the faithful, the Warrior Priest is a lethal combatant and potent supporting character all at the same time.

  • Moderately armored with breast plate worn over a long robe and vestments of faith
  • Wields a powerful war hammer or great hammer in the finest traditions of his patron deity
  • Ornamented with symbols, books, regalia, and various other articles of faith

Witch Hunter
Information: US Site
Archetype: Melee DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

The Witch Hunter is a tireless foe of Chaos, dark magic and witchery of all kinds. As the taint of Chaos continues to spread and more people are drawn to the dark arts, the Witch Hunters' role has become increasingly important to the Empire. Fast, cunning and deadly, they dispense merciless judgment upon any who serve Chaos. While the people of the Empire agree that the Witch Hunters' work is critically important, rare is the citizen who does not feel pangs of dread when they lay eyes upon one, for it is understood that most Witch Hunters would sooner burn an entire village to the ground than see a single follower of Chaos go free.

  • Lightly Armored, with long cloaks and coats, wide-brimmed hats and buckled tunics.
  • Wields off-hand pistols and main-hand rapiers, swords and torches.
  • Ornamented with other tools of their craft such as stakes, daggers, relics, chains and emblems of the Cult of Sigmar or the Empire.



The Dwarfs are an ancient and industrious race that is long past its prime. Their once-great empire of Karak Ankor now lies in ruins and many of the Dwarfs' mighty mountain holds have been abandoned or conquered by Orcs and Goblins, with whom the Dwarfs have warred for centuries. It is not uncommon to hear a Dwarf wistfully recall the great glories of the past, observing bitterly that nothing the Dwarfs do in this day and age can compare to the majesty of what once was.

Information: US Site
Archetype: Tank
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The Ironbreaker is the quintessential dwarf – gruff, quarrelsome and taciturn. He is also your best friend on the field of battle, as any blow struck against his allies is a Grudge that is guaranteed to be repaid in kind. Equipped with his famed gromril armor, and practicing his elite weapon craft, he is a steadfast defender. This dwarf is proof against even the most powerful attacks, standing by his allies and ensuring their safety amidst the swirling chaos of battle. It is said that there are few warriors in the world who can boast they are as tough as an Ironbreaker, and none that can prove it.

  • Fully armored in heavy Gromril armor (shiny and ornate)
  • Uses large heavy duty shields (elaborate and well crafted)
  • Wields an axe or a hammer (also in the fancy dwarfen style)

Rune Priest
Information: US Site
Archetype: Healer
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dwarfs don’t go in for magic. Like so many things embraced by humans and their allies it’s just much too new-fangled and unreliable, at least from the Dwarfen point of view. Now runes on the other hand, that’s a whole different story. Runes have an old power. Their carving is a ritual so refined that the results are as expected as rocks rolling down hill. The keepers of this art are the Runepriests, adepts and sages who spend their lives learning the language of runes. With their craft they can create effects of stunning power, accosting their foes with the power of the earth itself. They can also harden their allies against the most damaging of attacks, and heal their wounds.

  • Well armored in medium, rune-inscribed armor
  • Wields an ornately carved rune staff
  • Marks all his equipment with runes of power and protection

Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

An explosion is the ultimate form of mechanical advantage, so it's no big surprise that the skills of the Dwarf Engineer extend well along these lines. From guns to grenades, he is a deadly ranged combatant who will pelt you with lead from afar and blast you to bits as you close in. He excels when fighting multiple opponents, as many of his explosive attacks are capable of devastating enemies who pack too closely together. The Engineer offers an outstanding blend of flexible firepower which makes him a truly deadly and clever combatant.

  • Encased in light weight armor (loaded for bear with tools and widgets)
  • Armed to the teeth with guns and grenades (and assorted other gadgets)
  • Wields spanners and engineering hammers in melee
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Destruction Classes & Races



In the icy wastes north of Kislev dwell nomadic tribes of barbarians known throughout the Empire as the Northmen. Sometimes a powerful leader will arise among these savage humans, uniting the tribes into a great warhost that marches south toward Kislev and the Empire. At such times as this, the Northmen seek only bloodshed and conquest, for they are willing servants of the inscrutable Chaos gods.

Information: US Site
Archetype: Tank
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

A Chosen Champion of Tzeentch is a sight to behold - warped by the blessings of the dark gods, these hulking behemoths have the power and size to match even the mightiest of mortal creatures. Their thick Chaos armor can ward off the most punishing of blows, while the fell weapons they wield can cleave the heaviest of defenses. However, these "blessings" come at a price - the Chosen is beholden to Tzeentch, and must constantly strive to earn his favor. For the Chosen of Tzeentch this means more than mere slaughter and death. In order to earn the grace of the Changer of Ways, the Chosen must apply guile and trickery as much as brute force. Only through careful planning and deliberate carnage can a Chosen of Tzeentch truly find the favor of their god.

  • Ornate and brightly adorned heavy armor made of strange, curving components decorated with the colors and marks of Tzeentch.
  • Uses heavy shields bearing the crest and symbols of the Raven God.
  • Wields massive melee weapons that crackle with ruinous power at high levels.

Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

The magic of Tzeentch is sorcery in its purest form - the raw power of the warp unleashed on living flesh. Using this power, the Magus can wreak incredible destruction, but his powers can cause effects more sinister than simple death. The dark magic of the Changer of Ways infects those touched by the Magus’s fires, tearing at their souls and bodies, diminishing their hearts and spirits. From atop his Daemonic Disc of Tzeentch the Magus rains corruption over the battlefield, annihilating his enemies with the sheer power of the Aethyr and the massive strength of his own will.

  • Wears light ornamental armor with elaborate robes.
  • Wields a staff inscribed with symbols of Chaos and imbued with dreadful arcane power.
  • Rides and fights from an arcane and powerful Disc of Tzeentch at all times.

Information: US Site
Archetype: Healer
Pics: 1, 2, 3

The Ruinous Powers have many gifts to offer their mortal followers and enemies alike - some of them quite terrible, but some of them powerful indeed. Zealots are among the most devout of the followers of the gods of Chaos, and as such it is they who are called upon to convey the will of the powers to their minions. It is Zealots who mark the followers of their patron deity, and who are charged with spreading their faith to the vulnerable and needy masses. They are not the subtle cultist, but the zealous preachers, and they offer open obedience to their dark masters.

  • Essentially unarmored, in heavy robes and other ritual vestments and regalia
  • Wields sacrificial daggers and other wicked instruments of pain.
  • Carries many talismans, fetishes, and other occult paraphernalia about his person

Information: US Site
Archetype: Melee DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

In the frozen roof of the world - Norsca - live the many and various northern tribes collectively known as the Norse. Born in that frigid, hostile place, Norsemen are universally powerful – gifted with ferocity and strength at arms. Believing themselves to be closest to the gods, they flock to the banners of the great Chaos Champions in the hopes of proving themselves worthy of favor. These brutal Norse warriors are the Marauders – a fanatical throng whose only interest is destruction. Bred for war, dedicated to the gods, endlessly violent. This is all a Marauder knows or cares to be.

  • Barbaric, medium-strength armor.
  • One-handed melee weapons of all kinds.
  • Blasphemous offhand mutations that are best left unspoken.



So named because of the color of their waxy skin, the greenskins are savagery personified. They are ill-tempered, primitive, and live only to fight. In the absence of another foe, greenskins will eventually turn on one another for want of violence. In their culture, might makes right and the weakest members of society are one false step away from being dinner.

The greenskins have no homeland to speak of. They capture other race's settlements and then make those places their own, decorating them with tribal graffiti, wood and scrap materials fashioned into crude symbols, and oftentimes, the bones of those they have slain. This leads to a very unique form of architecture that is distinctively ramshackle.

Periodically, a powerful Orc Warboss will unite the greenskin tribes into a single swarming mass called a "Waaagh!", named for the common greenskin battle-cry. In a Waaagh!, the greenskins unite into a stampede of frenzied Orcs, Goblins and Snotlings bent on destroying everything they encounter. Save for pure Chaos itself, there is no force in the Warhammer world as devastating as a Waaagh! set in motion.

Black Orc
Information: US Site
Archetype: Tank
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Armed and armoured to fight in the thick of melee as a warrior and tanker, the Black Orc matches physical hardiness with a down and dirty brawler’s fighting style that makes him the heart of any war band. With choppa and shield in hand, he can face down any foe unshaken. However, it is his unique approach to fighting that makes him as deadly with his fists as with either of those tools. He’ll knock you down so you can’t fight back, and then kick you while you’re down. There’s no honor among Greenskins, and there’s no such thing as a fair fight – and that’s the way he likes it!

  • Fully armored in heavy armor (with lots of spikes)
  • Large very heavy shields (also with lots of spikes)
  • Choppas and great choppas (with spiky bits stuck on)

Information: US Site
Archetype: Healer
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

He’s got Waaagh!, and he’s not afraid to use it! What more can you say about a lad who gets the big Waaagh! going when the boyz roll out? The Shaman channels the primal bloodlust of the Greenskins into effects both beneficial and baleful. He keeps the lads up and running far beyond their normal capabilities and calls down the wrath of the twin deities, Gork and Mork, onto his enemies. The one feeds the other and around he goes, delivering a deadly combination of healing magic and stomping, pummeling power without pause.

  • Lightly armored in tattered goblin robes (with critters and bits stuck on)
  • Carries an elaborate shaman’s staff (with more critters and nastier bits)
  • Kitted out with shamanistic trappings (Still more critters and bits)

Squig Herder
Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS + Pet
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

One-on-one a Squig is no match for the likes of a Hammerer or Ironbreaker, but the problem there isn't the match, it's the numbers. The toothy embrace of a pack of Squigs has brought down many a hearty warrior, and a Squig pack is never more effective than in the hands of an expert Herder. Using tools ranging from pipes to goads to bits of giblets, the Squig Herder drives his minions to a killing frenzy while fighting safely behind the lines. The Herder's own ranged fire combines with the attacks of his minions to challenge any foe.

  • Lightly armored in leather and equipment harnesses (often made from Squig skins)
  • Outfitted with numerous and varied Squig herding tools (made from anything and everything)
  • Carries a bow or spear for personal combat (or uses his Squig pipes for calling Squigs)



Long ago, when Chaos was first unleashed upon the world, the Elven champion Aenarion drew the dread Sword of Khaine from its altar and used its terrible power to save his people from annihilation. When Aenarion died, his son Malekith was deemed unsuitable for the throne. Although he was a mighty warrior, a great sorcerer , a brilliant general and the rightful heir, many Elves opposed his coronation. They feared he was too focused on war, and potentially a de-stabilizing influence on the High Elf race. In retaliation, over many years Malekith engineered a terrible civil war that divided the race of Elves into two factions.

It was the High Elves who emerged victorious and drove the evil Dark Elves out from the ancestral home of their race. Under the leadership of Malekith the Witch King and his Sorceress mother Morathi, the Dark Elves sailed across the Great Western Ocean and founded for themselves a new kingdom in the northern reaches of the New World. This land they called Naggaroth, meaning 'land of chill'.

Witch Elf
Information: US Site
Archetype: Melee DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Witch Elves are the maiden-elves who are wedded to Khaine, the Lord of Murder, in midnight rites of blood sacrifice and magic. The decadent fragile looks of the maidens of Ulthuan are nothing compared to the intoxicating beauty of the Witch Elves. Witch Elves go to war alongside the Dark Elf armies, eager to prove themselves in the eyes of their god. For them the battlefield is just another temple of Khaine, and the screams of the dying are praises sung in honor of the bloody-handed god.

  • Lightly armored and agile, capable of closing long distances rapidly
  • Wields long sacrificial daggers coated in deadly poisons
  • Armor is adorned with razor sharp hooks, and wickedly barbed metal plates

Disciple of Khaine
Information: US Site
Archetype: Healer
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

The chosen dark priests of the bloody handed god, The Disciples of Khaine, can be found on the frontline of any Druchii assault. Using wicked ritual blades, a Disciple harvests the essence of their enemy and offers it to Khaine in exchange for fell blessings and dark powers. These dark gifts allow the Disciple to tend to the needs of the Dark Elf host, mending bones, suppressing pain, and even raising critically injured warriors to fight again. The Disciple of Khaine is the shepherd of war, ensuring the bloody slaughter can continue in the name of their dark god.

  • Wickedly barbed armors made of heavy leather and steel
  • High collared gorgets with partial facial masks
  • Wields twin ritual blades, or carries a single blade and ritual chalice

Information: US Site
Archetype: Ranged DPS
Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

In times of war the Witch King calls upon his Convents of Sorceresses to rain death and destruction down upon the target of his ire. Their magical prowess will blight the warriors of the opposing army, scorch their souls from their bodies and bring ruination and curses aplenty upon their heads.

  • Ornate robes of finely cut silks, embroidered in dark script
  • Wickedly pointed headdresses and circlets encrusted in gems
  • Wields twisted staves of metal and wood that pulse with dark energies

The Blighted Isle
Chaos Wastes
High Pass
Troll Country
Thunder Mountain
Black Crag
Kadrin Valley
Black Fire Pass
Barak Varr
Marshes of Madness
Mount Bloodhorn
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Minimum Specifications

Quad Core Support: NO
Dual Core Support: YES

Windows XP
  • 2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • 1 Gigabyte RAM
  • A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
  • At least 15 GB of hard drive space

Windows Vista
  • 2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • 2 Gigabyte RAM
  • A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
  • At least 15 GB of hard drive space

Supported Video Cards

  • 9500, 9600, 9800
  • X300, X600, X700, X800, X850
  • X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950
  • 2400, 2600, 2900,
  • 3650, 3850, 3870
  • 4850, 4870

  • FX 5900, FX 5950
  • 6600, 6800,
  • 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950
  • 8400, 8500, 8600, 8800
  • 9400, 9500, 9600, 9800
  • GTX 260, GTX 280

  • GMA X4500

Laptop versions of these chipsets may work, but may run comparatively slowly. Standalone cards that are installed in vanilla PCI slots (not PCIe or PCIx or AGP), such as some GeForce FX variants, will perform poorly. Integrated chipsets such as the ATI Xpress and the NVIDIA TurboCache variants will have low settings selected, but should run satisfactorily.

Please note that attempting to play the game using video hardware that isn’t listed above may result in reduced performance, graphical issues or cause the game to not run at all.

NOTE: The NVIDIA GeForce FX series is unsupported under Vista.

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Is that release date a definate (as far as game release dates go!) As I assumed it would be released around October/November. If it is then I'm getting very excited cos I can't wait to get my hands on this :D
Is that release date a definate (as far as game release dates go!) As I assumed it would be released around October/November. If it is then I'm getting very excited cos I can't wait to get my hands on this :D

There are quite a few places now slating 23rd September, more officially the EA site (Mythic = EA) had the game up for sale with a release date set at 23rd September 2008, so yeah I'd say that is pretty much going to be the release date give or take a week :) GoA (EU reps for WHO) also stated that the open beta will start about 1 month before the retail release, so roughly mid August for that too.

The EA site now states "September 2008" as I've heard from a few people that know GoA reps personally that it could be earlier than the 23rd, as early as 8th.

Link to the EA site
I'm intrigued by this game, but I can't help but comment on the graphics and animation shown in many of the videos - they appear particularly dated, harking back to DX7 and even earlier.

I know graphics aren't everything, but these days developers should be able to develop an engine that is scalable to run on most hardware.
There are quite a few places now slating 23rd September, more officially the EA site (Mythic = EA) had the game up for sale with a release date set at 23rd September 2008, so yeah I'd say that is pretty much going to be the release date give or take a week :) GoA (EU reps for WHO) also stated that the open beta will start about 1 month before the retail release, so roughly mid August for that too.

The EA site now states "September 2008" as I've heard from a few people that know GoA reps personally that it could be earlier than the 23rd, as early as 8th.

Link to the EA site

Awesome thanks for the heads up. Looks like my open beta pass should be ready for action very soon then!
I'm intrigued by this game, but I can't help but comment on the graphics and animation shown in many of the videos - they appear particularly dated, harking back to DX7 and even earlier.

I know graphics aren't everything, but these days developers should be able to develop an engine that is scalable to run on most hardware.

The graphics are like a cross between WoW and Daoc, slightly better than WoWs with the kinds of palettes in Daoc.

There is a very simple and straight forward reason why the graphics look as they do, its because when you have hundreds of people on screen fighting simultaneously you have to sacrifice the graphics to a degree. (something which anyone who has played AoC will be able to relate to, looks gorgeous, runs like a slideshow in any reasonable sized pvp)

When you have a keep siege going on , and theres 160+ people involved in the fighting, you simply cannot have high level graphics. Given the choice of having the graphics, or having the large scale PvP, I'll take the large scale PvP every time :D
I'd wait until open beta at least or maybe even retail before judging it. Some of the videos (such as the Curse PvP ones) are about a year old, and the game will have came along leaps and bounds from then. The cartoony graphics do hamper the quality though, as there's only so much you can do with cartoon graphics. To be honest I would have been more happy with cellshaded cartoon graphics, than a Warcraft-style graphic setup.
I watched the E3 2008 video first and foremost. It looks terrible.

Don't get me wrong, i REALLY wanted this to be a good game, but it just doesn't look it. They seem to have rushed so much stuff due to the release date. Real shame

- Pea0n
Aye, a few month ago people were saying they weren't going to get the game out until later November. But since they removed 4 classes and other things, they've brought the release date up which I hope isn't going to spoil the game aka. what happened with Age of Conan.
EDIT : Actually, forget it, why should I bother defending WAR. Ultimately what do I care whether anyone here plays it or not. I will be playing and enjoying it at release, just as I have done for the last 7 months in beta. If anyone here decides to try it out, I may well see you online, if not, thats your choice. Each to their own :)
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